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This paper illustrates the development of a secondment project designed to enhance practitioner-led social work education in a Higher Education Institution. The project was developed as part of a Teaching Partnership initiative to establish joint working and standardized approaches to social work education between Higher Education Institutes and Local Authorities across a UK region. Highlighted is how the project utilized a six-stage strategy designed to gather information to produce an evidence-base to support the implementation of a pilot practitioner secondment arrangement. The paper discusses strategies used to gather information from a range of stakeholders to inform the project, the project outcome and some considerations for future secondment arrangements. Contributing to a limited source of literature, challenges and limitations of developing formal secondment arrangements and delivering practitioner-led education in Higher Education Institutes are highlighted. This paper will assist Higher Education Institutes and Local Authorities in the design and implementation of formal secondment arrangements where these are identified as in need of development.  相似文献   

The paper considers the case of vegetovascular dystonia, one of the most typical and common “Soviet” diseases. This syndrome emerged in Soviet medicine after World War II, and very quickly become a popular diagnosis among physicians. The author describes how the construct of vegetovascular dystonia was formed and developed, what changes it underwent, and what affected those changes. The concept and history of vegetovascular dystonia can provide an understanding of Soviet medicine and health science in general.  相似文献   
赵丙祥 《社会》2019,39(1):37-70
在田野民族志和历史编纂学中,传记法是一种重要的叙事方式。本文从分析林耀华的作品入手,将其置于20世纪20年代以来的社会学和人类学思想脉络中,并在此基础上探讨传记法在中国历史和社会研究中的潜力与可能性。本文将谱系法、个人生命史和社会生命论归纳为“传记法三角”。在(扩展)谱系法和社会结构论的基础上,生命传记法可以呈现一个或多个人的生命历史,作为大历史中的片段。不过,现象学路径有其自身的限度,不能离开对中央政权本身和总体结构的考察。在“时势”和“社会结构”的变迁过程中呈现生命传记,才不会只是个体的故事,而有希望成为一种对中国“总体”社会生活的有力叙事方式。  相似文献   

This article discusses how the history of sports can serve as way to understand abstract concepts associated with local history and social studies education. An introductory discussion outlines how sports can engage and interest students, focusing especially on ideas related to history thinking (such as change and continuity). A case study using the Brooklyn Dodgers’ move to Los Angeles is used to illustrate these ideas, focusing on themes associated with suburbanization and urban renewal. A lesson plan is also provided.  相似文献   

The American Revolution is central to the identity of citizens of the United States. It is, therefore, rarely critiqued in the U.S. social studies classroom. This article examines how teachers can discuss the American Revolution using both a critical historical approach and the ideas of peace education, particularly the strand that focuses on the problematization of war. Specific examples are given for how teachers can critique some of the national myths surrounding the American Revolution. Furthermore, the rationale for this critique of the American Revolution is presented, particularly as it relates to the problematic history of minorities in the aftermath of the Revolution and the relationship between students’ views of the American Revolution and the ties to modern-day violence and military engagements. The goal for this more nuanced understanding of the American Revolution is not only to make students more critical thinkers in regard to their history but hopefully to also help them gain a healthier societal outlook in regard to the issues of peace and conflict.  相似文献   
考察 14世纪以后的苏非派 ,不应忽视额什丁家族的重要作用。这一家族并不是中亚显赫的家族 ,但在特定时期登上了历史的舞台 ,并且其家族首领扮演了较为特别的角色。同时 ,他们和上层统治者有着千丝万缕的联系。这似乎是一种历史的偶然性或者是巧合 ,但仔细探究当时的历史背景 ,不难看出宗教和政治自身需要的内在互动以及或明或暗的结合 ,完成了家族的双重“使命” ,也为一个王朝的灭亡埋下了伏笔  相似文献   
《佑宁寺志》和调查资料中的格勒特、郭尔朵、额尔丹实为一人 ,“奥丹”是嘉色活佛给格勒特的名字 ,是奥鲁特、丹巴嘉措的简称 ,奥鲁特即西平王奥鲁赤。  相似文献   
在民族院校汉语言文学系进行古汉语词义教学,必须注意词义发展、演变的历时性的特点和词义的系统性,注重词义义素的分析;古今词义的差异,有其演变的规律,不可割断历史,要从学生的实际出发,给学生一个完整、系统的古汉语基础知识,培养学生比较、分析、归纳、运用古汉语词义的能力。  相似文献   
青海藏汉双语教学调研报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对青海藏区双语教学现状、存在问题及相关情况进行了综合分析,提出了双语教学对策措施及建议。  相似文献   
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