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小说集<台北人>是白先勇小说创作的精华,它描述了赫赫王朝灭亡后,各阶级、各行业的大陆人流落台岛20年间的生活面貌.文章从以下两方面对小说集的内涵做了初步分析:一是文化主题--乡愁,分别通过男性、女性两个群体来展现;二是哲学意蕴--生命无常、一切皆空,人生本就是宿命.  相似文献   
万国之上犹有公民在,民族的复兴首先在于超越时空与国度的民族精神的复兴。民族文化是民族精神的栖息地,研究民族精神必须将“民族精神、民族文化、民族凝聚力、民族力量”结合起来,排除两个干扰,做到有的放矢,为民族复兴,振兴世界服务。道家自然民本思想与自由民主思想同于一理,交相辉映道家是东方的自由民主,自由民主是西方的道家。道教远播海外,目前正汇流国内成为世界当代文化与思潮的洪流,同时带动世界文明中心回归中国。中华民族的先进精神有九个方面,九九归一,绝学无忧,中美文化底蕴与价值取向还是一致的。  相似文献   
亚里士多德 (13 5 6a)在其《修辞学》著作中区分出三种劝说手段 ,即以理服人 (论理 )、气质感人 (伦理 )和以情动人 (情理 )。这三种手段通常能通过修辞家的修辞艺术来实现。从广义上来讲 ,劝说过程即证明过程 ,它包含与之相关的性质 :信赖、可信赖程度、信任、可信程度 ,并涉及用来保证这些性质的物体和方式。亚氏认为第一种手段是修辞学恰如其分的任务 ,其余两种是根据听众的种类产生的附加手段。但这两种附加手段在古希腊演说中扮演着主要角色 ,也在当今社会交往中扮演重要角色。本文拟分析讨论第二种手段 ,并通过篇章分析来说明这种手段在社会交往中的运用  相似文献   
“第三条道路”思潮对我国大争生产生了严重的消极影响,它在一定程度上消解了马克思主义意识形态在大学生群体中的影响力,造成部分大学生放弃社会主义追求,误导了大学生对国际行为的判断等。造成这些负面影响的原因包括转型时期的国情、其理论的吸引力以及对“第三条道路”思潮批判不够等。构筑社会主义核心价值体系、加快实现社会主艾现代化以及加大,对“第三条道路”的批判力受为我们提供了消除其负面影响的途径。  相似文献   
在社会文化、风习、政治状况等多种因素变化发展的共同作用下,隐逸在汉代经过了由微而显、高潮迭起的发展过程.西汉中期以前,新道家和儒家思想主导地位的先后确立导致了隐逸陷入低潮;其后,儒家理想主义的破灭、不仕二姓观念、援道入儒潮流、明哲保身处世哲学、知识主义兴起及政治状况不断恶化共同催生了汉代隐逸的高潮.在受社会文化、风习、政治影响的同时,汉代隐逸群体在推动文化发展、砥砺社会风习及改良政治等方面都发挥了巨大作用. .  相似文献   
儒家“和同”思想是中国传统文化的基本精神,主张在差异的基础上,去寻求一种和谐共处、共生、共长。而以儒家“和同”思想为根基的中华民族精神之特质表现为:以仁为本的“恕”道;作为至德的“中”道;作为价值判定的“直”道;作为和谐共长的“生”道。现代社会的发展日趋全球化、多元化、复杂化,那么,中华民族又将如何以自己独特的面貌和精神继续屹立于世界的东方呢? 儒家“和同”思想将给我们以深刻的启示。  相似文献   
抗战前后,随着民族危机的日益加深,中国人民的民族意识得到加强。从民族自保的角度,思想界相当一些人士对于民族传统文化的态度发生了变化,认为一个民族要延续,作为其象征的文化传统应该得以保存,并由此得出了返本开新的结论。然而,他们同样面临着自清末以来中华民族精神转型的一个悖论:即如果改变中国传统中的实用理性因素,那么新的民族精神必定是一个非传统甚至反传统的东西;如果不改变其中的实用理性因素,那么所谓民族精神的转型便是换汤不换药。正因为此,直至抗战结束,中华民族精神的现代转型并未成功。  相似文献   
Although the production of the built environment is increasingly globalized, and architecture and urban planning (AUP) professionals are known to be the key carriers of mobile ideas, the internationalization of small owner-centred architectural offices has gained little academic attention, compared to the large consultancies that dominate the global market. We bring together the literature on the circuits of urban planning ideas, the international movement of AUP firms and professional ethoses to explore the internationalization of small AUP offices. Using interview data from Finnish offices, we investigate the ‘what, where, why and how’ and find that they have entered specific geographically delimited AUP circuits demarcated by type of project. We contribute to the literature by identifying motives characteristic of small offices guided by professional ethoses suited to the circuits where they internationalize. Their ethoses may evolve in time and space, as they operate in new circuits. We propose that ethos–circuit coherence may contribute to the successful internationalization of small architectural offices. The findings open avenues for further research on professional ethos not only of architects but also other internationally operating professionals, as it may guide their decisions by other than a narrowly conceived profit motive.  相似文献   
As cultural sociologists have long held, systems of collective meaning invariably take on concrete institutionalized form. In as much as a therapeutic code of moral understanding has become a dominant impulse in American culture, we would expect to find evidence of this cultural sensibility in society's major institutional structures, including the criminal justice system. In this article, we consider the impact of the therapeutic ethos on criminal adjudication through an examination of the `victimization defense strategy'—an increasingly popular legal argument that explains criminal action through a focus on past experiences of social victimization. We find that the emergence and application of this legal strategy relies heavily on the therapeutic ethos, a development that both reaffirms the validity of the therapeutic culture and potentially transforms the very essence of the adjudicative process.  相似文献   
This article analyses the on-going debate concerning Sámi definition in Finland, in order to examine some of the challenges that indigenous and minority voices are facing within the increasingly ‘postcolonial’ and ‘postmodern’ academia. Since the late 1960s, universities and institutions of higher education have been nodal points in a broad range of social and political struggles that have sought to decolonize and democratize science and knowledge. These struggles have challenged previous claims to truth and objectivity and paved way for the rise of a deconstructive research ethos, whose central objective is to bring voice to silenced, marginalized and subaltern subject positions. Although the academia might therefore appear today increasingly sensitive also for indigenous voices and research agendas, this article argues that the opposite might be the case: A research ethos, which explicitly aims to strengthen and empower the margin, can just as well work to silence indigenous voices, and end up supporting the agendas of the dominant society. In conclusion, I draw attention to four interlinked domains – context, truth, justice and politics – that need to be rethought, in order to reinstate the political and ethical vigour of critical research practices at large.  相似文献   
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