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农业补贴政策,是支持、保护农业发展的重要措施,但我国现有的农业补贴体系却难以实现对不同利益诉求的有效平衡,需要从农业补贴的来源体制、分配体制、保障体制及法律体系等方面建立起一个完善的利益平衡机制。  相似文献   
基于我国城乡居民消费差距不断扩大的事实,运用持久收入假说理论测算了农村居民持久性收入和暂时性收入,并在此基础上,将持久性收入与农村居民消费总额进行回归分析以衡量其对农村居民消费的边际效应,并取其增加量的负值为消费者补贴等值对农村居民进行直接补贴,以此模拟农业补贴对缩小城乡消费差距的实际效用。研究表明,农业补贴不仅能够显著性影响农村居民的消费结构,加速农村居民从生存型消费向发展型消费的过渡,而且能够有效提高农村居民消费水平,对缩小城乡消费差距发挥重要作用。同时,模拟分析表明,现阶段我国已经具备农业补贴转向的经济环境,并且无论是国内生产总值还是农业生产总值都能够满足农业补贴对财政支出的要求,然而事实上,我国财政支农比重不仅明显偏低,而且提升速度缓慢,财政支农政策与其实际执行力度严重偏颇。  相似文献   
选取2003—2011年获得政府补贴的A股上市公司数据,运用广义倾向得分法分析发现,政府补贴对企业外部融资的影响与补贴强度密切相关。补贴强度与债务融资、权益融资之间均呈现"倒U"型关系。与未获补贴相比,一定强度内的政府补贴会显著增加补贴企业的债务融资额和权益融资额。针对子样本的分析进一步发现,前述"倒U"型关系在各子样本上都稳定,但政府补贴对债务融资和权益融资的促进作用在非国有企业和盈利企业中更加显著。  相似文献   
对农业实行补贴支持是许多国家的通行做法。利用国内外农业补贴政策的实践经验及研究成果,对价格支持、挂钩补贴、脱钩补贴等政策措施的功能目标、实施效果及优缺点等进行综述和归纳,并进行比较分析,为今后我国进一步健全农业补贴政策体系、完善农业支持保护制度提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   
This article compares 11 Western European countries with respect to public policies that promote the employment of mothers: maternity and parental leave, childcare provisions and family-related tax credits and allowances. The goal of this analysis is to characterise trends in the development of these policies from the mid-1980s to the present and identify the degree of policy convergence in this area of social policy. The process of convergence is analysed along two sets of criteria: the amount and forms of provisions, and the coherence of policies (eligibility, funding mechanisms, locus of regulation and quality control). The analysis is informed by theories of welfare regimes that identify distinctive patterns in which national policies shape the employment of women: general family support, dual-earner families and market-oriented families. Findings of the study reveal limited development towards harmonisation of national social policies. Such resilience of national welfare regimes can be attributed to institutional path dependence, on the one hand, and to minimal EU efforts to harmonise social policies, on the other. The article suggests that integrating markets have so far had a limited effect on social policy development, but that there are positive signs that convergence is possible in the future.  相似文献   
The family in late modernity faces demographic change. However, it is still apparent that intergenerational relationships and exchanges of resources are valued. There is a growing literature on the important role that grandparents play in their children’s families. In contrast, there is limited research exploring the support grandparents provide to families with disabled children. This is an important gap in our knowledge, as families with disabled children frequently face additional caring responsibilities and emotional demands. From the studies that do exist, it is clear that grandparents’ support to families with disabled children is generally valued. However, the literature remains partial: past studies are small‐scale, focused upon parents’ perceptions of support (especially mother’s), and frequently based upon North American data. Recognizing these limitations and the fact that grandparents themselves have support needs which require consideration, this paper identifies key areas where important issues remain unanswered and further research is required. It argues that research is needed to begin untangling the different support needs of parents, grandparents and other family members, and the different effects of grandparent support that different family members’ experience. Exploration of grandparents’ own support needs also indicates the need for wider policy and service consideration.  相似文献   
The Labour government aims to increase the lone parent employment rate to 70 per cent by 2010. To achieve this aim, it has introduced a state subsidy for childcare in the form of the childcare element of the Working Tax Credit. So far this has been limited to formal childcare despite evidence that lone parents are more likely to use informal childcare. This article investigates the potential of a state subsidy to be extended to support informal childcare. Utilizing evidence from a study of 78 qualitative in‐depth interviews with lone parents, it explores preferences for informal care and the way that informal care is negotiated. On the one hand, we found that some