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丁玲是一个有着特立独行的思想性格和创作个性的作家。她追随中国革命数十年然而遭遇坎坷 ,195 7年起丁玲从文坛销声匿迹二十余年。晚年的丁玲复出后 ,依然是“飞蛾扑火 ,非死不止”。面对着文革十年后思想观念日益走向多元化和传统的价值观念有所崩坍 ,而新的价值体系又尚未完全确立和健全的新的时代现实 ,丁玲热烈地、执著地捍卫她参加革命之后 ,特别是自延安整风之后接受的无产阶级意识和社会主义、共产主义信念 ,并试图以此去填补新的社会生活中人们精神的缺失和迷茫 ,为重建新的时代价值体系做出贡献。但是 ,由于文艺思想观点的分歧 ,特别是文艺界宗派主义思想的作祟 ,使得丁玲晚年的政治品质、道德情操受到怀疑 ,她的文学创作被人不理解、误解乃至曲解。为此 ,我们很有必要本着实事求是的态度和百家争鸣的精神 ,对她后期的创作思想予以客观、公正地评价  相似文献   
Nonprofit organizations contribute to a democratic society by allowing those with diverse opinions to assemble and voice these ideas. Social media has provided an extensive new marketplace in which such organizations can give voice to their ideas. Thus the purpose of this study was to explore and assess the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) for advocacy by nonprofit organizations with diametrically opposed points-of-view on two social issues, the pro-gun/gun control issue and the pro-choice/pro-life issue. Results of this study indicate that nonprofit advocacy organizations are using social media to ethically persuade people to their point of view, for the most part through use of one-way communication. Moreover, organizations are using the various social media for different purposes, providing thanks and recognition on Twitter, and soliciting feedback and other two-way communication with stakeholders on Facebook. Use of authority figures to communicate messages is generally reserved for YouTube.  相似文献   
明代是中国古代文论家和各种诗学文论思想取得重大成就的时期,各种“诗文评”著作层出不穷,“诗文评”正是在明代得以命名,明代“诗文评”取得了辉煌的成就。前后七子的辩驳论争,左派王学影响下的新鲜文论思想的活跃,徐渭、李贽、三袁、汤显祖等的大胆“叛逆”而充满独创思想的言论等,使明代文论以至整个学界热闹非凡;戏曲理论(曲话)、小说评点、叙事文论的发展等也是明代文论的新亮点。这些成就的取得,一方面,与当时物质文明和精神文明高度发展不无关系,另一方面,也是历代积累的结果,文论家们在继承先秦以来优秀学术思想的基础上做了进一步阐发或提出新见。正是在阳明心学,特别是左派王学的启蒙、导引之下,明代中后期出现了一股从文艺创作到文艺思想的张扬情感(乃至情欲)、张扬个性、张扬独创的潮流,成为中国“诗文评”史上一道亮丽的风景。明代前后七子的诗学有自己的特色,而明后期在王门后学影响下李贽、三袁等以其“叛逆性”思想引人注目,在中国“诗文评”史上有重要意义。对诗学文论的发展所起的巨大作用值得特别关注。  相似文献   
弹幕评论是一种不同于其他网络评论的较为独特的评论形式,它紧密依托于视频本身,基于视频时间轴呈现,针对视频中此时此刻正在播放的内容。这使得弹幕评论具有三大特点:不存在固定意见领袖的扁平化传播;粘性强但向外扩散难度大的受众群体;同时承载收视数据与文本评论两种信息,是了解受众对视频接受状况的新途径。此外,虽然弹幕评论可以营造出一种陪伴感,但由于时空的阻隔与用户匿名机制,也经常会产生交流假象,具有一定的局限性。总之,弹幕评论的传播过程还存在种种局限,但作为年轻一代所偏爱的新型网络评论形式,弹幕评论仍有很大发展空间,前景值得憧憬。  相似文献   
Videos stored on YouTube served as a valuable set of communicative resources for publics interested in the Occupy movement. This article explores this loosely bound media ecology, focusing on how and what types of video content are shared and circulated across both YouTube and Twitter. Developing a novel data-collection methodology, a population of videos posted to YouTube with Occupy-related metadata or circulated on Twitter alongside Occupy-related keywords during the month of November 2011 was assembled. In addition to harvesting metadata related to view count and video ratings on YouTube and the number of times a video was tweeted, a probability sample of 1100 videos was hand coded, with an emphasis on classifying video genre and type, borrowed sources of content, and