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市场经济价值观的本质规定性不是以个人主义为核心的利己主义,而是互利的。坦市场互利的调节机能并不总是起作用的,这就有赖于市场之外的精神和法律因素,从而确保我国市场经济的有效运行。  相似文献   

Generational transformations over historical time and space in Africa have featured a mixture of the “good” and the “bad.” The valuable interactions and relationships that endured in our traditional communities typify the good. The bad, on the other hand, is typified by the alterations that our cultures have witnessed as a result of profound and, sometimes, negatively influencing foreign contacts that have put in jeopardy whatever we had cherished in our generational relationships in the past. However, it is obvious that Africa cannot remain in the past in a globalizing and modernizing world. We live in the present, and therefore our peoples must engage in the deconstruction, reconstruction and transformation of whatever could help them maintain some degree of cultural development.  相似文献   
道德利他是现实道德生活之中一种特殊的道德现象,它与制度伦理有着紧密的联系。一定的制度和制度体系既可能构成道德利他现象生成的障碍,也可能构成道德利他现象生成的动力。从正式制度和非正式制度两个层面出发,可以构建出不同性质的促进道德利他现象生成的对策体系。  相似文献   
This study examines whether people of different observed characteristics exhibit different degree of altruism. The article utilizes a National Mental Health Survey that gathered questions about respondents’ self-reported altruism along with their demographic, labor force, and income information. The empirical results revealed the following: (1) Older people are more altruistic. This could potentially be explained by the Socioemotional Selectivity Theory (SST) that the older people shift towards emotion-related goals that can be internally rewarding in the present. (2) Higher-income people are more altruistic. This could potentially be explained by the fact that higher-income people could better afford to be more altruistic compared to lower-income people. (3) Women are more altruistic. This could potentially be explained by either biological evolution or social imposition. The main results are robust once the potential endogeneity problem of the income variable is mitigated by the use of the instrumental variable estimation method.  相似文献   
《啊 !荒野》是奥尼尔惟一的一部充满光明和快乐的喜剧。剧作家希望能通过此剧超越以往的悲剧观念 ,对家人表示无怨的理解和宽容 ,表达自己的家庭理想和对已经失落的美国精神的惋惜之情。  相似文献   
市场经济理论的基本前提是“经济人”假设,但如何对“经济人”进行定位,直接影响着市场经济的实践。从经济学的角度看,所谓“经济人”即指以追求自我利益最大化为目的而从事经济活动的人;但从哲学的角度看,现实的经济人不应当是单一地谋求利益最大化的人,他也有非理性地偏离最大化的一面。对此,亚当.斯密从经济哲学的角度对两者如何在统一于市场行为者的现实活动中进行了分析。全面掌握亚当.斯密这一经济哲学思想对进入21世纪的中国着手建立健全市场经济秩序、解决效率与公平、经济的可持续发展等问题具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
This study uses the 1989 Survey of Consumer Finances to examine the effects of respondents' characteristics on their expectations of receiving inheritances and leaving bequests, based on altruistic bequest theory. The results of logistic regression analysis suggest that respondents' sociodemographic characteristics such as education, marital status, race, presence of living parents, and number of siblings significantly affect their anticipation of receiving an inheritance. People's expectations of leaving a bequest are found to be positively and significantly related to the value of nonliquid asset holdings, education, marital status, and positive attitude toward bequests but inversely associated with the total number of children in the household and being disabled. Those who are self-employed and middle-aged are more likely to anticipate leaving bequests.  相似文献   
基于非营利性组织视角,将利他主义因素纳入科技企业孵化器工作人员行为中,构建利他主义下科技企业孵化器多任务激励模型,分析了孵化器对创业企业的最优收费价格、次优收费价格与最优孵化质量,探讨了利他程度、税率、财政返还比率、任务的替代与互补性等因素对孵化器激励机制发挥作用的影响。研究表明,当科技企业孵化器提供的两个服务质量维度互补时,孵化器激励机制的激励作用很大;当两个质量维度互为替代品时,孵化器激励机制的激励作用很弱或无效,满足一定条件时,激励作用也可达到较高水平。孵化器监管者应综合考虑利他程度、税率、财政返还比率、任务的替代与互补性等因素对孵化器进行激励。  相似文献   
自利和利他是市场经济发展中最深厚的人性根源。人的生存发展需要和市场经济的交换、竞争特征,使追求自利成为市场经济的内在动力,但经济行为主体在追求自身利益最大化的同时又必须以利他为前提。利他不但是一种经济行为,而且是一种价值追求。在市场经济实践中,要达到自利和利他的平衡,互利双赢是基本的经济伦理基础。  相似文献   
无私利他的正道德价值最高,是伦理行为最高境界的应该如何,是道德最高原则,是善的最高原则,是至善;单纯利己的道德价值最低,是伦理行为最低境界的应该如何,是道德最低原则,是善的最低原则,是最低的善;为己利他是利他与利己的混合境界,其道德价值介于无私利他与单纯利己之间,是伦理行为基本境界的应该如何,是道德基本原则,是善的基本原则,是基本的善.利他主义否定为己利他和单纯利己,而把无私利他奉为评价行为是否道德的唯一准则;合理利己主义否定无私利他和单纯利己,而把为己利他奉为评价行为是否道德的唯一准则;个人主义否定无私利他或为己利他,而把单纯利己奉为评价行为是否道德的唯一准则.所以,利他主义与合理利己主义以及个人主义不过是分别夸大了无私利他、为己利他、单纯利己三大善原则而堕入谬误的片面化的真理而已.  相似文献   
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