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从制度的视角,以社会学习化和学习终身化为制度背景,通过文献研究法,探讨大众化高等教育制度变迁的模式选择和路径选择。作为制度的大学是有效的大众化高等教育制度变迁的关键,是构建大众化高等教育资源生态系统的主体。在模式选择方面,我国大众化高等教育制度变迁处于转型期,应考虑路径依赖,进行以诱致性制度变迁为主导的渐进式改革。在路径选择方面,可以考虑借鉴美、英、日高等教育大众化的经验,先以非学术性高等教育为"初级行动团体",进行制度突破,再适时发现制度变迁的"次级行动团体",促成制度变迁。  相似文献   
随着ESG投资的兴起,上市公司ESG信息应否强制性披露成为全球主要资本市场的重要议题。ESG信息强制性披露有降低信息成本和提高信息质量的制度优势,但我国选择该模式并将其制度化的法理基础及实现路径还有待探讨。社会系统论视角下风险规制的需要和证券法中信息“重大性”标准的适用可成为ESG信息强制性披露的正当性基础。ESG信息强制性披露制度的构建,可在将重要ESG信息解释为证券法框架下重大信息的基础上,通过证监会制定基本原则、证券交易所设计具体规则形成结构化披露规则体系;宜区分以满足投资者决策需要为中心的ESG理念和以关照利益相关者诉求为核心的公司社会责任理念,分两步建立ESG信息披露框架和标准;充分考虑上市公司合规成本,推行渐进式实现方案。  相似文献   
公共政策变迁中由于涉及对私主体财产权的拘束而执行困难,并影响政策目标实现的情形,在实践中屡有发生。城镇小区配套幼儿园移交政策就集中反映了此类问题。由于城镇小区配套幼儿园原所有者财产权之取得具有长期的政策背景,而产权移交又涉及其权利减损,进而出现政策执行困难。究其原因,是基于公共利益需要而产生的特别牺牲,与财产权的社会义务之间存在冲突。前者的不可期待性与后者的可期待性之间界限模糊。调控与助推理念的适用有助于调适二者的关系,促使利益调控成为行政法的基本任务之一,进而建构以比例原则、依法行政原则和溯及力标准为主要内容的调适标准,使公共利益维护和私人利益保障之间尽可能平衡,进而推动公共政策目标的实现。  相似文献   
Anthropogenic climate change information tends to be interpreted against the backdrop of initial environmental beliefs, which can lead to some people being resistant toward the information. In this article (N = 88), we examined whether self‐affirmation via reflection on personally important values could attenuate the impact of initial beliefs on the acceptance of anthropogenic climate change evidence. Our findings showed that initial beliefs about the human impact on ecological stability influenced the acceptance of information only among nonaffirmed participants. Self‐affirmed participants who were initially resistant toward the information showed stronger beliefs in the existence of climate change risks and greater acknowledgment that individual efficacy has a role to play in reducing climate change risks than did their nonaffirmed counterparts.  相似文献   
选取浙江省杭州市20名创业女性为访谈对象的创业动机变迁研究显示,在2005年之前,女性创业动机以"推式动机"为多,而自2006年始,女性创业动机呈现出以"拉式动机"为主的趋势。这种变化主要与女性受教育程度提高、个性更为独立、追求更为自由的发展空间等相关。女性创业动机的变化趋势,在很大程度上反映了女性自我发展正趋向更高的水平。  相似文献   
童年是社会和个体相互作用的产物,童年生活反映了一个时代所具有的特点。通过对童年记忆的追溯,发现80后和00后童年生活呈现出截然不同的轨迹,并从童年生活的内容、童年生活的方式、童年生活的空间及童年生活体验对其变迁的过程进行了分析。进而从童年赖以生存的地域空间、社会环境、时代背景的影响尤其是信息化时代的影响等方面讨论了童年生活变迁的原因。并从个案出发反思传统童年生活和现代童年生活之间的关系,以及童年生活中儿童的主体性和创造性作用。  相似文献   

Adaptation to climate change is emerging as a central objective and policy frame for coastal communities. This paper examines recent climate change adaptation efforts in the UK, centring on the case of Fairbourne, Wales. The village is facing the long-term prospect of flooding and inundation due to the impacts of sea level rise. The recent Shoreline Management Plan for the area has recommended realignment of the coast and eventual decommissioning of Fairbourne. The paper draws on a qualitative research methodology of interviews, policy review and observation to narrate the case and provide key insights and lessons for planners working in environmentally vulnerable coastal settings and managing climate adaptation processes.  相似文献   
We urgently need to put the concept of resilience into practice if we are to prepare our communities for climate change and exacerbated natural hazards. Yet, despite the extensive discussion surrounding community resilience, operationalizing the concept remains challenging. The dominant approaches for assessing resilience focus on either evaluating community characteristics or infrastructure functionality. While both remain useful, they have several limitations to their ability to provide actionable insight. More importantly, the current conceptualizations do not consider essential services or how access is impaired by hazards. We argue that people need access to services such as food, education, health care, and cultural amenities, in addition to water, power, sanitation, and