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论民生保障的法理基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关注民生,保障民生是我国社会建设的根本目标。与社会保障不同,民生保障是国家和社会对全体公民提供的、在满足基本生活需求基础上不断追求的更高层次的物质和精神保障。民生保障有其正当性、必然性,人的尊严、社会正义、国家责任、人权理论等从不同的角度为民生保障奠定了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   
从一般人格权的产生角度看,一般人格权只是在为法律明确列举之外的“其他人格权”落实一个请求权(特别是抚慰金请求权),并为法院裁判该类案件提供依据时创设的一个概念。一般人格权实际上是一种法律技术,它所体现的价值取向———对人格权进行全面保护———可以通过人格权立法的多元模式实现。如果我们坚持人格权立法的多元模式,从立法技术上不采纳一般人格权的处理方法,那么可以将人格尊严权与人格自由权视为个别(具体)人格权。将人格尊严权和人格自由权作为个别人格权,也能为人格权的广泛保护提供一个可操作的平台。  相似文献   
<伊万·杰尼索维奇的一天>在索尔仁尼琴的创作中占有极其重要的位置.作家在这部作品中以高超的浓缩时空的技巧,描写了普通犯人伊万·杰尼索维奇在劳改营里度过的一天,展现了主人公在逆境中对生命的尊重及其对不公正的抗争,张扬了人性尊严,提示了人生的真谛.小说表达了作家对人生的深沉思考与道德探索.  相似文献   
围绕近几年我国出现的"弃尸"现象,从生命伦理和法律的视角分析人类尸体被丢弃所带来的伦理道德问题,进一步论证人类尸体应该分享人类的一部分尊严,应该享有一定的道德关照地位这一核心观点,以此唤醒人们对自身尊严的道德意识,强化家庭、社会对处置人类尸体的道德责任,遏制"弃尸"现象在我国的频发。  相似文献   
比照近代民法以财产法为中心,现代民法强化了人文关怀,主要表现为从以财产法为中心到人法地位的提升,并广泛体现于民法中主体制度的发展、人格权的勃兴、合同制度的发展、物权法的发展、侵权法的发展、婚姻家庭法的发展等各个方面。中国未来的民法典应当以人文关怀构建价值理念,注重对人的自由和尊严的充分保障以及对弱势群体的特殊关爱。基于这一理念,在中国未来民法典中有必要增加人格权法和侵权责任法编。在中国民法的适用等方面更应强化人文关怀。  相似文献   

Oregon's Death with Dignity Act (ODWDA) has been in effect for eight years. The United States Supreme Court recently decided that Oregon's law did not violate the Controlled Substances Act. Other states may consider a law similar to Oregon's through legislative process or ballot measures. Although social work is not mentioned in the law, our profession interfaces with the terminally ill, particularly in hospice. Eighty-seven percent of those who have used the law were enrolled in a hospice program. As a pilot project, this article explores conversations that the authors have had with patients, families, team members and health systems in hospices and oncology settings under Oregon's unique environment. The following four themes emerged from these conversations: (1) mental health, education, choice; (2) team concerns; (3) family issues; and (4) values, ethics, restricted conversations and professional struggles.  相似文献   
以流散文学的视角视之,张爱玲小说《同学少年都不贱》具有明显的流散文学特质。身处异国他乡的张爱玲,一如既往地蹙眉打量残缺人生,她以故人旧事为题材,把回忆和虚构组织进了作品,表现了人们面对富贵尊荣时摆脱身份危机、重建自尊的强烈诉求,其叙述的字里行间透露出作为“流散文学”作家文化认同、身份建构方面的深刻矛盾。  相似文献   
增加劳动报酬是实现体面劳动与尊严生活的关键,是马克思劳动力价值理论时代化的内在要求,也是构建和谐社会的应有之义。在市场经济条件下,企图撇开市场机制来增加劳动报酬是不符合市场经济体制改革的价值取向,最终也无法达到利益合理调整的目标。正确理顺政府与市场之间的关系,发挥政府配置资源"公平"之职责,是提高劳动者收入的重要环节。  相似文献   
The case argued in this paper is not that the concerns of the founders of sociology are uniformly and in every particular still our own (Runciman, 2008), but that the concepts and methods used to address just one of their concerns were both ground breaking and of enduring value (Shilling and Mellor, 2001, 2011, for example, make a similar claim). Such a concern focused on the kind of morality grounded in a capitalist social order and, by implication, how it might be theorized. This generated in the process the uniquely sociological operationalization of what had seemed hitherto a philosophical concept: human dignity, along with the freedom and autonomy that attend it. Certainly, the priorities differed in each of the contributions to this endeavour but, in coming at the problem from different standpoints, the concept of dignity came to appear more rounded, more substantive and more relevant to the human condition in all its historical specificity. Quite crucially, there is also in these sources from the classical period of sociology an intimation of method: both the way in which human dignity is to be ‘perceived’ within an inter‐personal dialectic at a micro‐level and, at a macro‐level, how we can discern that dignity transcends artificial confinement by any one aspect of life (be it economic, political or cultural).1  相似文献   
对于《红与黑》中的主人公于连 ,在文学界有种种评说。本文从当时法国的时代背景出发 ,探讨其性格与品质 ,并分析了性格形成的根源。  相似文献   
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