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对大学生国学认知程度和需求的调查是有效开展国学教育的基础。这个基础必须通过详实的数据调查和实证分析来奠定。通过在某高校展开问卷调查,我们发现大学生对于国学的不甚了解是一个普遍现象。高校学生对国学教育的需求不仅存在,而且是理性而合理的。真正影响高校国学教育效果的症结仍然是师资力量、课程内容、教学步骤等问题。我们建议应该遵循由易到难、从日常习用到弘文奥义、分类教学的原则,系统地做好国学教育内容的顶层设计。  相似文献   
近年来,在网络通俗小说创作中涌现出大量的拟古世情小说。这类小说往往以宏大的故事布局和对优秀女主人公的塑造,吸引了众多阅读者的目光。这些女主人公群像,不仅反映出汉民族文化传统的审美眼光,也寄托了根源于以家族、财富为中心的社会价值期待,还与当下价值评判体系中的女性群体的自我期许相吻合。这些拟古世情小说在完成言情小说的爱情故事构形和实现娱情的休闲功能以外,也因为广大阅读群体逐渐步入或即将步入中产阶层而发生相应的变化,重新赋予女性作为稳定家庭、增长财富、养育子女、传承家风的核心力量的社会意义,她们洁身自好,对爱情专一,勇于面对困难,乐于奉献,担当责任,胸怀宽广。这些新型的“高大全”形象,表达出女性主义的新倾向:女性的成长和幸福的获得,更重要的在于女性内在的精神力量,与传统的气节、操守有关的人格因素,以及家教和门风。这使得网络平台的民间话语表达,具有更为包容传统以及融合其合理因素的价值取向,也与当下主流意识形态遥相呼应。  相似文献   
对恩格斯的《自然辨证法》的核心思想进行了归纳总结,对数学史上的数学哲学进行了诠释,并从哲学的高度对数学文化的内涵进行了分析和思考,对数学在自然科学中的重要作用进行了进一步讨论,并以微积分为例,讨论了《自然辨证法》对数学文化的重要指导作用。  相似文献   
《史记》作为百科全书,对从传说中的黄帝到汉武帝中期长达三千多年的社会事象作了全景描绘,涉及各个阶层、各种人物的生活衣食住行的方方面面。作为生活头等的“食”在这部巨著中也是无处不在,对饮食(主要是“食”的方面)活动、礼仪、方式、对象和器具等都作了记载,涵盖了物质层面、制度层面、行为层面和精神文化层面。从《史记》记载来看,总体上可以说,我国古代逐渐形成以谷物为主食,肉类、蔬菜瓜果为副食的饮食方式。  相似文献   
本文通过对甘青藏区传统民间手工艺中的甘南玛尼石刻和青海湟中敲铜工艺的田野考察,对两类民间工艺的制作工艺、宗教信仰背景、生产模式、文化内涵等方面做了详细分析,并且对甘青藏区的传统民间工艺在新时代的活态传承进行反思。  相似文献   
抗日战争期间,国立浙江大学被迫西迁,马一浮应浙大校长竺可桢之请为浙江大学师生开设国学讲座,为浙大创制校歌,这段历史成为浙大校史上光辉的一页。但相关文献和档案却显示,马一浮与浙江大学的交往充满各种误会与纠结,浙大险些因此错过这位“士林宗仰”的国学大师;而走过国立浙大的马一浮亦在他唯一任教的大学里,利用各种机会引导学生摒弃实用主义的现代工业观,回归对文化根本的关注,尽管讲学效果与其预想相距甚远。马一浮在浙大讲学并传道,结集而成的《宜山泰和会语》是马一浮一生讲阐六艺国学最集中的部分,由此完成了更为高迈、通贯的学术思想和学术人格的构建,并以一场场思想与精神的盛宴,寄予浙大很深的希望。  相似文献   
This study examined how the cultural and situational contexts can jointly shape the consequences of discipline strategies. Israeli mothers who grew up in Israel or in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) (overall N = 110) reported regarding their use of psychologically controlling and punitive discipline with their seven‐years‐old to 10‐years‐old children, and teachers reported regarding children's behavior problems. We assessed both mothers' overall general use of the discipline strategies, and their use of the same strategies following transgressions in the academic domain, an area which the two groups emphasize to differing degrees. Consistent with hypothesis, controlling discipline in academic situations had more positive consequences in the FSU group compared with the Israeli‐origin group. In contrast, and as predicted, cultural group was not a moderator of mothers' overall, general use of the same discipline strategies. The findings illustrate how taking the situation into account can inform examination of the moderating role of cultural group.  相似文献   
In this essay, I present an interdisciplinary examination of the state of research in Latino education, addressing not only the cultural forces influencing Latinos’ educational attainment, but also the structural conditions faced by them—as a racialized minority group—throughout their schooling and that have a cumulative effect on their academic attainment. Overall, I suggest that by engaging in a critical review of the literature on Latinos’ educational attainment, the reader will acknowledge that the racially driven hierarchical structural arrangements are highly responsible for the patterns observed.  相似文献   
Starting as an Internet meme, the homosexually themed gao-ji discourse recently became popular among Chinese urban youth in describing intimate relationships among heterosexual men. Positioned within a body of scholarship on the interplay between language, homophobia, and the construction of heteromasculinity, this article suggests that the gao-ji discourse manifests a form of male homosociality, through which new boundaries of Chinese heteromasculinity may be renegotiated. Based on qualitative interviews with college students, the article first tracks the genealogy of the gao-ji discourse in the wake of China’s booming Internet culture. The main body focuses on unpacking the daily use of the gao-ji discourse, with an attention to the two latent functions it serves (i.e., expanding heteromasculine behaviors and reiterating heteromasculine identities). In conclusion, I argue that the prevalence of the gao-ji discourse mainly resolves straight men’s anxieties against the background of growing public awareness of homosexuality; therefore, it cannot necessarily translate into social acceptance of homosexuality.  相似文献   
河南打造华夏历史文明传承创新区,建设文化强省,需要构建河南省区域文化竞争力评价指标体系并开展相应测度工作,以全面反映河南18个地市文化发展的整体水平和比较优势。通过指标体系的导向作用和相应测度评价,进一步调动各地市重视文化、发展文化的积极性和主动性,提升河南文化软实力与影响力,为建设文化强省营造更为宽松和谐的发展环境。  相似文献   
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