communications, to get back some semblance of normal life. Providing equitable access to these types of services and quickly restoring that access following a disruption are paramount to community resilience. We propose a new conceptualization of community resilience that is based on access to essential services. This reframing of resilience facilitates a new measure of resilience that is spatially explicit and operational. Using two illustrative examples from the impacts of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, we demonstrate how decisionmakers and planners can use this framework to visualize the effect of a hazard and quantify resilience-enhancing interventions. This “equitable access to essentials” approach to community resilience integrates with spatial planning, and will enable communities not only to “bounce back” from a disruption, but to “bound forward” and improve the resilience and quality of life for all residents.  相似文献   
Recent research indicates that CEOs’ temporal focus (the degree to which individuals attend to the past, present, and future) is a critical predictor for strategic outcomes. Building on paradox theory and the attention-based view, we examine the implications of CEOs’ past and future focus for strategic change. Results from polynomial regression analysis reveal that CEOs who cognitively embrace both the past and the future at the same time engage more in strategic change. In addition, our results reveal that the positive strategic change−firm performance relationship is enhanced when CEOs’ past focus is high, whereas CEOs’ future focus mitigates the translation of strategic change into firm performance (when their past focus is low at the same time). In addition, supplemental analyses indicate that the impact of CEOs’ temporal focus turns out differently in stable and dynamic environments. Our study thus extends the literature on both individual’s temporal focus and strategic change.  相似文献   
Sea levels are rising in many areas around the world, posing risks to coastal communities and infrastructures. Strategies for managing these flood risks present decision challenges that require a combination of geophysical, economic, and infrastructure models. Previous studies have broken important new ground on the considerable tensions between the costs of upgrading infrastructure and the damages that could result from extreme flood events. However, many risk-based adaptation strategies remain silent on certain potentially important uncertainties, as well as the tradeoffs between competing objectives. Here, we implement and improve on a classic decision-analytical model (Van Dantzig 1956) to: (i) capture tradeoffs across conflicting stakeholder objectives, (ii) demonstrate the consequences of structural uncertainties in the sea-level rise and storm surge models, and (iii) identify the parametric uncertainties that most strongly influence each objective using global sensitivity analysis. We find that the flood adaptation model produces potentially myopic solutions when formulated using traditional mean-centric decision theory. Moving from a single-objective problem formulation to one with multiobjective tradeoffs dramatically expands the decision space, and highlights the need for compromise solutions to address stakeholder preferences. We find deep structural uncertainties that have large effects on the model outcome, with the storm surge parameters accounting for the greatest impacts. Global sensitivity analysis effectively identifies important parameter interactions that local methods overlook, and that could have critical implications for flood adaptation strategies.  相似文献   
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