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出生性别比升高及其婚姻拥挤问题测度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韦艳 《西北人口》2005,(5):50-53
本文利用五普数据,从人口数量匹配的角度,定量的分析和比较了同龄性别比,相对性别比和婚配性别比。研究结果表明,中国近年来出生性别比持续升高使得出生男婴和女婴的数量失衡,使未来的婚姻市场处于男性婚姻拥挤状态。当1980-2000年的出生队列步入婚姻市场时,男性“过剩”人口在2000万以上,占该时期出生男性的10%以上。  相似文献   
从证据法角度来看,现行夫妻共同债务推定规则实践效果不佳的根本原因在于该推定规则除外情形限缩不当和推定效力过高。与此相适应,现行夫妻共同债务推定的完善方案也必须将扩展除外情形方案和减轻举证责任方案结合起来,即一方面扩展除外情形,至少应增加"该举债没有经过举债方配偶事前同意并且没有用于夫妻共同生活"这一应当认定为举债方个人债务的情形;另一方面,应减轻举证责任,即将现行的夫妻共同债务推定由转移客观证明责任的推定改为强制性仅转移主观证明责任的推定。  相似文献   
Current gendered interventions for couples experiencing intimate partner violence often do not address the complex systemic issues, nor allow for couple therapy. Experience of working in men's behaviour change group programs (or batterer programs) and with heterosexual couples, indicates this is not enough. Change options for men perpetrating domestic violence and support for partners are generally provided by individual services or gendered groups, located in separate agencies. This article initially poses some of the inadequacies of this gendered, ‘one size fits all’ ideology, which may compromise safety when couples stay together or there is shared parenting. It then explores further questions and possibilities raised by utilising a systemic lens in working with partners and families. It is possible to work systemically with a couple without compromising safety and accountability, where there is flexibility at intake, a both/and approach, ongoing assessment of risk, collaboration between professionals, and good transitions between individual and conjoint work. This article describes a systemic practice framework for working with partners, utilising individual, group, and conjoint sessions in a recursive four phase approach.  相似文献   
The author utilized semistructured interviews with 56 women to explore how a wide range of activities affected the development of the participants’ same-sex attractions and relationships. The researcher was able to identify and describe some aspects of the process by which eight characteristics of activities that are more or less present in various social contexts have the potential to impact whether these contexts are more or less conducive or hindering to the development of women’s same-sex attractions and relationships. Activities were more apt to nurture the development of the participants’ same-sex attractions and relationships when the activity (a) included lesbians, (b) was composed primarily of women, (c) affirmed women, (d) facilitated bonding, (e) featured a climate of acceptance of lesbians/gays/bisexuals, (f) did not feature a climate that emphasized heteronormativity, (g) was perceived as gender neutral, and (h) generated or drew participants who were similar to each other.  相似文献   
In this study, the Power Sharing in Couple Relationships Scale (PSCRS) was developed to measure the distribution of power as experienced by individuals in heterosexual marriages or cohabiting relationships. Three sets of participants partook in the study: 27 individuals were in the pilot group; 400 individuals (female = 200, male = 200) were in the exploratory factor analysis group and 242 persons (female = 139, male = 103) were in the confirmatory factor analysis group. Factor analyses resulted in a structure consisting of 30 items and five dimensions, namely, friendship, power over, reactivity to relational stress, openness to influence, and making a relational claim. Results showed evidence for satisfactory psychometric properties.  相似文献   

HIV infection attributable to injection is growing, as is the incidence among heterosexual persons. Some of the people affected are over 50, and we can anticipate a growing number of older people with substance use and HIV as primary concerns. Therefore, we need to know more about the intersections of age, addictions, and HIV. This article uses narrative analysis to examine a research interview with an African-American woman and her African-American HIV-infected male partner in order to gain insight about how a middle-aged serodiscordant drug-affected couple might struggle and succeed in the face of HIV. Implications for social work, policy and research are provided.  相似文献   
《红楼梦》首回甄士隐封氏故事模式预示着后文贾宝玉薛宝钗的故事模式,在这种托于夫妇关系的叙事中,其实寓含着以道家为体的出世思想的内在矛盾,以及以儒家为体的仕途经济之道的社会变异。而作者乃以人性之善,也即“情”为基点,对真善美进行褒扬,对假丑恶加以贬斥,并且回溯到智慧“锻炼”的原始和“情根”初步,进发到对生命本真的观照,最后触及到了存在哲学永无解决的内核。  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(10):1334-1354
Due to the traditional values on marriage and heterosexual relationships, gay and lesbian couple relationships were long ignored in Taiwan. This study attempted to look at gay and lesbian couple relationship commitment. Questionnaires were used in this study. Due to the difficulties of getting gays and lesbians to participate in research, snowballing method was used. The sample included 218 participants in a stable couple relationship for at least six months. Through multiple regression analyses, the result showed that the influencing factors of gay and lesbian couples' commitment fit Rusbult's Investment Model closely.  相似文献   
与 1 98 1年婚姻法相比 ,今年修改后的婚姻法体系更加科学 ,内容更加充实。本文试就其中的若干主要问题作一探讨和评价。  相似文献   
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