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Gertrude Stein was not only a fairly open lesbian but also Jewish, expatriate, and androgynous—all attributes that often retarded mass-market success. Why then was she so popular? The article offers original research highlighting how Stein was constructed as a kind of “opium queen” in the popular American press, and the ways that this decadent, bohemian celebrity persona allowed her to operate as “broadly queer” rather than “specifically gay” in the American cultural imaginary—a negotiation that accounts for the mass-market success rather than censure of The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas despite the unparalleled visibility of its lesbian erotics.  相似文献   
从电视广告的信息源、受众和说服手段三个角度分析在体育类的广告中,名人在说服过程中所扮演的角色以及主要的说服方式。在与体育相关的广告中,名人的号召性、证实性等手段对这类广告的成功说服有着重要的作用。  相似文献   
Broadening the application of Benoit's image repair theory, this case study compares and contrasts crisis management strategies of Jon and Kate Gosselin during their 2009 highly publicized divorce. Specifically, it looks at how they presented themselves through personal statements, interviews and social media in two phases: the year before and the year after their divorce. Findings indicate the two used many image repair strategies and experienced varying levels of success. In the end, media outlets utilized traditional cultural narratives in their framing of both celebrities, depicting Kate as a distraught wife/single mother and Jon as an irresponsible and untrustworthy husband/father. Media later transitioned to a more positive portrayal of Jon and a negative portrayal of Kate. Exploring social media added a fresh dimension to previous image repair analyses. Findings indicate social media allow celebrities to publish information fast and efficiently without a gatekeeper; however, they must still follow traditional image repair strategies to succeed.  相似文献   
This article examines the representation of pregnant embodiment in thirteen New Zealand women's magazines published between January 1970 and December 2008. It offers a theoretical focus on postfeminism, media, and embodiment, and situates their conjuncture within cultural, demographic, and labour market trends. Magazine representations of pregnancy concurrently illustrate the degree to which discourses surrounding pregnancy have shifted, and the continued association of motherhood with feminine success. Monthly and weekly publications were sampled and a visual analysis undertaken of images and spreads. Over nearly four decades, substantial changes were found in the normative or extraordinary status of pregnancy, the appearance and display of the pregnant body, the frequency of representations, the association of pregnancy with celebrity, and its dissemination through celebrity culture. Changes in the status of pregnancy parallel larger social changes, in particular the increase in delayed childbearing amongst white, middle-class women. Pregnancy images were also influenced by changes in the format and substance of women's magazines, the advent of celebrity culture, and the emergence of a maternity market.  相似文献   
白居易的文名与作品被商业化利用,既是中唐商业发达、文化市场空前繁荣的结果,也与白居易自身的政治生涯、思想构成以及才情禀性紧密相关。他主动卖文,标志着中国文人在文学商业化进程中开始了主体觉醒,为后世文人生活开辟了一条崭新的道路;他“雅”“俗”互济的文学创作,为中国文学商业化提供了艺术典范,同时也代表了中唐乃至中国文学发展的新方向。  相似文献   
在魏晋之际政治大变动时期,士人面临重要政治选择,或仕、或隐、或走、或反。出仕者有裴秀、贾充等,前者"步步高升"而无明显劣迹,后者曾在任要职期间鼓动弑君。至于阮籍,沉湎酒中而能不失风骨,可看作隐于朝中者。嵇康求隐但未彻底远离政治,后因故被杀;而孙登则为真正的隐士,并由此得以保全。夏侯霸从魏国出走投奔蜀汉,不仅保其身还出任显职。李丰计划在洛阳发动政变以反司马氏,但图谋失败;钟会在益州起兵反司马氏,随即败没。魏晋之际士人在政治上究竟做何种选择,与他们自身的特殊情况包括政治立场、志向、个性等有关,也与其对个人利害关系的认识或对局势的评估有关。  相似文献   
名人代言广告的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
名人代言广告对消费者有着特殊的吸引作用。基于名人特殊的社会责任,可以看出名人代言广告不同于普通代言广告。因此对名人代言广告要严格予以规制,名人在法律上亦要承担一定的法律责任。  相似文献   
名人代言广告的法律责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为从法律层面界定名人代言广告的相关责任,运用法理与案例分析方法,就名人代言虚假广告的影响和后果进行分析。分析认为,名人代言虚假广告,其损害消费者利益以及对市场经济造成负面影响的深层原因是名人代言广告责任追究的制度性缺陷使然,即广告立法缺陷,广告审查管理缺陷,广告执法缺陷,广告监督管理缺陷。分析结果认为:治理虚假广告行为必须从立法、审查、执法、监督诸方面构建名人代言广告法律责任制度。  相似文献   
网红文化是伴随互联网技术迅猛发展而兴起的后现代主义文化现象。青年是网红文化的主要生产者和传播者,网红文化形塑着青年的思想观念和行为方式。基于人工智能和算法推荐之上的网红文化影响着青年思想政治教育成效,导致了思想政治教育内容供给短缺、价值认同解构、话语权削弱以及思想政治教育者角色担当模糊等问题的出现。对此,必须关注思想政治教育中的“背景信息”,创新思想政治教育网红话语形态,赋予网红文化主流价值导向,推进青年思想政治教育表达形式多样化。  相似文献   
乡村振兴战略持续深入推进背景下,乡村网红是深度媒介化的乡村涌现出的新群体,其自发或自觉的文化建构对乡村文化振兴有着积极意义。通过判断性抽样,从抖音平台抽取251个有效样本,审视乡村网红在建构当代中国乡村文化中的价值与局限性,并给出引导建议。在身份层面,乡村网红主要由“在地”农民构成,作为数字媒体时代的先行者,他们率先确立了农民群体在当代乡村文化建构中的主体地位;内容层面,乡村网红在新媒体空间生产的巨量媒介文本,记录和塑造当代中国新乡村文化;意义层面,乡村网红话语从个体意识、生活方式、人伦关系和乡村本体价值等方面构建乡村文化新涵义。同时,乡村网红发展过程中也显现出生产主体的持续生产能力不足、内容题材超真实趋势增强、价值观念存在较多矛盾话语等局限。由此建议加强公共培训服务,提升乡村网红自主生产能力;调控平台算法和流量,加大对真实乡村题材的流量倾斜;倡导“三农”知识精英入场,形成信息内容和价值观念对冲机制,引导乡村网红良性健康发展,助力乡村文化振兴。  相似文献   
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