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我国民事诉讼中一直以来以中立证人观规定、理解证人,也以证人与案件、当事人有无利害关系作为判断证人证言证明力的重要方法。其实证人都在一定程度上、一定方式上与案件或者当事人有这样或那样的关系,中立证人不仅是一种乌托邦的设想,同时与现代诉讼制度的改革是异质的,为此应在克服传统中立证人观的基础上,确立与之适应的证人评价法,这就是矛盾评价法。  相似文献   
在刑事诉讼对抗制体系下,控辩双方对证据资源的需求和证据的供给之间发生了紧张关系,使证据成为一种稀缺资源.对于证人证言这样一种公共物品,法律通过设定真相作证义务满足了刑事诉讼对证据的需求.而对于律师基于职业关系所掌握的被告人的秘密信息,如果严格贯彻真相义务要求律师作证,则会产生类似于经济学意义上的外部影响问题.对于外部影响的解决,科斯定理给出了基本思路,即明确被告人对其秘密信息的排他性产权,并设立律师拒证权予以保护.  相似文献   
中国古代证据制度具有定罪必须取得被告人的供词;诬告者反坐,证人地位低,对伪证者刑惩严厉;疑罪从轻、从赎,实行有罪推定;维护等级特权,体现宗法家族统治;重视勘验,物证技术比较发达;刑讯是获取人证的主要方式;以五声听狱讼,验诸证信,自由推断等七个基本特点。通过对这些基本特点的探讨,能够更为深刻地认识传统的“诉讼形态”。  相似文献   
证人拒绝作证已成为困扰我国司法实践的一大难题。证人拒绝作证既有其自身的原因,亦有外在的制度原因。我国文化传统形成的心理层面的因素对我国证人拒绝作证行为产生了重大影响,属根源性因素。其次的外在制度层面因素也有一定影响。对证人拒绝作证原因的深入分析有助于为我国法学界寻找此难题的解决之道。  相似文献   
佛经中包含大量印度故事,它们伴随佛经汉译传入中国,蜕化为中国各族民间故事的血肉.康居部是哈萨克草原最早信仰佛教的民族,古代康居高僧很早就从事佛经译述,使许多源于佛经的印度故事在现代哈萨克口头文学中世代相传,至今仍有踪迹可寻.哈萨克族民间故事的超拔想象、深邃智慧和奇诡构想,正是融合中印民间叙事艺术所形成的.  相似文献   
Over the past five years the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI has been developing a new technology to address the problem of automated information management within real- world contexts. The result of this work is a body of techniques for automated reasoning from evidence that we call evidential reasoning. The techniques are based upon the mathematics of belief functions developed by Dempster and Shafer and have been successfully applied to a variety of problems including computer vision, multisensor integration, and intelligence analysis.

We have developed both a formal basis and a framework for implementating automated reasoning systems based upon these techniques. Both the formal and practical approach can be divided into four parts: (1) specifying a set of distinct propositional spaces, (2) specifying the interrelationships among these spaces, (3) representing bodies of evidence as belief distributions, and (4) establishing paths of the bodies for evidence to move through these spaces by means of evidential operations, eventually converging on spaces where the target questions can be answered. These steps specify a means for arguing from multiple bodies of evidence toward a particular (probabilistic) conclusion. Argument construction is the process by which such evidential analyses are constructed and is the analogue of constructing proof trees in a logical context.

This technology features the ability to reason from uncertain, incomplete, and occasionally inaccurate information based upon seven evidential operations: fusion, discounting, translation, projection, summarization, interpretation, and gisting. These operation are theoretically sound but have intuitive appeal as well.

In implementing this formal approach, we have found that evidential arguments can be represented as graphs. To support the construction, modification, and interrogation of evidential arguments, we have developed Gister. Gister provides an interactive, menu-driven, graphical interface that allows these graphical structures to be easily manipulated.

Our goal is to provide effective automated aids to domain experts for argument construction. Gister represents our first attempt at such an aid.  相似文献   

TEI@I方法论及其在外汇汇率预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于TE I@I方法论的理论框架,构建了一个基于TE I@I方法论的外汇汇率预测模型。在此模型中,传统的经济计量模型用于处理外汇汇率的主要趋势,人工神经网络技术用于分析外汇汇率的非线性,而文本挖掘和专家系统用于处理外汇市场中的突现性和不稳定性。最后,基于集成的思想,利用支持向量回归技术对上述3个部分进行非线性集成,从而获得一个更为精确的预测结果。通过实证方法验证了基于TE I@I方法论的外汇汇率预测模型的有效性。  相似文献   
《刑事诉讼法》经过系统修改在我国颁布实行后,我国的刑事司法制度日益完善,更趋向于合理。但在具体考量刑事司法制度变革是否深入的问题时,证人怠于出庭逐渐成为衡量其成功与否的重要因素。对此问题的探究,不能仅站在国家管理者的高度凭惯性思考,需要研究者超越历史的局限,从证人对自身重大利益的关切,以及社会强势群体的示范导向和人情社会的惰性阻碍着眼,加以理性地批判。  相似文献   
Perception of Ecological Risk to Water Environments   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
This paper examines lay and expert perceptions of the ecological risks associated with a range of human activities that could adversely affect water resource environments. It employs the psychometric paradigm pioneered in characterizing perceptions of human health risks, which involves surveys to obtain judgments from subjects about risk items in terms of several important characteristics of the risks. The paper builds on a previous study that introduced ecological risk perception. This second study employs a larger, more diverse sample, a more focused topic area, and comparisons between lay and expert judgments. The results confirm that a small set of underlying factors explain a great deal of variability in lay judgments about ecological risks. These have been termed Ecological Impact, Human Benefits, Controllability , and Knowledge. The results are useful in explaining subjects' judgments of the general riskiness of, and need for regulation of, various risk items. The results also indicate several differences and areas of agreement among the lay and expert samples that point to potential key issues in future ecological risk management efforts for water resources.  相似文献   
作为世界上第一家环境法院,澳大利亚新南威尔士州土地环境法院是包括中国在内的各国环境法院学习和研究的先例。经过三十几年的实践,其土地环境法院的各项制度都已经发展得比较完备,如综合性管辖权、替代纠纷解决机制、法院专家制度等。目前,我国虽有环境审判庭出现,但远没有发挥其应有作用。以澳大利亚新南威尔士州土地环境法院为例,介绍该法院的设立背景、相关制度和经验,以期对我国环境法庭今后的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   
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