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姓名是个人与社会联系的纽带,是个人在社会上存在的一种证明。称谓是以本人为轴心确定亲属以及非亲属与本人关系的标志。无论是在中国还是在日本,姓名和称谓对于人们来说都有着非常重要的意义。但是,由于两国的历史文化以及价值取向不同,导致了两国人民在对姓名及称谓的认知不尽相同。中国古代在名字的使用上有避讳的制度。在言谈和书写时,遇到君父长上的名字一律要回避。取名时也不能取他们的名字中有的或同音的字。这一习俗在亲属称谓以及社会称谓习俗上也留有烙印。从文化对比的角度,以人名的避讳为切入口,分析中日两国的姓名及称谓的特征和差异以及所产生的原因。这一研究有助于我们对中日两国的姓名及称谓有一个更加系统的认识,对中日两国的社会、传统文化有更加深入的了解。  相似文献   
旅游体验满意是衡量旅游者忠诚与重顾的关键因素。旅游者对以世界文化遗产地丽江古城的民居客栈体验的网络评价,主要涉及了“家”、整洁、舒适、环境、房间陈设、位置等六个方面,这些都是影响民居客栈成功经营的关键因素。但是就旅游者体验来说,这些因素明显缺乏了地方文化的展现与创新。基于此,文章从酒店化与专业化、家庭化与生活化、文化化与乡野化的视域上重新设计了民居客栈经营发展的创新模式,凸显出民居客栈产品与酒店产品的差异性,创建一种独具地方特色的民居品牌,助推民居经营的永续发展。  相似文献   
以社会情感财富理论与合法性视角为出发点,选择2008—2018年中国沪深两市A股上市家族企业为研究样本,考察家族涉入及继任CEO来源对企业财务报告质量的影响。研究发现:家族的所有权涉入及管理权涉入均对企业财务报告质量具有显著的负向影响。相比一代创始人CEO,家族二代继任CEO与职业经理人继任CEO均会提升家族企业的财务报告质量。此研究丰富了家族企业研究方面的文献,拓展了家族企业财务报告质量前沿问题的研究视野,同时为我国后一代时期的家族企业如何提升财务报告质量提供了参考。  相似文献   
家庭是贫困治理的社会基础,有效阻断贫困的代际传递是贫困治理的重要方式。基于家庭策略的视野,通过对两个贫困家庭在减贫过程中不同减贫方式的分析与比较,探讨家庭策略如何被自主运用来解决贫困问题。研究发现,“反馈模式”的代际关系下,多子女所带来的路径可选择性与关系灵活性让家庭有更大空间采用有效的家庭策略,以“代内合力”和“代际合力”为一部分子女的成长和发展提供更充分的资源及“资源变现”的空间与条件,从而为实现“家庭减贫”创造机会。在巩固脱贫成果和实现乡村振兴进程中,家庭作用的有效发挥能充分激发家庭自我发展的内生动力,从而实现脱贫致富。  相似文献   
作为中国古代亲情诗的源头,《诗经》在主题意境、典故语汇、表现方式等方面对后世亲情诗产生了深远影响。汉魏时期的亲情诗,无论在数量上还是质量上,都达到了很高的水平,先秦已具雏形的思妇诗、闺怨诗、悼亡诗,在这一时期也确立了各自的类型特点以及在诗歌史上的地位。在表现手法和技巧方面,汉魏亲情诗学习了《诗经》复沓迭章、比兴等手法和《楚辞》的寄托方式,写景托情,情景交融,很好地表现了主题和感情。可以说,经过汉魏时期,亲情诗在表现人伦亲情方面已经具备了自己的特点,形成了较为多样的风格和题材(主题),成为独立的诗歌类型,从而迎来了是中国亲情诗发展史上的第一个高峰期。  相似文献   
对太平天国婚姻家庭制度的剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婚姻家庭制度在太平天国颁发的一系列政策和法令中占有突出的地位,对其利弊进行实事求是的分析也就显得至关重要。该文拟就男女平等的主张、婚姻制度的改革、严别男行女行、封建婚姻陈规陋习的"回归",这四个方面进行剖析。  相似文献   
充分发挥家庭因素在大学生就业过程中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生就业竞争日趋激烈,影响大学生就业过程的因素很多,其中家庭因素对大学生就业能力的塑造不可忽视,家庭因素对大学生就业质量、就业观念、就业行为有较大影响当前应合理利用家庭因素促进大学生就业.  相似文献   
This paper explores the ways in which the work-life balance choices made by heterosexual couples differ in different generations, how such choices are gendered, and the extent to which 'individualization' provides an adequate conceptualization of the effects of social change on heterosexual couples. It argues that processes of individualization need to be seen in the context of changing social institutions, and that it is the de-institutionalization of 'the family' and the life course that is leading to a de-gendering of work-life balance choices. The paper draws on findings from a restudy of the family and social change and a study of the gender dimensions of job insecurity both of which were carried out in the same geographical location. The studies provide evidence of generational change in work-life balance choices and increasing occupational differentiation between heterosexual partners. This leads to a situation where increasingly choices are made which blur gendered boundaries and which has been made possible by a process of de-institutionalization of the male breadwinner family. Our findings support the contention that processes of individualization are more apparent amongst younger than older generations and that, because of changes external to the family, there is more negotiation and pragmatism amongst younger generations about work-life choices.  相似文献   
This paper investigates how policy and values interrelate concerning expectations of childcare based on 80 interviews with 40 families with young children from France and Sweden, respectively. Upbringing, learning and socialization are important expectations among French parents. The results presented here are in line with educational goals that may have been influenced by policy. The findings suggest that France may, in terms of expectations on childcare, still belong to the conservative cluster as categorized by Esping-Andersen (1990 Esping-Andersen, G. 1990. The three worlds of welfare capitalism, Cambridge: Polity Press.  [Google Scholar]), although family policy may differ from that of, for example, Germany and Italy in the same cluster. Swedish parents stress the importance of the individual child as well as pedagogy, thus, indicating compatibility between a parental wish for the individual development of the child and an emphasis on collective care in Swedish family policy.  相似文献   
Current thinking suggests that little productive work can be undertaken with families where serious physical or sexual abuse of children has occurred in the absence of a clear acceptance of responsibility for that abuse. This means that children are often removed from their families because of the perceived risks, with the disadvantages that being looked after in local authority care often brings. Alternatively, children may be left in the same environment where serious abuse has taken place with little or no work being undertaken with the family. Either approach fails children, especially those who have made clear and believable allegations in the hope of bringing about a process of change and protection. This article describes the work of a pilot project at the Avon NSPCC in Bristol working with families where the alleged abuser disputes responsibility for maltreating the child. Key to this approach is the support of the non-abusing carer and the child/ren while the concerns of the professional agencies are addressed. The work has two main phases. The first looks for structural change in the organization of family life. The second part asks carers to role-play a ‘similar’ hypothetical family where child abuse has been established. This enables difficult issues raised by the abuse to be addressed and provides an opportunity for carers to express thoughts and feelings to their partner regarding abuse without the seriousness of the concerns being lost.  相似文献   
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