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Current network scholarship does not explain why negative and positive ties both frequently occur in large numbers in some settings, such as schools. In the present paper, I argue that this can happen when people disproportionately send negative ties to socially close individuals (‘friends of friends’). I propose a new theory—‘intensity theory’—which argues that disliking ties disproportionately occur between friends of friends in ‘intense foci’. Intense foci are settings that concentrate social relations, and in which other people are difficult to avoid. I draw on a mixed-methods case study of a boarding school and several strands of literature to substantiate the theory. In so doing, I offer a new mechanism for the initial appearance of disliking ties, propose a contextual approach to balance theory and networks in general, and suggest a more complex view of the link between positive and negative ties.  相似文献   
我国基本养老保险采取统账结合的制度模式。其中,个人账户采用记账方式建立了参保缴费与养老待遇之间的直接联系。理论上,公平和长期可持续的个人账户模式在记账利率、计发系数、余额继承等方面应遵循精算原则,但我国的个人账户参数设定存在不少违背精算公平和精算平衡原则的错误。本文结合国际经验,在剖析我国养老保险个人账户参数设定错误的基础上,基于精算平衡原理,探讨参数设定方法,检验纠正方案对制度精算公平和精算平衡性的效果,最后提出参数改革的具体建议。主要结论是:个人账户的记账利率应该是制度的内含回报率;名义账户的记账利率不是银行存款利率,而应随缴费工资增长率、人口预期寿命的变动等定期调整;养老金计发系数应基于动态生命表、养老金调整指数和个人账户内含回报率的变动而调整。由此确定的参数纠正方案将有效改善制度的精算公平与精算平衡性。因而建议我国基本养老保险个人账户应尽早明确现收现付的筹资模式和账户余额的权益归属,采用动态的记账利率和计发月数,引入自动平衡机制,实现制度的长期精算平衡。  相似文献   
Despite being one of the foundational theories of signed (positive/negative) tie formation, the evidence for balance theory is far from conclusive. A recent promising alternative is status theory, but a theoretical and explanatory gap still remains, with a dearth of theories and evidence. We put forward and test eight separate theories of signed tie formation on two face-to-face networks of friendship and esteem of 282 students. We use dimension reduction (factor analysis) on the results tables comparing the predictions of these eight theories for 50 ERGM parameters with our estimated models. We find three main paradigms explain the majority of signed network formation: balance, status, and homophily.  相似文献   
布哈林把平衡论引入社会历史领域,用平衡论全面分析了各种社会现象的性质、特点及其相互关系,以及它们在社会历史发展中的地位和作用,表述了他的社会历史观.他特别强调了生产力在人类社会发展中的重大作用和重要意义,论证了经济基础和上层建筑的辩证统一关系.布哈林的平衡论含有丰富的唯物史观思想,大大地丰富和发展了马克思主义哲学.  相似文献   
何天明 《阴山学刊》2010,(2):66-72,124
北方草原古族经过第一次社会大分工同其他人群分离之后,创造了与自然生态存在相适应的游牧生产方式和游牧文化,走过一条大传承小曲折的发展之路。他们在长期生产实践中逐步形成和取得本质认识的"天人合一"观念,深刻反映了人类的生产规模必须与自然资源的承载能力平衡才能使生产得到适度扩张又不损害自然生态的规律。生产水平发展到不能满足人类日益增长的物质需要而必须扩大生产规模时,人们必须遵照这一规律的要求,以科学的态度对自身和自然资源做"固本培元"的工作,改革自己的生产行为和生产模式,提高自然资源、自然生态的质量,使二者的力量对比在新的基础上取得新的平衡。  相似文献   
Widespread concern over the credibility of published results has led to scrutiny of statistical practices. We address one aspect of this problem that stems from the use of balance tests in conjunction with experimental data. When random assignment is botched, due either to mistakes in implementation or differential attrition, balance tests can be an important tool in determining whether to treat the data as observational versus experimental. Unfortunately, the use of balance tests has become commonplace in analyses of “clean” data, that is, data for which random assignment can be stipulated. Here, we show that balance tests can destroy the basis on which scientific conclusions are formed, and can lead to erroneous and even fraudulent conclusions. We conclude by advocating that scientists and journal editors resist the use of balance tests in all analyses of clean data. Supplementary materials for this article are available online  相似文献   
In this paper, the problem of estimating the mean vector under non-negative constraints on location vector of the multivariate normal distribution is investigated. The value of the wavelet threshold based on Stein''s unbiased risk estimators is calculated for the shrinkage estimator in restricted parameter space. We suppose that covariance matrix is unknown and we find the dominant class of shrinkage estimators under Balance loss function. The performance evaluation of the proposed class of estimators is checked through a simulation study by using risk and average mean square error values.  相似文献   
民族权利法律保障机制作为一个开放系统,处于一定的环境之中,与环境有着紧密的互动关系,二者之间既表现为冲突和失调,又表现为衡平。民族政策、习惯法、宗教、村规民约是机制最主要的环境。为了顺利实现民族权利法律保障机制的目的,发挥机制功能最大化,必须减少机制与其环境的冲突,协调二者之间的关系。  相似文献   
浙江在促进人口与经济社会资源环境协调可持续发展进程中,针对先发的人口不均衡问题不断探索应对,从较早较低层面的自觉均衡促进,到省级层面主动将人口生态体系建设纳入生态省建设;近年来进而上升到省级最高层面将人口均衡发展和人口均衡社会建设基本要求与资源节约型社会、环境友好型社会一并纳入全省生态文明建设,较好地实现了三型社会建设的有机结合;同时也明晰了未来人口计生工作战略定位、发展路径和科学目标;并着重阐述推进人口均衡发展、建设人口均衡型社会总体思路及对策建议。  相似文献   
徐峰 《北方论丛》2020,(1):57-66
长久以来,我国海商法中船货双方权利义务关系是不平衡的,它更偏向承运人利益,并表现在船货双方权利义务总量不对等以及权利与义务不对应两个方面,形成海商法下的“正义”。《中国海商法》的相关条文有待补充与完善。回顾海商法发展史,从罗德—罗马法到国际商人法,从海牙—维斯比规则到鹿特丹规则,船货双方权利义务关系历经了一条从货方“义务本位”发展至“权利义务本位”的发展道路。《中国海商法》的修改也应遵循这种精神,平衡船货双方的权利与义务,形成民法上的“正义”。  相似文献   
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