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赵丙祥 《社会》2019,39(1):37-70
在田野民族志和历史编纂学中,传记法是一种重要的叙事方式。本文从分析林耀华的作品入手,将其置于20世纪20年代以来的社会学和人类学思想脉络中,并在此基础上探讨传记法在中国历史和社会研究中的潜力与可能性。本文将谱系法、个人生命史和社会生命论归纳为“传记法三角”。在(扩展)谱系法和社会结构论的基础上,生命传记法可以呈现一个或多个人的生命历史,作为大历史中的片段。不过,现象学路径有其自身的限度,不能离开对中央政权本身和总体结构的考察。在“时势”和“社会结构”的变迁过程中呈现生命传记,才不会只是个体的故事,而有希望成为一种对中国“总体”社会生活的有力叙事方式。  相似文献   
This article aims to conceptualize and assess social cohesion in Mexico, taking into account their multilevel and multidimensional nature. To measure social cohesion levels and dimensions, we used the Social Welfare Survey (N = 2871) for the 16 municipalities in Mexico City. Then, we employed the distance method to construct a social cohesion index. In addition, we define social cohesion degrees (very high, high, medium, and low) to explore the relevance of each indicator. The findings suggest that the objective and subjective indicators at the meso‐level has the highest contribution, regardless of the territory or degrees of cohesion. This finding suggests that neighborhoods are well organized for solving everyday problems. Meanwhile, the willingness to help both friends and members of one’s network was not a priority, which can be explained by the suspicion toward other people and the prevalent economic conditions.  相似文献   

All non–governmental organizations (NGOs) rely on funding to support their work. But how does the source of funding shape the types of advocacy groups engage in? Using novel panel data collected by the Environmental Funders Network, this research examines how funding from government, foundations, business, and members shape the advocacy work of environmental NGOs (ENGOs) in the UK. Past research suggests that elite funding sources channel groups into institutional advocacy, such as lobbying or litigation, and away from public advocacy, such as protesting. This paper confirms previous research while also showing that all types of funding channel group actions. Foundation and business funding is associated with more institutional advocacy, government funding is associated with non–political advocacy such as species conservation, and member funding is associated with public advocacy. By comparing across funding types, this study demonstrates the ways in which groups are both helped and hindered by funding from different sources.  相似文献   

The Social Sciences and, specifically, the sociological research, have progressively assumed the gender factor as one of the strategic keys to understand contemporary phenomena. In fact, as a variable for socio-statistical analysis or as a characterizing trait of individual identity, it is a decisive factor in the interpretation of the deep social transformations, and it inspires the self-reflection of the sociologists about the analytical tools of their discipline. The contribution proposes, through a lexicometric approach, an analysis of the articles published in the last two decades by the oldest journal of Sociology, published by Routledge. The main aim is to highlight the different ways in which gender issues are declined in the international sociological researches presented in the repertoire of the International Review of Sociology and to outline, both on the lexical level and on the topic level, the changes occurred over time.  相似文献   
北京市社会阶层结构正在由传统的“金字塔型”结构向现代的“橄榄型”阶层结构方向发展,其较低阶层的比例远远小于全国的比例,社会中间阶层正在形成。具体地看有以下几个特点:1.阶层结构在向现代社会阶层结构转变;2.农民工构成了较低职业阶层的主体;3.城市户籍人口中间阶层化;4.外来人口是一个异质性很强的群体,也呈现阶层分化的态势。从未来发展趋势看,农业劳动者阶层将继续缩小,商业服务业人员、个体私营企业主以及以脑力劳动为主的办事人员、专业技术人员阶层还将继续扩大,逐渐演变为一个以社会中间阶层为主的现代化阶层结构。  相似文献   
维吾尔族饮食文化与生态环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
维吾尔族在其历史发展进程中 ,经历了不同的生态环境 ,因此亦形成各种独特的饮食文化。社会礼仪最初产生于饮食。随着饮食结构转型 ,礼仪则呈现出重合性特点  相似文献   
加强社会实践 ,是高校教学的重要内容和环节。通过社会实践有利于培养和提高少数民族大学生的综合素质、创新意识、创新能力 ;有利于培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人  相似文献   
当前称谓语的演变及其社会意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对若干称谓语的演变的考察,认为称谓语的演变反映了社会生活的变迁,并具有一定导向力量,大多从经济文化发达地区向落后地区扩散。  相似文献   
文章旨从政治学的角度来探讨民族区域自治的一体性、权力分配性、参与性、合理性,以期求证民族区域自治对自治地区各民族的有效整合.文章最后认为:多民族国家的建构非常复杂,它既需要极具渗透力的制度保证,又需各民族对政治权力的共同参与、分配,借以扩大合法性基础及其持续的稳定.  相似文献   
近代是青海女性社会地位发生变迁的时期,本文从女性形体观的转变、女性教育等方面,论述了近代青海女性社会地位的变迁及其原因。  相似文献   
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