lone parents held deeply embedded preferences for informal childcare based on trust, commitment, shared understandings and children's happiness. Thus it can be concluded that it is important for the government to support informal as well as formal care. On the other, we found that the way lone parents actually negotiated informal childcare involved complex notions of obligation, duty and reciprocity, suggesting that a subsidy could potentially intrude upon complex private family relationships. However, the evidence suggests that care was negotiated differently depending on whether it was provided by a grandparent or other family and friends, with lone parents tending to favour paying for childcare provided by other family and friends than grandparents. This has implications for a state subsidy, which needs further investigation.  相似文献   
Parental leave has been promoted as a way to enhance employed fathers’ involvement with their children. Leave patterns, factors affecting these patterns and the impact of taking leave on involvement with children were assessed for fathers in 38 couples. Parents, contacted through their employers, completed self-administered questionnaires on their work schedule changes after the arrival of a baby, reactions to these changes, childcare activities and attitudes. The mother's and father's assessments in each couple were averaged to measure 21 different aspects of fathers’ involvement. Fathers who took leave were more likely to share some specific childcare tasks with mothers than fathers who did not take leave but no differences were found for time spent with children or taking responsibility for childcare. Parents’ equalitarian beliefs, income and education had more impact than taking leave on fathers’ overall involvement in childcare.

Se ha promovido La Licencia de Paternidad como una forma para ayudar a los padres que están empleados a involucrarse con sus hijos. Los patrones de estas licencias, los factores que afectan estos patrones, y el impacto que tiene esta licencia en las relaciones con los niños fueron evaluadas por los padres en 38 parejas. Los padres, contactados por sus empleadores, completaron cuestionarios sobre los cambios en sus horarios de trabajo después de la llegada del bebé, las reacciones a esos cambios, actividades para el cuidado del niño, y sus actitudes. Se hizo un promedio midiendo los 21 diferentes aspectos del involucro de los padres presentado en las evaluaciones hechas por la madre y el padre en cada pareja. Los padres que tomaron licencia de paternidad, generalmente compartieron con la madre algunos aspectos específicos para el cuidado del niño a diferencia de los padres que no tomaron la licencia, pero no se encontraron diferencias sobre el tiempo empleado con los niños o en las responsabilidades del cuidado de los mismos. En general, las creencias sobre la igualdad, la situación económica y la educación de los padres, tuvo más impacto que el involucrarse totalmente en el cuidado de los niños de los padres con licencia de paternidad.  相似文献   

新农合的财政补助水平与农民需求存在较大缺口,客观上需要政府提高补助水平。但由于农民有限理性的存在,在个人缴费在先且与财政补助同比增长的制度安排下,形成了农民既需要参合补助,又不愿因增加个人缴费以获得补助的悖论,且此情况会因制度供给缺陷而激化。因此,需要对新农合的参合补助路径进行优化。设计灵活的参合缴费模式,调整农民缴费与政府补助的增长幅度,提高农民医疗补偿的比例都是可行的选择。  相似文献   
Social investment policies advocate for more and better jobs by supporting families' work-life balance and investing in human capital. But do they really help to boost employment prospects for women? Earlier literature suggests a positive relationship, but not enough attention has been paid to the type of employment, or to who the actual beneficiaries of these measures are. This article combines ISSP survey data with OECD and national data in a multilevel analysis to determine whether social investment policies benefit female employment, improve job prospects, and apply to all women irrespective of their educational level. We find that training and childcare policies are associated with higher employment levels, however, the claim that social investment increases chances for better job prospects finds little empirical support. These findings suggest that active labour market and childcare policies are associated with more women's employment, but they might still be following a push to ‘just work’.  相似文献   
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