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从产品形象相关研究的角度出发,使用视觉识别实验的方法,观察记录用户对产品某一特征变化的反应,通过用 户识别差异性分析,寻找用户的敏感特征单元作为产品的识别单元。研究期望为具体企业产品差异性设计及产品形象 的构建提供参考。  相似文献   
台湾政治转型之后,台湾民众的国家认同发生了重大变迁。发生这一现象的原因,固然受到历史、政治、民族、文化等各种因素的影响,但新闻传播也起到了非常重要的作用。政治信息多元化、政治议题设置、政治话语和媒体立场构成了新闻传播影响台湾民众国家认同变迁的基本因素。以政治信息多元化分裂民众政治认知为逻辑起点,新闻传播通过政治议题设置引导公共舆论,以"台独"话语霸权影响民众政治话语,以媒体立场劝服和改变民众政治立场等方式,导致了台湾民众的国家认同变迁。  相似文献   
国际航运业的发展源远流长,中国自改革开放以来逐步构建起了中国特色社会主义海商法律体系。作为法律体系补充的国际海事惯例日益受到重视,将国际海事惯例运用到国内司法活动的前置问题就是司法识别。司法识别包括程序方面的构造和实体方面的标准两大方面,程序构造和实体标准相辅相成、相得益彰,共同构成了国际海事惯例司法识别问题的完整体系。从宏观角度对国际海事惯例的司法识别问题进行制度化完善,将有利于其科学规范的适用,为航运业的健康和可持续发展提供强有力保障。  相似文献   
The superimposition of new migratory flows linked to post‐Cold War global realignments upon older migratory flows marked by the global alignments of colonialism have profoundly marked contemporary Britain. Alongside policies and practices of security aimed especially at Muslims, struggles over the meaning of the plurality of cultural forms signalled by ‘multiculturalism’ have assumed a central place in government, media and popular discourse as the provenance and scope of Britishness and citizenship are debated in attempts to foster social cohesion. Against this context, and with specific reference to the British Caribbean population, this article explores the shifting subject positions and subjectivities that are constituted in the crucible of cultural difference and multiple forms of border crossing, and the anxieties these produce as they expose the instabilities inherent in the constitution of nation and national belonging.  相似文献   
When analyzing data on subjective expectations of continuous outcomes, researchers have access to a limited number of reported probabilities for each respondent from which to construct complete distribution functions. Moreover, reported probabilities may be rounded and thus not equal to true beliefs. Using survival expectations elicited from a representative sample from the Netherlands, we investigate what can be learned if we take these two sources of missing information into account and expectations are therefore only partially identified. We find novel evidence for rounding by checking whether reported expectations are consistent with a hazard of death that increases weakly with age. Only 39% of reported beliefs are consistent with this under the assumption that all probabilities are reported precisely, while 92% are if we allow for rounding. Using the available information to construct bounds on subjective life expectancy, we show that the data alone are not sufficiently informative to allow for useful inference in partially identified linear models, even in the absence of rounding. We propose to improve precision by interpolation between rounded probabilities. Interpolation in combination with a limited amount of rounding does yield informative intervals.  相似文献   
2015年,随着中央“大众创业万众创新”号召的提出,高科技创业再度成为国内各界所共同关注的重要课题。创业的实质是识别与利用创业机会,其成功与否将取决于团队、政府、高校和投资机构等内外部组织间紧密合作的生态系统。以典型性高科技创业的亲子幼教网创始人3次创业过程为案例研究对象,基于机会识别和利用的适配性视角,深入探讨亲子幼教网创业生态系统动态演化的过程机理。通过对案例的研究发现,亲子幼教网创业者3次创业生态系统经历了资本主导型创业、市场主导型创业和创业者主导型创业3个阶段;每个阶段创业者对创业机会的识别与利用方式具有不同的特征;以典型性高科技创业的亲子幼教网创业生态系统中,创业机会识别与利用的不断适配推动创业生态系统的动态演化,而创业者的机会观是推动创业生态系统发展的关键因素。  相似文献   
“软暴力”的司法适用在扫黑除恶斗争中发挥了重要作用,但软暴力依然是一个内涵和外延不够清晰的概念,加之杂糅了刑事政策、网络犯罪解释的扩张性等因素,扩大化风险较为明显。其根源在于司法解释粗疏,列举式规制引发机械司法。欲化解扩大化风险,必须对软暴力的内涵进行解构,即以心理强制为核心,将其分解为“行为人实施非(硬)暴力行为→被害人产生恐惧心理→被害人利弊抉择→产生危害后果”的行为结构,通过这种“四步认定法”取代现行“估堆”式认定法,可以实现过程控制,并保证认定结果不枉不纵。  相似文献   
为了探讨学校认同对隐性逃课的影响以及学习动机的中介作用和感恩的调节作用,采用学校认同量表、学习动机问卷、隐性逃课量表和感恩问卷对1098名大学生进行施测。结果发现:1)学校认同对隐性逃课具有显著的负向预测作用;2)学习动机在学校认同与隐性逃课的关系中起部分中介作用;3)学校认同对隐性逃课的直接预测作用及学习动机在二者关系中的中介作用均受到感恩的调节。因此,学校认同通过学习动机影响大学生隐性逃课,感恩调节了学校认同与隐性逃课、学校认同与学习动机之间的关系。关键词:学校认同;隐性  相似文献   
This article is about how to preserve the vitality of the meaning conveyed to social science researchers by participants. I use the example of a qualitative, psycho-social project on the topic of how women's identities change when they become mothers for the first time. Psychoanalysis was used and adapted to understand both participants' and researchers' experience, and the relation of these to each other. I describe two psychoanalytically informed research methods, free association narrative interviewing and infant observation, and give examples of how, separately and together they can go beyond a text-based method and conceptualise identities in ways that avoid reproducing assumptions of rational, unitary, discursive subjectivity. In assessing how well the two methods worked, I focus my discussion on the observation method using four themes: dimensions of time, embodiment and practices, spatial sensitivity and multiple positioning, and how knowing is accomplished in research.  相似文献   
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