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Understanding how survivors of complex trauma navigate towards resources can inform the design of interventions and health promotion strategies. However, there are little data on the resilience and help‐seeking experiences of this group or others who have experienced institutional abuse in childhood. This empirical study sets out to illustrate the help‐seeking experiences of Irish emigrant survivors of institutional childhood abuse (ICA). Twenty‐two survivors of ICA were purposefully recruited from community organisations in the UK and data were collected via semi‐structured interviews. As a result of negative initial help‐seeking experiences in Ireland, most participants engaged in long periods of self‐management and disclosed information about their childhood as part of a redress scheme in later life. Outside of this scheme, turning points, such as illness or family problems, and the needs of children were influential in seeking help. Peer support networks played an important role as a trusted signposting pathway towards formal interventions. Participants identified interpersonal barriers to formal help‐seeking as helping professionals' failure to share control, insensitivity to identity loss and literacy issues, and the lack of explicit boundaries. The paper concludes with a discussion about the implications for research and future practice.
‘This empirical study sets out to illustrate the help‐seeking experiences of Irish emigrant survivors of institutional childhood abuse’
Key Practitioner Messages:
  • Turning points, such as illness and bereavement, and the desire to provide for children, influence the help‐seeking of survivors of ICA.
  • Irish emigrant survivors of ICA cite failure to share control, insensitivity to identity loss, literacy issues and the lack of explicit boundaries as barriers to help‐seeking.
  • General awareness of ICA can help practitioners in low‐threshold services prevent against culturally insensitive practice.
  • Peer support networks can provide uniquely trusted signposting towards formal interventions.
The objective is to test if religiosity affects environmental opinion in Europe. Using data from European Social Survey (ESS) 2002/2003, the study answers three questions. At the societal level: Is public opinion about the environment different in political systems with different Christian traditions? Is environmental concern less or higher in the public opinion depending on the degree of secularization in the political systems? At the individual level: Is the environmental opinion of the individual affected by the personal confession of faith, religious involvement, and the dominant religious context? At the societal level, the findings show stronger concern for the environment in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox countries than in Protestant countries. The tendency also shows a weakened concern for the environment in countries with a rather secular population. At the individual level, there are significant positive effects on environmental care from Catholic culture, negative effect from Protestant culture, and no effect from religious involvement.  相似文献   
在将"信仰"与"宗教"混同的情况下,西方一些人很难了解中华文化中的信仰状况,甚至以为中国人没有信仰。实际上,在中国传统文化的主流中,看似"无"宗教,却是"有"信仰的。从《周易》开始,中国人就确立了以"天"为最高信仰,以人为关怀对象,追求"顺天应人"的人本主义信仰方式。这种信仰方式有其合理先进之处:它借多元宗教和非宗教的外壳,保持了"以人为本"的内核,有利于避免西方特别是欧洲历史上多次发生的那种流血的宗教冲突,给社会的发展多保留了一点难得的稳定和安宁。但也有不合理的一面:它对现实中很严肃的重大问题关注得不够认真、不够执著、不够彻底,甚至对于自己的信仰对象也缺少彻底的追究和一贯的把握,而是任其含混不定,随意改变;对于"信仰"这种心理和行为本身,它更少有正面的、开诚布公的自觉、反思、追问和交代,而是将其当作心照不宣的约定,满足于"运用之妙,在乎一心",停留于自发选择和盲目运用的水平。其结果便是,使人容易满足于眼前的、似是而非的所"得",而忽略在那些更大、更深远、更宝贵的东西的所"失"。在新的时代,人们既要深入理解它的特点,这是解开中华文化之谜的一把钥匙;又要充分挖掘它的资源,依据民主法治原则处理好信仰与宗教的关系,这是中国当代先进文化建设的一项重要任务。  相似文献   
冯石岗  李宇征 《河北学刊》2012,32(1):179-181
现代化对农村传统生活方式的冲击以及由此带来的不确定性,是中国农村地区宗教信仰的复兴之源。面对勃起的宗教团体,现有农村社会管理模式存在极大的弊端。对此,唯有转变传统观念,正确认识宗教价值,创新宗教管理模式,方能兴利除弊,防患于未然,以利于农村地区社会和谐发展。  相似文献   
翻译是过程也是结果。从翻译过程来看,翻译是"语境重构"的跨文化跨语言交际过程,从翻译结果来看,翻译是产生同原文等效的译文。翻译过程研究催生以译者为中心的翻译动态研究,从狭义角度看,是翻译语境研究,即从译者视角考察翻译过程中的"语境重构",以及由此产生的宏观翻译策略及微观翻译方法的研究;从广义角度看,是从研究者视角进行包括翻译语境在内的源语语境、原文语境和译语语境、译文语境的翻译语境化研究。翻译结果研究产生以译文为中心,重视译文批评的翻译质量评估的静态研究,涉及翻译质量评估模式的建立和翻译质量评估参数的设定等。两种翻译途径殊途同归,从不同角度研究翻译本质。  相似文献   
从语言学的角度研究语言中的歧义现象由来已久。本文拟从语用学的新视角,以奥斯丁-塞尔的言语行为理论为依据,结合具体语境,着重探讨无意和有意两种话语歧义并提出相关的翻译策略。  相似文献   
社会主义与市场经济的融合是社会主义改革的逻辑主线,"帕累托最优化"理论衍生的社会主义经济问题大讨论构成了社会主义改革的理论渊源。20世纪中期以南斯拉夫、匈牙利为代表的东欧社会主义国家的"分权市场社会主义"模式开创了实践视域中的社会主义改革。苏东社会主义改革的失败孕育了改革模式的分野,诞生了"市场主导"的西方市场社会主义思潮。国际社会主义改革的逻辑演进启示我们,必须坚持社会主义与市场经济融合的改革路径,完善国家干预经济的改革理论,坚持"结构型"改革的路径抉择,构建社会主义与市场经济"多维融合"的制度模式,提升中国特色社会主义的理论与实践内涵。  相似文献   
古希腊戏剧起源于酒神狄奥尼索斯的庆祭仪式。在古希腊戏剧萌芽、产生、发展和成熟的过程中,始终受到古希腊社会、宗教环境的束缚,洋溢着浓厚的宗教色彩。从古希腊戏剧的题材、结构、情节乃至内容里,都可以找到宗教仪式的影子,所以古希腊的戏剧演出自始至终都不仅仅是一种纯娱乐的活动,而是城邦政治生活和宗教生活的一部分。  相似文献   
清廷统一台湾后,随着移民的涌入,政府对台湾控制不断加强。清廷以政权的力量在台湾制造了食盐商品的特定市场,使食盐贸易由原先的物物交换转化为专卖形式。政府力图通过食盐专卖收取饷银,解决军饷及财政支出。台湾食盐贸易的制度化,其实是台湾内地化进程的重要表现,政府通过这一过程将台湾纳入有效的管理体系中。  相似文献   
《尘埃落定》的神秘主义叙事与藏族苯教文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在探寻《尘埃落定》的神秘主义叙事出现的原因时,研究者普遍认为这是阿来受魔幻现实主义思潮影响,借鉴欧美小说艺术表现手法的结果,从而忽略了藏族苯教文化中的巫术观念、灵魂观念和征兆观念在《尘埃落定》神秘主义叙事建构中的美学意义。研究发现,《尘埃落定》中的神秘主义叙事更多的是来源于藏族苯教文化,本土民族文化资源是作品神秘主义叙事的根基。  相似文献   
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