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从小说《白鹿原》到改编成电影《白鹿原》,时间相隔19年。在电影《白鹿原》中,由于改编者的急功近利、理解偏差与原作者迁就、失语,因而出现忽视原著精神内核、审美价值的非良性互动现象。电影改编应坚持对文学原著精神内核的尊重与借鉴,文学也应坚守以保有艺术独创性为前提的良性互动方式。  相似文献   
萨拉·朱厄特的短篇佳作《白苍鹭》除了展示作者对人与自然和谐关系的关注外,更体现其对男女气质建构问题的思考和探索。本文借助性别研究的视角,分析朱厄特在《白苍鹭》中对男女气质的重构,指出朱厄特首先通过对刻板的男女气质的否定和批判,解构了传统的男女气质,进而又在对“雌雄同体”双性气质的肯定和赞赏中,实现了其对理想的男女气质的建构。  相似文献   
帕特里克·怀特的宗教思想在作品中的渗透,使其众多的作品体现出强烈的宗教性和神秘性,构成了澳大利亚文学史上的一道独特风景线。对于澳大利亚作家帕特里克·怀特及其作品中所体现的复杂思想与深刻精神内涵的理解,需要从产生这一主要原因的宗教观点,即作者多元化的宗教观点及宗教的神秘主义思想出发进行分析。  相似文献   
寻阳 《齐鲁学刊》2007,(4):105-106
杰克.伦敦是20世纪初美国文学最具批判精神的现实主义作家。《野性的呼唤》和《雪狼》是杰克.伦敦小说创作中"狼"情结的艺术体现。他对"狼"情结的执着有着深刻的文学渊源,"狼"主题小说具有特定的社会意义。  相似文献   
劳伦斯是20世纪英国文坛最重要的作家之一,他的生态思想作为一种生存智慧渗透到生活各个方面,以劳伦斯的处女作《白孔雀》为研究对象,以文本细读的方式,以作品的自然景物描写、人物形象塑造为切入点,深入细致地阐释作品所呈现的生态观念,并进一步探寻劳伦斯生态观念形成的原因,归纳提升劳伦斯生态思想的旨归。  相似文献   
Almost all academic literature across disciplines and most of the news media explain racial inequality as the result of the discrimination and racism of whites toward nonwhites. In contrast, I argue that it is the favoritism or advantages that whites provide to other whites that is the primary mechanism by which racial inequality is reproduced in the post-civil rights period in the U.S. I provide evidence for my argument with data at the individual, organizational, and societal levels. I also discuss how my argument accords with management theory about diversity and inequality, considering the literature on anti-racism, implicit or unconscious bias, micro-inequities (or micro-aggressions), the need for mentors, and white privilege. I end with a discussion of objections that might be raised with regard to my framing of racial inequality as the result of whites providing advantages to other whites, including concerns about egregious negative acts toward nonwhites. Overall, I argue that my argument that favoritism takes precedence over racism and discrimination is consistent with the research evidence in the field.  相似文献   
洛阳白马寺是东汉由西域引进佛教后建立的第一所佛寺,到了唐代,已经破烂衰败。武则天时期,白马寺得以重修,在政治生活中充当了重要角色。这里的佛事活动一直在继续,不但体现中外文化交流,而且对国内其他地区产生影响。白马寺没能作为单一宗派的祖庭而得到本宗的张扬和保护,它是综合性的佛教道场,显示出兼容并蓄的恢宏气势。  相似文献   
试论白蛇传故事的嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白蛇传故事是中国四大民间传说之一,它深植于民间文化的土壤之中,有着悠长的形成发展历史,是一个动态流变的故事。在长期衍变过程中,白娘子的形象不断得到升华,逐渐从一条凶残邪恶的美女蛇转变成一位美丽多情、温婉贤淑、勇敢坚毅的人间女子。从人们对蛇女态度由厌恶向同情的明显转变中,传递出了女性地位变化的时代信息。同时,作为一个诞生于民间的人蛇恋故事,它受到佛经故事带来的异域人妖亲和观念影响,反映出了民众对于人蛇相恋的复杂态度,这与人们对性爱既渴望又畏惧的矛盾心理和对蛇既敬且畏的复杂态度有关。  相似文献   
A reflection written on the 20th anniversary of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy and around the first anniversary of the death of its first editor and respected Narrative therapist, author and theorist Michael White. This article reviews the influence of Michael White on the work and life of the author. In this reflection, it reviews some of the significant features of Michael White's teaching, which allows a consideration of claims of ‘guru‐ism’ occasionally related to Michael White's work.  相似文献   
The following reflection was written at the Cairns Narrative Therapy Interest Group shortly after Michael White's passing. As a group activity, each individual was interviewed about the effects of Michael White's work on their therapeutic work. Each of the responses were manually recorded and then a member of the group developed the collective document to share back with the whole group. The document was a way to capture the atmosphere that was shared at the interest group that day upon reflection of Michael. The document also enables a way to remember the influence that a collective document can produce for a group of people.  相似文献   
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