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This novel paper critically addresses a currently popular sex education resource which compares sexual consent to tea drinking. Drawing from a study which considered the meaning of consent through focus groups and interviews with young people and professionals, we argue that the central ‘risk avoidance’ message of such resources individualises the potential risks of non‐consensual sex and ignores the gendered social structures which shape interpersonal relationships. We suggest that simplifying and extrapolating sexual consent from broader cultural understandings is problematic. Conversations with young people are important, but they need to address the complexity of sexual consent, coercion and gendered sexual norms.  相似文献   

Recently, some well-known univariate aging classes of lifetime distributions have been characterized by means of properties of their quantile functions and excess-wealth functions. The generalization of the univariate aging notions to the multivariate case involve, among other factors, appropriate definitions of multivariate quantiles or regression representation and related notions, which are able to correctly describe the intrinsic characteristic of the concepts of aging that should be generalized. The multivariate versions of these notions, which are characterized by using the multivariate u-quantiles and the multivariate excess-wealth function, are considered in this paper. Relationships between such multivariate aging classes are studied, and examples are provided.  相似文献   
语言革新与新文学史的叙述模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多重现代文化与思想观念的推动下,汉语书面语言的现代化革新,形成了多重纬度的语言观念、文学观念,并最终体现为不同性质的文学史观念。因此,通过梳理不同文学史著作对不同时期语言革新的叙述方式,可以推导出语言革新与文学史之构成的紧密关系,继而发现语言革新在现代文学史著述模式中的构成作用。  相似文献   
《环境保护法》修订案为司法专门化理念、衡平性司法理念、预防性司法理念、判决优先理念等环境司法理念的确立奠定了基础。从制度设计来看,《环境保护法》修订案中的大量管制性条款为环境司法的运行提供了准据法依据,其中诸多条款构成了环境司法的特有制度支持系统和环境司法运行的合理期待。从环境法治效果角度考量,建立超越《环境保护法》修订案的环境行政与环境司法联动机制将是实现环境司法专门化发展的重要途径。  相似文献   
高原 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):81-85
路遥的性别意识在其所有作品中都有非常鲜明的体现。路遥在生活中有一定的男权意识,在作品中,他赋予陕北这片土地以男性化的角色,阐明了女性对男性和男性化的土地有非常强烈的依附思想。这种男权意识构成了贯串路遥作品的一种情结和特色。由这种角度解读路遥作品和作家其人,能够帮助我们把路遥的研究拓展并深入下去。  相似文献   
以进步主义作为思想旨趣的现代历史观念产生于西方,随着地域性历史转向世界历史,进步主义的现代历史观念在全世界获得了主导性地位。但是,资本主义所开辟的世界历史,从一开始就存在着普世主义的道义与西方中心的强权的矛盾,并且使发展中国家陷入传统与现代的对立,难以实现全面的进步。自上世纪初迄今,进步主义的历史观念在世界范围内遭到现实与理论两方面挑战,成为人们质疑的对象,在西方更是呈衰落之势。通过对现代历史观念演变的梳理,我们可以从中发现现代历史的根本性问题,并由此对历史与现代的关系做出新的阐释。  相似文献   
One of the strategies of the modernization of public services is the decentralization of responsibilities and organizing work in autonomous co‐ operative teams with varied tasks. The empowerment of the public service workers in the front line is therefore a strategy in local government in Norway today. Under the assumption that women have ‘natural’ skills in caring, workers on the lowest levels are given responsibility for care and nursing. A study of the decentralization of public care for the elderly in their homes showed that being given interesting tasks and increased responsibility mobilized the efforts of the care workers. However, since the power of resources has been centralized, this has led to an intensification of work. In gendering the relevant discourses by explaining women's experiences of an over‐heavy workload as a result of their ‘mothering’ and their inability to set limits, women care workers were constructed by their managers as unprofessional and not to be taken seriously. This has made the public care organization a greedy organization for the women care workers.  相似文献   
近30年来对儿童特质概念发展的理论探讨一直是儿童社会认知发展研究中的一个重要课题。随着儿童特质概念发展研究的不断深入和近期儿童心理理论研究热潮的兴起,有关儿童特质概念发展的理论也从皮亚杰的认知发展理论、韦纳的归因理论和凯斯的信息加工理论等一般认知理论发展为儿童心理理论取向的理论。但在儿童特质概念发展的研究中,尚存在一些基础性的问题有待于进一步的理论探讨。  相似文献   
对我国建设世界一流大学的七个认识误区进行了探讨和分析,指出其产生的根源和不足,希望国人重新审视我国建设世界一流大学的运动,并在建设世界一流大学的过程中纠正错误认识,形成重要共识,以促进我国世界一流大学的建设。  相似文献   
对外战略是指国家在对外交往中以增进国家利益为核心的各种政策、策略和原则。国内外学术界近年来的研究表明文化因素在对外战略中具有重要地位,文化价值观可以引导国家利益的建构和追求方向,同时它本身也是构成国家利益的重要内容。中国和平发展的一个关键因素就是中国在对外战略中提倡什么样的价值观。在这方面,中国战略文化传统为我们提供了丰富的资源,泛道德主义取向、和合思维、“天人合一”的整体宇宙观、“天下为公”的大同思想以及诚信博爱是中国战略文化传统的核心。这些价值观和思维方式不仅有利于增进中国的国家利益,有利于回应和化解当代世界的各种冲突与矛盾,而且有助于形成全球共同体意识、实现国际社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   
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