production quality. The novelty of the data set and the techniques adapted for analysing it allow one to take an important step beyond cataloging Occupy-related videos to examine whether and how videos are circulated on Twitter. A variety of practices were uncovered that link YouTube and Twitter together, including sharing cell phone footage as eyewitness accounts of protest (and police) activity, digging up news footage or movie clips posted months and sometimes years before the movement began; and the sharing of music videos and other entertainment content in the interest of promoting solidarity or sociability among publics created through shared hashtags. This study demonstrates both the need for, and challenge of, conducting social media research that accommodates data from multiple platforms.  相似文献   
汉代四家诗在《诗》义阐释过程中,无不突出强调《诗》的王道政教意义,而淡化对《诗》的原始意义的探寻,这是汉《诗》的经学化阐释的重要表现,这一特点又以齐诗为最,齐诗明确把“匡扶邦家”做为诗学传播的主旨,并将《诗》广泛用于劝谏。然而这一经学化特点的源头何在,一直难有定论。通过对齐诗与孟子诗学观的比照发现,齐诗的经学化特征源于对孟子“王者之迹熄而《诗》亡”观点的承袭和践行。  相似文献   
沈从文的文学成就是“乡下人”在城里奋斗的结果,可以说,现实与超越、自卑与自傲交织的心态是沈从文早期创作发展的持久的动力之源,并决定着他作品的基本素质。在对沈从文散文进行历史性扫描中得出一个结论:超越,构成了沈从文心理演进的重要特征。  相似文献   
针对网上大量在线评论的有效识别和影响因素问题,从评论发布者和评论本身特性角度,选择了亚马逊网站上化妆品和数码相机两类产品总投票数不少于2的595条有效评论进行实证研究。结果表明:中立评论、客观评论标题的有用性更高;积极情感倾向的评论对评论有用性有着显著的正影响;验证了评论发布者属性对在线评论的间接影响效应:评论者空间排名和历史评论数量通过评论长度和评论情感倾向间接地影响评论有用性;产品类型对评论长度和发布者历史评论数量的调节效应显著;评论长度与评论的有用性存在正相关关系,在搜索型产品中更加显著;历史评论数量与评论有用性存在负相关关系,在搜索型产品中更加显著。  相似文献   
The contemporary online environment is often touted as a democratic space, open to perspectives that might regularly be excluded from professionally-controlled media platforms. However, females are underrepresented on YouTube, a popular video-sharing internet social media platform. This underrepresentation of women suggests that gender matters on YouTube. In order to contribute to research on gender dynamics on YouTube, this study focuses on the most-subscribed female YouTuber, Jenna Mourey. The first part investigates the degree to which Mourey's YouTube reception could be understood as misogynistic and hostile. To this end, comments on Mourey's top-ten videos were compared to viewer comments on the top-ten videos of a male counterpart: Ryan Higa. The second part of the study focuses on the content and style of Mourey's video oeuvre in order to contribute to research on YouTubers who successfully negotiate a hostile environment. Mourey's tendency to perform gender extremes—both masculine and feminine roles—is an ongoing feature of her videos, allowing her to simultaneously critique and benefit from traditional gender roles. This two-part study of gender on YouTube thus both supports research describing harsh responses to women on video-sharing sites and offers one YouTube performer's strategy for achieving success in this environment.  相似文献   
发端于近代鸦片战争后的中国宪政运动是西学东渐影响的结果,更是救亡图存、实现民族振兴的被迫选择。中西社会背景、国情及所面临的问题的截然不同,导致中国宪政的价值目标和内涵与西方判然有别,这恰恰反映了特定历史阶段中国的国情与社情。  相似文献   
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