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小说<井>是澳大利亚当代著名小说家伊丽莎白·乔利的一部重要著作,反映了边缘化人物的生活和思想状态.本文从女性主义角度出发,从三个方面对小说进行解读:女性与父权的对立和屈从,女性与男性的对立和反叛,女性与自我的认同与分裂.小说的社会意义在于揭露了男权中心文化体系对女性的压制和迫害,表达了女性追求平等和自我的强烈愿望.  相似文献   
藏族是一个基本上全民信仰藏传佛教的民族。在藏传佛教复杂的神灵谱系中存在着大量特色鲜明、地位显赫的女性神灵。千百年来,她们被藏族人民赋予了各种各样的神圣功能。以丰实的藏汉文资料为依据,从女性主义的视角,追溯藏传佛教女性观的思想渊源,并通过女性神灵信仰阐释藏传佛教中蕴含的复杂的女性主义文化内涵。从q-可以看出,这种女性主义文化理念对现实生活中藏族女性社会角色的建构产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   
小说《浮现》除了涉及到西方当代社会中的某些女性问题,对现代工业文明造成的生态失衡、环境破坏等现象也有所展示,并且提供了一条女性与自然联手、共同对抗父权体系以求解决危机的途径。因此,无论是在内容上还是在现实意义上,《浮现》都是一部体现了生态女权主义思想的力作。  相似文献   
马克思在《1844年经济学——哲学手稿》中第一次全面、系统地阐述了“异化劳动”理论,在《德意志意识形态》中又从实践、从现实的生活条件进一步理解异化,发展了异化劳动的理论;《资本论》对异化劳动的产生及在生产、流通直到分配等各个方面的异化逐一作了具体分析,是马克思异化思想的进一步深入发展。马克思主义女性主义者借鉴了马克思的异化理论,并将其运用于家庭和私人生活领域,创造性地提出了性别异化理论,性别异化理论可以说是马克思异化劳动理论在资本主义社会新阶段的发展。马克思主义女性主义者将异化拓展到家务劳动、两性关系、思想意识领域,并通过由异化所导致的妇女社会地位的分析,最后提出了要消除异化实现妇女解放的道路和途径。   相似文献   
This article focuses on feminist non‐governmental organizations advocating for economic empowerment of women (EEW) through microfinance, using Israel as a case study. Through fieldwork, interviews and documents, we investigate the institutional practices, cultural discourses and struggles that EEWs develop in order to expose the particular ways in which feminist organizations interact with the world of finance and state institutions. Our analysis points to the complex power dynamics of mediation, suggesting that there are ‘uneasy passages' between neoliberalism and feminism, ones that help re‐signify the meaning of financial discourses while re‐politicizing women's social and economic exclusions. Simultaneously, however, this relation induces a series of compromises, whereby EEWs adopt neoliberal modes of governance. Rejecting the notion that contemporary feminism has simply been co‐opted by neoliberalism or the perception of EEW microfinance as a mere expansion of neoliberal rationalities, we reveal new sites and ways in which feminism both colludes and collides with neoliberalism.  相似文献   
Social work graduate programs have long grappled with ways to attract and retain students at the intersection of race and gender. The central structure of this analysis is a hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative study on the pursuit and persistence of African-American women in graduate Social Work programs at a Historically Black Institution (HBI). The data in this article were derived from the responses of 13 participants written in their own words. The themes that emerged around the pursuit of a social work degree were (a) service to Black communities, (b) resistance to misrecognition, and (c) a seat at the table. After sharing the salient characteristics of the findings, the article opens a discussion around the significance of HBIs in educating social workers to work in urban communities and the implications for policy and practice.  相似文献   
通过对西方女性主义翻译理论产生的历史背景、所用的翻译策略以及翻译理论实质的分析,批评了西方女性主义翻译理论是女性为实现政治目的对翻译的利用。女性主义者认为翻译和女性的境遇一致,而将翻译和女性主义联系起来,采用增补、劫持以及添加前言和脚注的翻译策略以及发明女性语言文字的方式反抗男性话语,妄图彰显和提高女性地位。女性主义翻译理论消解了逻各斯中心主义,颠覆了忠实对等。其对语言的文字改革,也将使语言陷入混乱。西方女性主义翻译理论是为实现政治目的而越位的翻译表征。  相似文献   
长期以来,海明威作品中的硬汉形象给读者留下了深刻的印象,人们一直认为男性在其作品中永远处于统治地位,女性则是"没有话语权利的傀儡",是男性世界的陪衬。然而,从生态女性主义的角度对其小说进行分析,不难发现,海明威超越了男性作家的狭隘视野去体验、洞察女性的苦难,并不断反思以父权文化为主的人类社会应该如何解决生存、生态困境。他对人与自然,男性与女性,人与人之间相互关爱、相互依存、休戚与共关系的认识充分体现了他的生态女性意识。  相似文献   
In this article we consider the Double Eleven shopping festival as a major discursive site where the hegemony of what we call patriarchal capitalism with Chinese characteristics is articulated. The state, the market, the corporations and the media, both mainstream and social media, all played an important role in building up a national spending spree that is deeply embedded in the current class and gender structure of China. The phenomenon of Double Eleven emerged at a time when state capitalism has been overwriting socialist institutions, while patriarchal ideology being further intensified through consumerism. As a consequence, the intersectionality of class and gender becomes increasingly manifest in the Chinese society. We start with a brief overview of the trajectory of gender politics in China since 1949, with specific focus on how the socialist project of seeking gender equality was gradually replaced by the quest for ‘womanhood’ and ‘femininity’. We then discuss, using both secondary sources and our own analysis of news coverage of Double Eleven, why maintaining a high level of consumer demand is of crucial importance for the Chinese state and what the state’s role has been in configuring the hegemonic gender order. A brief section on ideology and discourse lays out the conceptual framework of our analysis. It is at the intersection of a dissipating socialist ethos, emerging economic stagnation and ascending consumerism that the sexist discourse in relation to Double Eleven proliferates, and this is the analytical focus of our empirical section. We elaborate on the theoretical implications of the empirical analysis before concluding.  相似文献   
The nexus of Islam, gender, race and violence has been keenly revisited in some post-9/11 scholarship. The concern over the racialized Muslim male body is justifiable in cases of rendition, torture and the kind of battlefields that mark the War on Terror. However, the sympathetic analysis of the tortured Muslim male body as a permanent and universally vulnerable imaginary has necessarily challenged the framing of sexual politics for Muslim contexts. This bid to shield the vulnerable Muslim male body from Islamophobia and imperialist violence forecloses the notion that Islamist patriarchy and politics can themselves be fundamentally violent in the post-9/11 moment and within the Muslim community. This obscures the range of routine, domestic and normative violent expressions observed by men in Muslim societies. This essay discusses two cases that illustrate the means and methods by which female bodies have been sexed by the narrative of the War on Terror in Pakistan. These cases highlight how the academic efforts that seek to rescue the racialized Muslim male body complicate the struggle of resisting (lay) female bodies.  相似文献   
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