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我国城镇劳动力配置二元结构及其转换   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出我国城镇劳动力配置的二元结构表现在就业体制二元性,工资收入调节双轨运行,城乡劳动就业区别和户籍壁垒三大方而.认为其主要原因是国企改革与劳动力退出障碍互为因果,体制内就业者的既得利益刚性,社会保障制度改革滞后和劳动力供求严重失衡.在此基础上对转换二元结构的目标、途径、过程、模式选样作出论证,最后从促进企业家市场和工资市场化,实施再就业工程,完善社会保险制度,缩小劳动力供求差距和改革户籍制度等五方面提出相应对策.  相似文献   
With an emphasis placed on supply‐side interventions such as skills training and incentives enhancement, active labor market polices (ALMPs) are strongly promoted by international organizations and widely adopted across different welfare regimes to boost employment rates. This article first presents the under‐examined relationship between ALMPs and employment precariousness, which has posed a challenge to the neoliberal notion of employability and activation. Youth‐focused employment policies tend to speed up employment entry whilst downplaying the risk of precariousness and the importance of job quality, and thus further reinforcing the belief that engaging in precarious employment is tolerable if not inevitable. The article then examines the case of Hong Kong, which illustrates that its relatively low rate of youth unemployment may conceal the unfavorable employment conditions confronted by youth. It is argued that the service‐led employment policies and short‐term vocational training define the employability of young workers in terms of labor flexibilities. The coined phase of “flexi‐employability” is characterized by promoting youth's readiness for, and adaptability to, the volatilities and changing demands of the labor market. Arguably, the disciplinary approach to youth activation would only strengthen the work‐first principle by enforcing young people to take up jobs available and leave welfare as soon as possible, but without thoroughly addressing the risks and insecurities generated by the labor market in undermining their well‐being.  相似文献   

This article identifies trends in the adoption and implementation of quotas for corporate boards, an underresearched topic in political science. Corporate quotas—like legislative quotas—constitute the “fast track” to gender equality but appear more commonly in advanced democracies. These corporate quotas fall into three categories: laws covering all companies; laws covering state-owned companies only; and nonbinding (voluntary) measures in corporate governance codes. Despite on-paper differences, these corporate quotas are largely toothless. First generation corporate quotas, like first generation legislative quotas, operate symbolically. By raising the specter of stringent legislation in the long run, corporate quotas induce firms into voluntary compliance in the short run.  相似文献   
The impact of globalization has been a perennial source of contention, and issues regarding labor rights have been a visible aspect of this struggle. Despite the popular controversy about a potential “race to the bottom” regarding globalization and labor rights, the empirical record on these linkages remains mixed. Moreover, despite the multifaceted nature of globalization, extant literature in this area has focused purely on several specific facets of economic globalization, such as trade and FDI. We focus on two additional aspects of globalization, social and political integration, as well as a broadly based measure of economic globalization, and examine how they influence collective labor rights—both in terms of labor laws, as well as their enforcement in practice—in the developing world from 1986 to 2002. We find that all three facets of globalization are negatively related to labor rights. Specifically, social, political, and economic globalization are related to the decoupling of labor practices from extant labor laws; that is, labor practices deteriorate while labor laws remain largely unaffected.  相似文献   
过度劳动及其就业挤出效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将过度劳动界定为“人力资源在较长时期的过度使用”,即就业者在较长时期处于一种超出社会平均劳动时间和强度的就业状态。中国许多行业存在过度劳动现象,从业人员的过度劳动造成了很多就业机会被挤占,从而造成一些具有就业能力的人员的失业;而过度劳动并不影响所在行业的资本盈利与经济增长。资本盈利与经济增长所应带来的就业增长均被过度劳动所抵消,甚至在某些行业或领域还出现了就业负增长的情况。过度劳动的存在可以对中国经济增长与就业增长二者之间的“非一致性”做出部分解释。  相似文献   
从劳资关系不对称谈农民工维权艰辛的原因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在中国,外来工的劳动权利保护问题是在城乡二元结构的背景下,随着城市化进程中逐渐凸显出来的。根据社会学家布劳的社会交换理论,私营企业雇主和农民工之间的关系可以看成是一种社会交换关系,在这种社会交换关系中雇主和农民工之间存在着不对称的相互依赖关系。造成这种不对称相互依赖关系的原因有生产资料、社会资本占有的悬殊,信息占有的不对称,组织化程度的不对称,监控机制的不对称等,正是这种不对称的相互依赖关系使农民工的劳动权益得不到切实有效的保障。  相似文献   
对高校劳动争议问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校劳动争议的产生有其自身的原因,针对在劳动争议中表现出来的特点,在处理劳动争议中应注意四个基本原则,从构建和谐校园的机制入手提出对策。  相似文献   
在当今人工智能从体力劳动工作岗位向脑力劳动工作岗位不断延伸扩展的态势下,“十九大”报告前瞻性地提出了加快人工智能和实体经济深度融合的战略目标。为此,有必要审视人工智能对劳动安全、就业促进、劳动法律关系、工伤保险、反就业歧视等劳动法治构成要素的挑战,并以“十九大”报告精神及国务院2017年《新一代人工智能发展规划》为指导,从确立新的劳动安全观、保障劳动者的充分就业、明确人工智能在劳动法律关系中的主体地位、在人工智能赋权革命的基础上建构人工智能工伤保险制度等方面采取对策措施,更新劳动法治观念,完善人工智能发展的政策法规、标准体系。  相似文献   
近代西方资本主义的发展史,也是一部劳资关系发展的历史.以工业化为标志的产业革命,同时产生了劳动问题,劳动问题的实质就是劳资关系问题.从亚当·斯密到马克思乃至凯恩斯,不同学科背景的学者们从不同的视角致力于劳资关系问题的研究,推动了劳资关系和劳工运动的理论发展.回顾与梳理近代劳动关系理论的历史发展,对社会转型期的中国和谐劳动关系的构建,具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
Existing theoretical literature fails to explain satisfactorily the differences between the pay of workers who are covered by collective agreements and others who are not. This study aims at providing a model framework that is amenable to an analysis of this issue. Our general-equilibrium approach integrates a dual labor market and a two-sector product market. The results suggest that the so-called “union wage gap” is largely determined by the degree of centralization of the bargains and, to a somewhat lesser extent, by the expenditure share of the unionized sector's goods.
Helge SannerEmail:
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