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The present paper considers a family of ordinary ridge regression estimators in the linear regression model when the disturbances covariance matrix depends upon a few unknown parameters. An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the ridge regression estimator is developed and under the quadratic loss function its asymptotic risk is compared with that of the feasible GLS estimator.  相似文献   
The MINQUE and its modifications are considered for estimating the variances of the balanced one-way random effects model. The effects of the a priori values on the estimators of the variances are examined in detail. The Mean Square Errors of the estimators are compared for variations in the prior values of the unknown variances.  相似文献   
Asymptotic distributions of maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters in explosive growth curve models are derived. Limit distributions of prediction errors when the parameters are estimated are also obtained. The growth curve models are viewed as multivariate time-series models, and the usual time-series methods are used for prediction. Estimation constrained by a hypothesis of homogeneity of growth rates is also considered.  相似文献   
Nonparametric smoothing, such as kernel or spline estimation, has been examined extensively under the assumption of uncorrelated errors. This paper addresses the effects of potential correlation on consistency and other asymptotic properties in a repeated-measures model, using directly optimized linear smoothers of the replicate means. Unrestricted optimal weights, with respect to squared error loss, are used to confirm a lack of consistency for all linear estimators in an autocorrelated errors model. The results indicate kernel methods that work well for an uncorrelated errors model may not have the ability to perform satisfactorily when correlation is introduced, due to an asymmetry in the optimal weights, which disappears for an uncorrelated errors model. These would include data-driven bandwidth selection methods, adjustments of the bandwidth to accommodate correlation, higher-order kernels, and related bias reduction techniques. The analytic results suggest alternative approaches, not considered here in detail, which have shown merit.  相似文献   
In regression analysis, it is assumed that the response (or dependent variable) distribution is Normal, and errors are homoscedastic and uncorrelated. However, in practice, these assumptions are rarely satisfied by a real data set. To stabilize the heteroscedastic response variance, generally, log-transformation is suggested. Consequently, the response variable distribution approaches nearer to the Normal distribution. As a result, the model fit of the data is improved. Practically, a proper (seems to be suitable) transformation may not always stabilize the variance, and the response distribution may not reduce to Normal distribution. The present article assumes that the response distribution is log-normal with compound autocorrelated errors. Under these situations, estimation and testing of hypotheses regarding regression parameters have been derived. From a set of reduced data, we have derived the best linear unbiased estimators of all the regression coefficients, except the intercept which is often unimportant in practice. Unknown correlation parameters have been estimated. In this connection, we have derived a test rule for testing any set of linear hypotheses of the unknown regression coefficients. In addition, we have developed the confidence ellipsoids of a set of estimable functions of regression coefficients. For the fitted regression equation, an index of fit has been proposed. A simulated study illustrates the results derived in this report.  相似文献   
Homogeneity of variance is a basic assumption in longitudinal data analysis. However, the assumption is not necessarily appropriate. In this paper, Fisher scoring method is applied to get M-estimator in the exponential correlation mixed-effects linear model. The score tests for heteroscedasticity and correlation coefficient based on M-estimator are then studied. Monte Carlo method is applied to investigate the properties of test statistics. At last, the methods and properties are illustrated by an actual data example.  相似文献   
Testing predictability is of importance in economics and finance. Based on a predictive regression model with independent and identically distributed errors, some uniform tests have been proposed in the literature without distinguishing whether the predicting variable is stationary or nearly integrated. In this article, we extend the empirical likelihood methods of Zhu, Cai, and Peng with independent errors to the case of an AR error process. Again, the proposed new tests do not need to know whether the predicting variable is stationary or nearly integrated, and whether it has a finite variance or an infinite variance. A simulation study shows the new methodologies perform well in finite sample.  相似文献   
清人王文诰的《苏诗总案》是一部完备、详赡的苏轼年谱,详细考论了苏轼一生的出处行藏。同时还首次对苏轼作品进行了全面、系统的编年,成为后来苏轼文集、苏轼词集的编年基础。《总案》在作品编年方面可谓功不可没,然智者千虑、必有一失,王文诰的一些结论并非无懈可击,而后人往往盲从王氏,一再沿袭其错,故有必要对《总案》进行辨误工作。试举苏轼黄州时期的诗文词各一首,作尝试分析,重新编年,以见《总案》之误。  相似文献   
In many industrial quality control experiments and destructive stress testing, the only available data are successive minima (or maxima)i.e., record-breaking data. There are two sampling schemes used to collect record-breaking data: random sampling and inverse sampling. For random sampling, the total sample size is predetermined and the number of records is a random variable while in inverse-sampling the number of records to be observed is predetermined; thus the sample size is a random variable. The purpose of this papper is to determinevia simulations, which of the two schemes, if any, is more efficient. Since the two schemes are equivalent asymptotically, the simulations were carried out for small to moderate sized record-breaking samples. Simulated biases and mean square errors of the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters using the two sampling schemes were compared. In general, it was found that if the estimators were well behaved, then there was no significant difference between the mean square errors of the estimates for the two schemes. However, for certain distributions described by both a shape and a scale parameter, random sampling led to estimators that were inconsistent. On the other hand, the estimated obtained from inverse sampling were always consistent. Moreover, for moderated sized record-breaking samples, the total sample size that needs to be observed is smaller for inverse sampling than for random sampling.  相似文献   
This article considers an unreplicated ultrastructural model and discusses the asymptotic properties of three consistent estimators of slope parameter arising from the knowledge of measurement error variances. Conditions are deduced when knowing the error variances associated with both the study and the explanatory variables is more/less beneficial than using a single error variance in the formulation of slope estimators.  相似文献   
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