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刘以■的文学创作理念具体表现在:立足于创新而进行横的借鉴和纵的继承,以强烈的精品意识对待创作以及倡导诗化小说。作为创作信条,他自己一直恪守着,实践着,在文学活动中获得丰盈的成果;同时,这三者有着深刻的理论意义,也是刘以在文学理论上的贡献。  相似文献   
如今,“扶不扶”问题已经成为社会所关注的焦点问题之一.通过从成本-收益角度对其进行分析发现,扶人者做好事的收益远低于不扶人者的收益,成本却远高于后者,导致人们对摔倒者选择了围观、漠视.对其背后深层次原因进行解析后认为,市场经济条件下人们的伦理道德观发生改变,以及社会保障制度的不健全等问题是造成这种情况发生的关键所在.  相似文献   
基于成本与收益的理性行为模式,一国的禁毒工作必须以尽可能少的禁毒成本产生出尽可能多的禁毒效益,对于经济相对落后的西部地区,关注成本与收益的经济分析尤为必要。对禁毒工作进行经济分析,有必要分成两类,一是禁毒工作中断绝毒品供给经济分析,一是禁毒工作中消除毒品需求的经济分析。本文从断绝毒品供给和消除毒品需求的经济角度出发,有助于探索西部地区禁毒工作的制度建设。  相似文献   
撒叶儿嗬是清江流域土家人丧事活动的重要内容。丧家的事情是村落乡亲的事情,所有人都积极参与。丧事活动中,村民们的“脚板发痒”是建立乡村关系,村民们“欢欢喜喜”参与跳撒叶儿嗬是认同乡村关系,村民们的“送情”是在巩固乡村关系,村民的“帮忙”是润滑乡村关系。  相似文献   
八连村民非常重视团结、协作、互助等传统.乐群、诚实、朴实、踏实、认真、实干、内敛、稳重、自尊自重、自强、宽容、礼貌、谦让,是长辈们教育晚辈的重要内容.同时,村民们要求孩子要尊重长者,对父母要知道感恩,要养成勤问候、勤招呼、勤劳、节俭等等行为习惯.  相似文献   
Taking a cross-national perspective, we investigate linkages between volunteer work, informal help, and care among Europeans aged 50 or older. Based on 27,297 personal interviews from the 2004 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, we estimate univariate and multivariate probit models, which allow us to analyze the interrelationship between those non-market productive activities. There is substantial variation in the participation in volunteering, helping, and caring between countries. Independent of the general level of activity in a country, we find evidence for a complementary and interdependent relationship between all three activities. Our findings not only suggest an important role of societal opportunity structures in elders’ productive engagement, but also support notions of the existence of a general motivation to be active.  相似文献   
Adolescents with emotional distress may find help-seeking an extremely daunting endeavor. However, different adolescent population sectors relate differently to help-seeking for severe emotional difficulties. Gender and ethnic group are among the central factors influencing attitudes towards seeking emotional help. One of the possible mechanisms explaining these cross-group differences is self-esteem. The psychological price of seeking help could be admission of incompetence and feelings of failure, emotions that can be threatening, particularly to adolescents' self-esteem. In the present study, the psychological price of seeking help was manipulated by comparing the ease with which adolescents would self-refer for a severe emotional problem as opposed to referring another for the same problem, and the influence of gender, ethnic group differences and level of self esteem in both situations. The first hypothesis predicting greater ease of referral in the other-referral condition compared to self-referral was confirmed. The second hypothesis predicting general preference of informal help agents than the formal help agents was confirmed. The third hypothesis predicting gender differences such that girls would show higher ease of referral than boys from the different help agents was confirmed. The fourth hypothesis predicting that Jewish-Israeli adolescents would show greater ease of referral than Arab-Israeli adolescents was confirmed. An additional exploratory question examined the interaction between self-esteem and self versus other-referral on ease of referral for help. A significant interaction emerged only for help from the family. Adolescents with low self-esteem showed no differences in self versus other-referral, but adolescents with high self-esteem were more willing to refer others than themselves to seek help. These findings emphasize the importance of a sensitive needs assessment approach in designing mental health service delivery for youth.  相似文献   
明代是抚州书院发展史上一个承前启后的重要时期,先后兴办书院40余所。它的发展大致可以划分为三个时期,即洪武至天顺年间的沉寂期,成化至万历年间的恢复和繁盛期,天启至崇祯年间的萧条期。明代抚州书院的发展极大地推动了抚州文化的发展、教育的昌盛和学术的繁荣。  相似文献   
中国古典诗歌之美感特质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古今中外,诗歌都注重形象与情意的结合。西方的文学理论更注重表达的技巧,把形象与情意的关系分别得非常仔细,像明喻(Simile)、隐喻(Metaphor)、转喻(Metonymy)、象征(Symbol)等。而中国古典诗歌的美感特质在于兴发感动的作用,赋、比、兴三种表现手法就很好地概括了中国诗歌形象与情意之间的这种关系。中华古典诗歌最基本、最重要的特质就是诗歌的感发生命,这是世界上其他国家都没有的宝贵特质,也是中国诗歌最美妙的地方。吟诵是得窥中国古典诗歌之美的重要法门。  相似文献   
高校贫困生问题得到了党和政府的高度重视,“奖、贷、助、补、减”助学济困体系的建立和实施,帮助一大批家庭经济困难的学生圆了大学梦。随着社会形势不断发展变化,学生对资助需求的多元化,需要我们重新审视现行制度,对其进一步规范、完善,以使每一项资助措施充分发挥作用,达到效益最大化。  相似文献   
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