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技术和消费的“双升”加快了新零售服务供应链的形成和产生,同时也通过驱动其质量系统的协同改进及动态演化实现持续的发展。本文从创新驱动质量的动态视角,分析创新驱动下新零售服务供应链中多主体协同质量改进的运行机制和动态演化过程,运用演化博弈方法分析构建多主体协同的动态演化博弈模型,以此分析新零售服务供应链协同质量改进中各参与主体的博弈策略选择,并利用雅克比矩阵判断其策略稳定性。研究表明:在多元参与主体利益诉求得到满足的前提下,多主体协同质量改进能够保持系统稳定状态;多主体间的质量势差与协同质量改进稳定性呈现出反比关系;良好的质量协同效应、独立的内部监督机制等能有效的促进协同质量改进系统稳定。  相似文献   
对流程制造型企业而言,产品质量状态的监测精度直接影响了企业的生产与运营成本。面对流程工业的多变量监测要求和数据不均衡性,以往研究主要采取局部建模策略或多输出模型,存在特征选择偏差和分类精度不高的问题。对此,本文设计了一种结合SRFML特征选择和Lift学习策略的质量状态监测模型,通过共享不同目标之间的信息以期提升模型的监测效果。首先,根据ReliefF过滤机制,引入重采样赋权思想对工业特征的选择过程进行优化(SRFML);然后,将选择结果作为Lift学习框架的输入,通过类属属性学习方式重塑各待监测特性的特有关联属性;最后采用多个SVM分类器进行训练,得到各目标的质量状态结果。结果表明,本文构建的SRFML-Lift充分学习了原始特征的关键信息,与其他组合策略相比,对质量状态的监测效果更佳,可应用于流程工业的生产管理实践。  相似文献   
产品质量造假屡禁不止,如何在有限监管资源下对大量企业的产品质量有效监管是质量监管部门面临的难题。不同于实际操作中按照企业规模(大中小各占一定比例)制定监督抽查方案,本文提出在企业集群演化视角制定监管策略,分别研究了免检与全检、企业整群抽检和企业分层抽检四种不同抽检策略下的企业集群演化规律。研究发现:采取免检时,质量处罚仅是不可信威胁导致"监管失灵",企业集群均演化到质量造假;采取全检时,企业集群演化取决于质量处罚能否完全覆盖质量造假成本缩减;在企业整群抽检和企业分层抽检策略下,分别得到质量处罚与抽检概率的提升路径及对应的企业集群演化路径,若想使企业集群均演化到标准质量,需参照企业集群中最大的成本缩减和竞争收益设置质量处罚,处罚越低所需的抽检概率就越高,企业分层抽检可以降低企业集群演化到标准质量所需的整体抽检概率。  相似文献   
O2O外卖作为"互联网+"时代下的新型餐饮模式,日益受到人们的关注。本文研究的O2O外卖服务供应链由一个O2O外卖平台、一个餐饮商家和一个配送骑手构成。O2O外卖平台决策平台的服务质量努力和服务费用,餐饮商家决策产品价格,骑手决策配送服务质量努力程度,同时会受到来自平台或商家的服务质量激励。通过分析商家配送、平台配送和商家自建平台+配送三种运营模式,分别构建O2O外卖服务供应链成员的利润函数,运用博弈理论,优化得到不同模式下O2O外卖服务供应链成员的最优质量控制策略和最优利润。利用公式推导和对比分析,分别探讨了骑手激励金额上限和市场规模对服务供应链最优策略和最优利润的影响。通过数值仿真,可得结论:服务供应链各成员利润均随着市场规模的增大而增大,随着骑手激励金额上限的增加而先增大后减少。当市场规模较小时,平台配送模式下商家最优利润最大。而当市场规模较大时,商家自建平台+配送模式下商家最优利润最大。  相似文献   
前一段时间,国内一些报刊媒体所热烈讨论的有关"妇女回家"的论点,是与马克思主义的妇女解放理论不相符合的,也是和男女平等的基本国策背道而驰的;单方面让妇女回家决不是从根本上解决我国社会就业问题的良策.  相似文献   
运用问卷调查和因素分析等量性研究方法,结合技术性文献分析、开放性译码、主轴译码等质性理论研究方法,对中学生心理素质概念和成分进行了探讨;获得了中学生心理素质是以生理条件为基础的,将外在获得的东西内化成稳定的、基本的、衍生的,并与人的社会适应行为和创造行为密切联系的心理品质,包含认知因素、个性因素和适应性因素三个维度,具体化为22个因素成分。  相似文献   
The main purpose of this study is to examine how to determine the class position of women, especially married women, in Japan. This study examines three different approaches to conceptualizing women's position in the class structure: the conventional approach, the individual approach, and the dominance approach. Since 1975, the overall rate of female labour force participation in Japan has increased, and given this growth, particularly of employees working outside home, I discuss whether the increased entry of women, particularly married women, into the labour market challenges the conventional way of assigning class positions to women by simply deriving them from their husband's class positions. The data set used in this study is derived from the 1995 Japanese Social Stratification and Mobility Survey. An examination of class distributions suggests that the pictures of macro-class structure provided by the conventional approach and the dominance approach show very little difference. Married women who belong to the female-dominant family still form a very small minority of all married women in the society. Furthermore, the male-dominant family shows the greatest stability over the life course whereas the female-dominant family, where the wife experiences withdrawal from the labour market, is least stable. The increasing number of married women in the labour market, thus, has not yet become a major threat to the conventional way of assigning women to a class position in contemporary Japan. Women, even among those working on a full-time basis, perceive their position in the stratification system using not only their own work, but also their husband's. In contrast, men's perception is determined by their own education and employment, not by their wives'. This asymmetry in the effect of the husband's class and of the wife's class on class identification is related not only to gender inequality within the labour market but also to the division of labour by gender within the household.  相似文献   
