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黄念然 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》2007,28(3):99-104
表现主义理论体系、杂文学观念体系、《文心雕龙》即体系、以“原人”说为中心的人本主义诗学体系,是20世纪古代文论体系研究中体系论者的代表性看法。从以“古”构“古”;以“今”构“古”;以“西”构“中”;以博取约等四种体系建构策略可以见出,背景理论知识或体系建构中的“前理解”框架已成为制约体系建构及其建构策略中的决定性因素;寻求对“前理解”的突破、超越或建设性的“视界融合”已成为体系研究及其建构策略的最新动向。其中,为完善学科而进行体系建构;与西方文论一较高下;认知和传播需要;出于知识或职业趣味等心理动机对古代文论研究的影响值得反思。在体系研究中一定程度地抑制体系化冲动,在体系建构中克服体系先验预设所带来的片面性,有赖于理论构架与经验事实的相互支撑,有赖于对古代文论诸现象内部有机联系的准确而客观的复现;历史经验事实的还原在理论体系建构中应是第一位的。体系建构,不能以“逻各斯中心主义”为“体系”话语的活动杠杆,而必须在“道”与“逻各斯”平等对话的基础上来进行。“道”与“逻各斯”如何在深层次上获得融通没有得到合理解决,过早的体系化必然导致观念与理路上的错位与失范。 相似文献
This study explores the determinants of labor supply patterns among Latinas in the USA. We use recent microeconomic data from the Panel Study on Income Dynamics/Latino National Political Survey (PSID-LNPS) to estimate models of labor force participation, wages, and hours worked for a sample of Cuban, Mexican, and Puerto Rican women. We estimate the same models for Anglo and Black women in order to explore ethnic differences in the impact of characteristics affecting both the reservation and the market wage. We find that differences exist in the return to characteristics, such as education, but that there are also substantial differences in the levels of those characteristics across ethnic groups. The low wage rates and labor market activity of Latinas relative to Anglo and Black women are thus likely to be the combined result of lower investments in human capital and larger family size, the greater negative impact of macroeconomic conditions, and a stronger responsiveness to wages. Among Latinas, we find that there are differences in labor market outcomes between national origin and nativity groups. We also find that age at arrival and years in the USA play a role in labor supply, and that this is particularly true for Puerto Rican women. 相似文献
就业寒流下应用型外语人才培养研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来我国高校毕业生在就业市场上面临着越来越大的压力,而一度曾经颇受青睐的外语专业毕业生更是遭遇前所未有的就业寒潮,解决大学生就业难问题需要全社会从宏观到微观各个层面相互协调,从而实现外语高等教育与社会人才需求相对接,为经济发展服务。 相似文献
地方高校大学生就业核心竞争力提升策略刍议 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
大学毕业生就业形势日益严峻,如何提升大学生的就业核心竞争力已成为各地方高校的重要课题.本文通过对地方高校大学生就业核心竞争力的分析,从政府、高校、用人单位以及毕业生自身四个行为主体方面探讨了有效提升地方高校大学生就业核心竞争力的策略. 相似文献
Evgenia Gorina Victor Agadjanian Natalya Zotova 《Journal of ethnic and migration studies》2018,44(9):1584-1603
This study contributes to the growing body of literature on the outcomes of labour migration by focusing on the effects of migrant legal status on the economic and perceptual measures of migration success. To study the effects of legal status, we use a sample of Central Asian migrant women who work in Russia and of their native counterparts who occupy the same positions on the labour market. Similar to the studies in the developed settings, we find that a temporary legal status is associated with an earnings penalty and that permanent legal status corrects this earning disparity. We also find that both temporary and permanent migrant status is positively associated with perceptions of pay inequality but that, irrespective of these perceptions, both types of migrants are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs than natives. We interpret these findings within the legal and social context of migrant economic incorporation in Russia and relate them to the findings from other migrant-receiving settings. 相似文献
In Australia, nearly 30,000 asylum seekers have the legal right to work, but their temporary and conditional migration status exposes them to work-related precarity. This article draws on a small qualitative study that examined asylum seekers’ experiences of seeking work and achieving economic security. Over an 18-month period, 29 semi-structured interviews with asylum seekers who had work rights in Australia were conducted. It provides insights into how restrictive immigration policies manufacture precarity through short-term, conditional visas, resulting in employer risk aversion, segmentation into insecure work, and in-work instability and mistreatment. Asylum seekers manage their experiences and feelings of pervasive insecurity through individual coping and survival strategies. 相似文献
作为民生之本的就业是反映一个地区社会经济发展水平的重要标志。民主改革60年来,西藏人口增长,劳动力数量持续增加,就业规模不断扩大,就业结构日臻优化,劳动力的流动性不断提高。劳动力市场机制从无到有,并逐渐完善,城镇失业率保持低位。大学生就业从“统包统分”到“双向选择、自主择业”,通过多种措施并举和多种渠道并行的就业引导,实现了高比率的大学生就业。通过免费职业技能培训、打造劳务品牌、提高转移就业的组织化程度和优化进城务工环境等措施有效实现了农村富余劳动力向城镇的转移。西藏就业60年的发展历程反映了西藏社会的不断进步,也承载着西藏发展的巨大动力。 相似文献
随着新一轮通用技术变革的深入,新业态、新模式层数不穷,数字就业形式正逐渐发展为新的就业选择,这给传统劳动力就业带来挑战的同时,也为扩大就业机会、缩小群体收入差距提供了契机。本文从马克思剩余价值理论出发,给出了数字技术对就业决策的影响机制和路径,并基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS)第二期数据,通过稳健性检验、异质性分析和机制分析的方法,比较研究了汉族与少数民族人口的数字就业效应差异,重点考察了少数民族人口在数字就业决策上的特殊表现。研究结果发现:尽管数字技术对就业决策存在着显著的正向引导作用,但在具体的影响大小上,少数民族人口的数字就业效应略低于汉族人口;适度的宗教活动更有利于少数民族人口从事数字就业活动;数字技术还能使得少数民族男女得到更好的就业分工;且随着“宽带中国”战略的实施,城乡和族群间的数字就业效应差距日益缩小,但目前仍呈现东部地区高于中西部地区的状态;此外,跨族群的社会资本积累和不可替代的人力资本积累将更有利于少数民族人人口的数字就业决策。 相似文献
大学生就业问题近年来成为社会各界关注的热点问题,少数民族大学毕业生的就业问题因其既具有共性,又带有特性,更应成为关注的焦点。本文基于对西南民族大学少数民族毕业生就业问题的调研,发现当前成都地区高校少数民族毕业生一定程度存在热衷大城市就业,沟通能力相对不足,从事工作与所学专业不对口,易受到不公对待等就业问题。究其原因,我们认为与少数民族大学毕业生的传统择业观、汉语水平、学校的专业设置以及用人单位的不当认识有关。为此,本文提出政府应加大对少数民族大学毕业生就业的关注程度;学校应提高少数民族大学生的综合素质;社会应创造公平公正的就业环境;少数民族大学生应提升自身能力、转变择业观念等相关对策建议。 相似文献
孔子学院的发展现状、问题及趋势 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8
徐丽华 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2008,33(5):25-31
孔子学院是以教授汉语和传播中国文化为宗旨的非营利的公益机构,是海外朋友学习汉语了解中国的窗口,也是学习借鉴不同文化、促进多元文化交流发展而构建和谐世界的平台。作为汉语国际推广的龙头产品,孔子学院的建设已经初具规模,发展的势头引人瞩目。本文谨就孔子学院的发展现状、存在问题以及未来的趋势作一概括性的阐述和分析。 相似文献