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赘婚是一种男从女嫁的婚姻类型。元杂剧中有许多作品涉及到赘婚,以赘婿的社会身份而言,尤以书生赘婿为多。元杂剧对书生入赘原因及婚后遭遇的描述与现实存在着巨大的差异,这是由剧作者们对于自身乃至元代整个书生命运的关注与同情造成的。  相似文献   
This paper reports on the finding of a grounded theory study on drug dependency and parenting in Iran. This study is qualitative in nature; data were obtained through semi‐structured interviews. The grounded theory method was used to guide the analysis. Interviews with 41 opium‐ and heroin‐dependent parents selected from a treatment centre in Rasht, Iran provided detailed information on the impact of drug dependency on parenting. The study focused on drug dependency and parenting and explored the links between them in order to understand the impact of drug dependency on parental duties and responsibilities. The findings showed that parental drug dependency affects various aspects of parenting, including children’s material needs and basic requirements; parent–child relationships; parent–child communication; and the disciplinary strategies of parents. The results showed that children’s material needs and basic requirements may be overshadowed by parents’ drug dependency. It was also discovered that abuse of children by drug‐dependent parents was manifested in three major forms. This study also found that the bonds within families of drug‐dependent parents tended to weaken and that control over children almost disappeared in many cases. Intervention and prevention programmes should be offered to the children of drug‐dependent parents.  相似文献   
为了解0~3岁婴幼儿父母的养育压力类型与养育指导需求,采用养育压力量表和养育指导需求问卷对745名婴幼儿父母进行调查。结果发现,婴幼儿父母养育压力的总体水平偏高,尤其体现在幼儿教养、外界环境、生活调适三个维度;婴幼儿父母养育压力可划分为低压力型、中压力型、高压力型三种潜在类别,中压力型父母占比最高,高压力型次之,低压力型父母占比最低;三类父母在最小子女年龄、与子女关系、居住地、主要照料人、家庭月收入、父亲学历、母亲学历变量上存在显著差异;在养育指导内容与指导形式上,三类父母既有共性需求,也有差异化需求。为缓解婴幼儿父母养育压力,建议父母自身加强养育知识学习,提前做好养育规划;家庭成员密切配合,相互支持;政府为家庭早期教养提供支持。  相似文献   
立足于儒家自然人性论,皇侃认为孝具有自然亲爱、利人惠他的特性为仁中最基础、最根本的部分。由行孝推广至行仁,故孝行具有"仁之本"的本质及"百行之本"的地位;其内容不仅包括事亲的行为,也涉及以"孝友为政"的风政教化,将家庭伦理层面的个体行孝与国家伦理层面的忠君思想相结合。因此,皇侃孝道伦理典型反映了南朝玄学流宕、三教盛行氛围中儒学发展特点。  相似文献   
20世纪70年代开始推行的计划生育政策,对我国控制人口、促进社会发展起到了一定的积极作用。但该政策增大了一些家庭的生活风险,因独生子女死亡而产生的失独老人数量正在不断增加。本研究对失独老人群体的生活状况进行了深入调查,发现大多数失独老人存在经济状况恶化、精神普遍抑郁、健康状况下降、人际交往敏感封闭等困境,在生活救助、养老保障、医疗保障以及精神慰藉等方面存在着强烈的需求。目前,国家的扶助政策较为滞后,存在扶助标准低、覆盖面窄、扶助形式单一等诸多问题。为了满足失独老人的基本生活需求,必须从经济支持、生活照料、精神慰藉等方面来设计和完善社会福利政策。  相似文献   
家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育,是预防未成年人犯罪的三道防线,构建家庭、学校、社会三位一体的未成年人犯罪防范网络,在当今日益严峻的未成年人犯罪形势下已变得非常急迫。而我国各种教育,特别是家庭教育在未成年人成长中的缺位,更是昭示了建立家长学校,发挥其作用的必要性。当前,我们应按照依法治教的要求,明晰家长学校的性质和任务,凭借家长学校平台,全面提升家长素质,调动全社会力量,共同撑起防护网,为预防未成年人犯罪筑起一道全方位屏障,从而夯实未成年人犯罪防范基础,找准切入点,实现联动和综治。  相似文献   
A large body of child protection literature focuses on termination of parental rights, family reunification, and children's re‐entry into care as outcomes for children in foster care. Studies have investigated child, placement, family, and parent variables as predictors of case outcome. However, one important group of variables remains largely unstudied: factors related to parents’ service experience. Parents’ service experience includes parents’ perceptions of and involvement in the various services in which they must participate in order to recover their children from foster care (e.g. mandated treatment programmes such as substance abuse rehabilitation, parenting skills classes, etc.). The parental perspective on the foster care process is a critical element in the life of a child protection case, and its influence on case outcome must be explored. A brief review of the current literature on case outcome predictors is provided and parents’ service experience is highlighted as an area in need of investigation. Suggestions for the measurement of parents’ service experience are also offered.  相似文献   
家访是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的新举措,自2008年寒假以来,家访工作已在辽宁省各高校全面展开。家访活动有开拓辅导员视野、丰富辅导员社会阅历、增进师生感情、延伸学校教育等作用。家访前辅导员要精心筛选家访对象、研究家访路线、掌握与不同类型家长沟通的艺术等准备,家访活动才能达到目的,取得实效。  相似文献   
Building on past research suggesting that cohabitation is an ambiguous family form, the authors examined an understudied residential pattern among unmarried parents: cyclical cohabitation, in which parents have multiple cohabitation spells with each other. Using 9 years of panel data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 2,084), they found that 10% of all parents with nonmarital births and nearly a quarter of those living together when the child is 9 years old are cyclical cohabitors. Cyclically cohabiting mothers reported more material hardships than mothers in most other relationship patterns but also reported more father involvement with children. On all measures of child well‐being except grade retention, children of cyclically cohabiting parents fared no worse than children of stably cohabiting biological parents and did not differ significantly from any other group.  相似文献   
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