This paper explores women's and men's work orientations in conditions of job insecurity, arguing that it is time to move beyond essentalist conceptions of work orientations and central life interests in order to understand the significance of paid work in people's lives. Data from a qualitative study are presented which show that the significance of paid work and the priority given to home and work are affected by experiences of job insecurity, changing domestic circumstances and stage in the life cycle and that this is the case for both women and men. Conversely, the significance of paid work can affect how job insecurity is experienced and its impact on individuals and their families. The assumption that men's work orientations are homogeneous and that work is their central life interest is not supported by the findings presented here and it is argued that the significance of work in men's and women's lives is more variable than has hitherto been recognized. To capture this variability it is time to move away from the acrimony of the debate over women's work orientations and notions of a central life interest which underpin it.  相似文献   
QALYs versus WTP.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
James K Hammit 《Risk analysis》2002,22(5):985-1001
Quality adjusted life years (QALYs) and willingness to pay (WTP) are alternative measures of the value of reductions in health risk that are often used in evaluating environmental, health, and safety practices. Although both methods are based on individual preferences, the underlying assumptions differ. The different bases yield systematically different conclusions about the relative value of reducing health and mortality risks to individuals that differ in age, preexisting health conditions, income, and other factors. The choice of which method to use depends on judgments about what constraints should be placed on individual preferences and what factors should be considered in aggregating preferences across people.  相似文献   
To examine the implications of fathers' occupational conditions (i.e., income, work hours, shift work, pressure, workplace racism, and underemployment) for family members' psychological adjustment, home interviews were conducted with fathers, mothers, and two adolescent offspring in each of 218 Mexican American families. Results underscored the importance of acculturation as a moderator. Fathers' income was negatively associated with depressive symptoms in highly acculturated families but not in less acculturated families. In contrast, fathers' reports of workplace racism were positively associated with depressive symptoms in less acculturated families but not in more acculturated family contexts. These findings were consistent across all 4 family members, suggesting that the "long arm" of the jobs held by Mexican American fathers extends to mothers and adolescent offspring.  相似文献   
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