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Corporate scandals sometimes result in social devaluation and stigma for elite actors. This paper explores the linkage between the meaning-making processes that pertain to corporate scandals in the media and the outcome of stigma in two Swedish cases: the Skandia and ABB scandals. Several discursive strategies are identified that support two meaning-making processes that mediate between corporate acts and the stigmatisation of elite actors: the labelling of the acts as illegitimate and the transformation of the illegitimate act into evidence of some deeply discrediting attributes of elite organisational actors. The paper contributes to the literature on stigmatisation by elaborating on the concept of scandal-induced stigmatisation of elite actors, integrating a more sophisticated understanding of discursive legitimation, and introducing the characteristics of meaning making in the media as a mechanism that links corporate acts to the stigmatisation of elite corporate actors.  相似文献   
郝时远 《新疆社会科学》2012,(2):44-62,141,142
文章针对"第二代民族政策"说中有关改变中国民族政策的若干依据,就中国民族政策的核心原则、少数民族地区经济社会发展水平、反恐反分裂斗争的基本原则、民族区域自治制度的法律地位等方面,评析了以"去政治化"为内涵的"第二代民族政策"设计。指出了其中的一系列理论和实践误区,同时对该文存在的思想方法、学风等方面的问题予以质疑和批评,认为"第二代民族政策"的所谓"国际经验教训"基本不符合事实。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,随着农村私营经济的恢复和发展,农村私营企业主作为一个新社会群体迅速崛起,积极参与村庄政治生活,甚至主政村庄.治理村庄是农村新兴经济精英的一种社会责任,也是私营企业主社会责任的最新发展,具有深厚的社会基础.它是农村个体与私营非农经济发展、农村社会成员分化、乡村文化变迁的必然;又是国家建构现代农村经济、现代农村基层民主的产物;也是村民的发展期待、村庄的维权期待、派系的利益期待等多种力量共同作用的结果.  相似文献   
从近年来一批电影学研究者,特别是米莲姆·汉森、李欧梵、张英进、张真等人对本雅明理论的援引和借鉴中,我们可以发现,本雅明有关电影和大众文化的论述对现代电影理论有着相当的渗透性。本雅明理论对现代电影理论的确有着极为重要的当下意义,目前我们对其发掘还远远不够。同时本雅明也有他个人的和所处时代的局限性。将本雅明对现代电影理论的贡献进行一番梳理,并对其言说中的矛盾之处做出分析,可以帮助我们去思考应如何结合当前具体语境进一步超越本雅明,从而为拓展当下电影研究的视野提供一种参照。本雅明从学理上强调了电影的商品属性,将商品性上升到电影的本体层面作出认识,在某种程度上形成了同巴赞和克拉考尔的经典电影理论的对抗;本雅明所提出的“废墟”主题在后现代影像文本中的集中呈现体现了本雅明对现代文化、现代电影理论的超前预见。本雅明虽主张电影的商品化,但他反对资本对电影的控制,因此他推荐明显同电影的商品性相抵牾的前苏联电影经验,这就形成了本雅明电影商品化理论中的悖论。电影既然作为商品,就避免不了被资本所控制,但电影创作又不同于普通的商品生产,它是由编剧、导演、摄影师和演员等诸多方面的人员共同参与的一项复杂的精神性劳动,资本控制不了每一个具有能动性的电影生产者个体的精神,这就为电影生产者冲破资本的控制、挑战商品拜物教意识形态提供了多种可能。因此,电影的政治功能可以通过进步的电影人在电影商业机制内部得以体现。另外,本雅明虽然认识到在现代社会中,电影等大众文化的崛起是不可阻挡的趋势,但精英知识分子身份的固有规定性,又使本雅明的言说中不可避免地表现出对由此产生的消解意义、碎片化、平面化等文化现象的焦虑,这反映了本雅明对大众文化态度的游移。在全球化、多元化的当下语境中,本雅明曾经面临的精英与大众、高雅与通俗等严格的二元对立已经基本被超越,东方文化的崛起为我们走出本雅明曾经面临的困境提供了一种途径,中国文化中的庄、禅哲学完全可以为解决本雅明乃至西方后现代理论家们无法解决的文化难题提供一种参照。  相似文献   
新乡贤文化是由传统乡贤文化创造性转化、创新性发展而来的新型文化形态,以其独特作用助推乡村全面振兴。政府和社会是新乡贤文化建设的两种力量,并以此形成了政府主导式建设路径和社会主动式建设路径。政府主导式建设路径以做好顶层设计、整合各种资源、注重授权赋能为主要抓手,通过行政纵向推动力量引领新乡贤文化建设;社会主动式建设路径则以乡村内生力量、特色化的优势资源和参与式行动为依托,通过内生横向协商方式践行新乡贤文化建设。双重建设路径虽共存于乡村场域,但二者属性不同,需通过纵横协同形成新乡贤文化建设的强大合力,使新乡贤文化建设更具持续性和实效性。习近平文化思想为双重路径的纵横协同提供了强大思想武器和科学行动指南,双重建设路径应顺应时代新要求,遵循互嵌互融逻辑,在互动-嵌入-融合中实现纵横协同,共同服务于新乡贤文化建设。  相似文献   

