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《蜀籁》是上世纪30年代编纂的一部方言俗语工具书,收集了大量四川方言词语及熟语,对于研究当时的词汇、语音均有重要作用。但此书亦有不少疏失,后来的整理本也有一些疏失。  相似文献   
目的探讨合并2型糖尿病的老年男性患者雄激素缺乏综合症(PADAM)与骨质疏松的关系.方法老年男性雄激素缺乏综合症患者35例,伴2型糖尿病的PADAM患者36例,均采用放射免疫法测定游离睾酮(FT),定量CT测定骨密度(BMD),同时测定空腹和餐后2h血糖及糖化血红蛋白.结果伴有2型糖尿病的PADAM组FT水平和BMD低于PADAM组,后者又低于对照组(P<0.001).结论老年男性雄激素缺乏综合症是骨质疏松发生的重要原因,若伴有糖尿病将加重骨质疏松的程度.  相似文献   
从现行农地制度的缺陷看农民权益的保障问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
“三农”问题是国家一直非常重视的问题,而三农问题的最终解决将反映到农民收入的提高和农民权益的保障上。文章从现行农地所有权、使用权、流转及管理制度的缺陷入手,分析了农地制度运行过程中农民生产生活的变化、农民感性层面和制度深层面等方面反映出来的对农民权益的保障程度,提出从观念转变中做好相应的农地制度政策调整,这包括:认真把握农民权益保障的落脚点;政府行为目标的转换;农民非农化收益的充分享受;恢复成立类农会组织等。  相似文献   
从法经济学的视角来看,我国目前信用缺失现象是深深植根于社会转型期信用需求与信用制度供给失衡这一背景的。由于信息不对称和机会主义行为倾向,一些人常以背信弃义来获得暂时利益,因此,单靠市场机制来保证信用是不充分的,还需要一套保证信用的法律制度。通过建立信用法律制度使失信行为的外部性内化,从而为守信行为提供激励,重建社会信用。  相似文献   
目前教育回报率的估算方法存在一定的缺陷,应做适当调整。如:精确法应以竞争性经济体制中的私营部门的工资为样本,并用回归法模拟初等教育阶段的收入;收入函数法应对基本收入回归方程增加额外条件或者采用虚拟变量的方法;简捷法可用近似函数替代来进一步简化。现有估算方法的主要缺陷有:样本覆盖面太窄,忽略了市场非竞争性因素、教育的外部性、外在因素的影响以及教育质量的差异。  相似文献   
We extend the bivariate Wiener process considered by Whitmore and co-workers and model the joint process of a marker and health status. The health status process is assumed to be latent or unobservable. The time to reach the primary end point or failure (death, onset of disease, etc.) is the time when the latent health status process first crosses a failure threshold level. Inferences for the model are based on two kinds of data: censored survival data and marker measurements. Covariates, such as treatment variables, risk factors and base-line conditions, are related to the model parameters through generalized linear regression functions. The model offers a much richer potential for the study of treatment efficacy than do conventional models. Treatment effects can be assessed in terms of their influence on both the failure threshold and the health status process parameters. We derive an explicit formula for the prediction of residual failure times given the current marker level. Also we discuss model validation. This model does not require the proportional hazards assumption and hence can be widely used. To demonstrate the usefulness of the model, we apply the methods in analysing data from the protocol 116a of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group.  相似文献   
Summary. The human immunodeficiency virus–acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV–AIDS) epidemic in Hong Kong has been under surveillance in the form of voluntary reporting since 1984. However, there has been little discussion or research on the reconstruction of the HIV incidence curve. This paper is the first to use a modified back-projection method to estimate the incidence of HIV in Hong Kong on the basis of the number of positive HIV tests only. The model proposed has several advantages over the original back-projection method based on AIDS data only. First, not all HIV-infected individuals will develop AIDS by the time of analysis, but some of them may undertake an HIV test; therefore, the HIV data set contains more information than the AIDS data set. Second, the HIV diagnosis curve usually has a smoother pattern than the AIDS diagnosis curve, as it is not affected by redefinition of AIDS. Third, the time to positive HIV diagnosis is unlikely to be affected by treatment effects, as it is unlikely that an individual receives medication before the diagnosis of HIV. Fourth, the induction period from HIV infection to the first HIV positive test is usually shorter than the incubation period which is from HIV infection to diagnosis of AIDS. With a shorter induction period, more information becomes available for estimating the HIV incidence curve. Finally, this method requires the number of positive HIV diagnoses only, which is readily available from HIV–AIDS surveillance systems in many countries. It is estimated that, in Hong Kong, the cumulative number of HIV infections during the period 1979–2000 is about 2600, whereas an estimate based only on AIDS data seems to give an underestimate.  相似文献   
本文认为 ,要提高中国学校道德教育的实效性 ,应完善道德教育理念 ,充实、激活道德教育内容 ,以及不断拓宽和疏通道德教育渠道 ,构建有效、符合实情的德育工作模式 ,从而真正发挥道德教育对学生人生的导航意义。  相似文献   
商誉是企业资产的重要组成部分,它能够增加企业产品的市场占有份额、增强企业的竞争能力和盈利能力。但我们在会计核算中对自创商誉采取不确认、不计量的方法,也不在会计报表中进行反映,这显然不符合会计核算的客观性原则、权责发生制原则、一贯性原则等。我们应该认识到这些缺陷,并在实际工作中加强对商誉的核算和反映。  相似文献   
我国行政复议法较之于过去行政复议条例有许多优点,但仍存在某些不足。表现在:行政复议的范围仍过狭窄;未设立声明异议制度;缺失行政复议的配套制度;缺失行政复议的不加重原则。针对上述不足,进一步扩大受案范围;借鉴德、日声明异议制度的规定;健全行政复议的配套制度;明确行政复议的不加重原则等,对充实完善我国行政复议法律制度不无积极意义。  相似文献   
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