This paper responds to van Deth's overview of empirical research on social capital and the difficulties of measuring the concept. We entirely agree with many of the problems that he identifies with the dominant mode of enquiry to date: namely survey and polling methods of attitudinal data. We are sure there are ways of improving on such quantitative methods although we are of the view that qualitative research is especially helpful for exploring the processes of social capital formation and the relationship between networks and norms so crucial to Putnam's use of the concept. Briefly, we discuss our own qualititive work involving intensive interviews with 120 activists drawn from a Citizens Audit of Britain. We address the importance of pre-existing trust and informal processes of mobilization, the significance of experiences of group involvement for generating norms of trust as well as distrust and the extent to which evaluations of such experiences influence wider views of participation and democracy in Britain. In sum, we totally endorse van Deth's call for the greater use of 'multi-methods and multi-level srategies' in empirical research by extending his plea to consider the valuable role of qualitative methods in the study of social capital.  相似文献   
元末割据政权林立,江南地区的文人们无法像前辈们那样跨区域漫游,广泛结交异地师友,更新创作理念和提升创作水准。洪武初年,朱元璋打破了唐宋两朝以朝官为正史纂修主体的传统,征召三十余名江南地区的知识精英赶赴金陵修撰《元史》。这群修史文人得以摆脱原有的地域限制,在首次作为大一统汉家王朝都城的金陵相聚,自由地进行思想、学术与文艺的交流,实现了婺州、吴中与大都三大文人群的融通和各区域文人群的内部整合,拓宽了自己的胸怀、视野和审美。修史文人们也积极组织与参与雅集、送别、题序等各种文学活动,创作出一批高水平的文学作品,并提出满足政权需要的文学理论,初步完成了都城文坛的建构。  相似文献   
随着经济社会的发展,城市开始扩容,大量农村走向了被动城市化的道路。社区精英作为城市化社区的一个重要的群体在治理的过程中发挥了重要的作用,这缘于社区精英自身角色的变化、政府的支持、社区居民的选择、精英自身的利益等综合性作用的结果;同时在社区治理的过程中,必须适当对社区精英的地位和作用进行规范和限制,逐步走制度化的社区治理之路,培育社区意识。  相似文献   
This paper examines how the territorial organization of corporate production — the extent to which firms connect places in the city system through intraorganizational relationships of ownership and control — is shaped by urban, industrial, and organization factors. Specifically, we study the determinants of the dispersion of corporate production facilities in the U.S. urban system. We analyze the number of U.S. cities and states in which the largest 500 industrial corporations operated plants in 1964 as a function of the characteristics of the location of the corporate headquarters, the predominant industries in which their plants produce, and their organizational structure. We find that corporate dispersion is shaped by some of the same factors that have been shown to organize the market-based territorial division of labor — the size and functional specialization of cities and the locational requirements of industry. But in addition, organizational attributes — a firm's industrial diversity, its age, and the extent to which it is controlled by families as opposed to managerial coalitions — also influence its geographic dispersion.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1983 annual meetings of the American Sociological Association in Detroit, Michigan.  相似文献   
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