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Today's methadone patients differ greatly from those of the past. Because of the rise of polydrug use and the HIV and hepatitis epidemics, treatment has become much more complex, which multiply the concerns and complexities of treatment. Patients entering methadone programs are also more commonly presenting at ages well into their 50s, 60s, and 70s; and this phenomenon of high rates continues to grow. The majority of these individuals in treatment have presented with a number of significant comorbid medical conditions that will progress and eventually lead to death. This aging cohort must be approached with a modified treatment plan that focuses on management and promoting healthy aging, while attending to their maximum delay of illness, disease, and disability. This article argues that it is necessary for counselors working with this group to adopt a palliative care philosophy. This article also makes recommendations in areas that counselors need to be knowledgeable and skilled in to provide appropriate palliative services specific to this aging population with multiple needs as they near end of life.  相似文献   
私营企业女工权益保护论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在私营企业中 ,普遍存在着职工合法权益难以保障的问题,尤其是女工权益受侵害的问题更为普遍,也更 为突出。女工权益受侵害的原因,既有社会大环境方面的,也有企业主方面的,还有女工个 人方面的。制定专门的《私营企业法》,明确劳动契约原则,加强工商行政管理部门的管理 职能,加大新闻机构宣传与监督力度等,是有效保护女工合法权益的主要途径。  相似文献   
文章尝试使用人口迁移的“推拉理论”作为分析框架,对新生代农民工这个巨大的人口迁移流进行解释。与第一代农民工相比,农村给予新生代农民工的“推力”依旧、“拉力”却越来越小;而城市给予他们的“拉力”和“推力”相比第一代农民工更大。在此基础上,我们提出“推拉”因素之中有一部分制度性因素是不合理的。户籍制度及城乡歧视造成的“推力”过大、资源过度集中于大城市导致“拉力”过大。要从根本上解决农民工的问题,我们提出两条思路,一方面,城乡户籍限制的放开是根本途径,但先决条件是解决大城市“拉力”过大的问题;另一方面,大城市的“人口退出机制”亟待建立。  相似文献   
休闲已成为现代人生活、工作所不可或缺的组成部分。作为经济转型时期的特殊社会群体,新生代女性农民工的休闲生活现状值得关注。研究以甘肃省定西市为例,从休闲时间、休闲消费、休闲认知三个维度对本地区新生代女性农民工与男性农民工、同龄城市女青年休闲生活进行对比研究,得出结论:贫困地区新生代女性农民工休闲时间严重不足,主要休闲消费方式仍处于消极型的休闲层次类型;相对于上一代农民工而言,她们已经认识到休闲的重要性,但由于受封闭的休闲空间及拮据的经济条件所限,她们的休闲动机仍停留在马斯洛的五个需求层次中前两层的初级需要。针对此现状,文章提出了相应的对策与建议。   相似文献   
基于对武汉市农民工的调查数据,考察了农民工制度化维权意愿的基本状况,并从社会网络、政治信任和企业制度三个维度分析了其影响因素。研究发现:农民工具有较强的制度化维权意愿。其中,老乡会、政制信任度和企业的侵权状况对农民工的制度化维权意愿有显著影响,而工会、对政府的信任度和企业的社会保障水平等变量影响不显著。个体特征方面,受教育程度、婚姻状况、政治面貌和在岗职位成为影响农民工制度化维权意愿的重要因素。  相似文献   
可行能力与农民工的福利状况评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于辽宁省沈阳市农民工调查数据,应用森的可行能力理论和模糊数学方法对农民工的福利状况进行整体评价。结果发现,农民工福利水平的总模糊指数为0.365,处于较低水平。分指标看,健康状况方面的福利状况处于较高水平,居住环境和精神感受方面的福利状况处于中间水平,其它功能性指标的福利水平较低。在影响农民工福利的主要因素中,工作环境和防护性保障的改善对提升农民工福利影响最大。运用OLS回归模型对农民工的福利状况进行扩展分析,发现农民工群体内部存在较强的异质性,并且不同特征的农民工群体福利水平相差很大。  相似文献   
不同于既有农民工城市融入研究中的宏观制度主义视角,也区别于单一组织微观实践路径的研究取向,文章基于粤南沙镇的实地调研经验,总结提炼出“半正式组织”这一新型实践类型,有助于弥合既有研究中的宏观与微观鸿沟。“半正式组织”是对现代组织“正式与非正式”二元对立框架的尝试性超越,在组织结构、成员关系、资源链接方式等方面均呈现新特征,其形成机制可概括为党建引领、组织挂靠与领袖吸纳。“半正式组织”的实践功效表现为助推农民工在流入地提升经济机会,增强政治参与,链接公共服务,扩展群体社会交往,因而成为现阶段有限制度供给和市民化成本分摊机制不均衡情境下,实现农民工城市融入的新路径。  相似文献   
农民工生存现状与和谐城市构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化进程中的民工潮是中国由传统农业社会向现代工业社会过渡的大势所趋。随着城镇二三产业发展加快,农民工进入城市的人数逐渐增多,已经事实上成为城市建设者和生存者的一员(社会阶层)。但在城市GDP大幅增长的同时,农民工与城镇居民在现实生活方面的差距却越来越大,已经严重地影响到社会的稳定发展。当前,农民工的生存、发展同题应当引起各级政府部门的高度重视。只有真正做到农民工在政治权益、经济待遇上的公平、公正,才能保证社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   
This article explores how former factory workers negotiate new identities in villages, as new brides, mothers and daughters-in-law, after 5–6 years of employment in an urban Free Trade Zone. I argue that their performances of self-discipline and disavowal of transgressive knowledges allow them to make use of the limited social, economic and political spaces available while gradually reshaping local understandings about the good daughter-in-law. Former workers’ strategic deployment of social conformity represents the foundation on which their entry into village social, economic, political spaces is based on. Although individual social conformity would conventionally be identified as everyday politics, I argue that former workers’ performance of self-discipline and social conformity is strategic and leads to changes in gender norms and village social hierarchies and thus represents a form of politics that is in between everyday and transformative politics – politics that creates conditions of possibility for social transformations.  相似文献   
Entering the work of world can involve significant challenges for the beginning practitioner. The transition process from university to work can play an important role in the emerging practitioner’s development as a social worker. The present longitudinal study follows 12 Swedish social work graduates from university and over their first four years in practice. The study provides an insight into how newly educated practitioners may experience the transition from university to the world of work and considers how they can be prepared and supported to meet the challenges of practice within contemporary work contexts. The students were first interviewed just prior to leaving university [see Tham &; Lynch (2014). Prepared for practice? Graduating social work students’ reflections on their education, competence and skills. Social Work Education, 33(6), 704–717]. This paper captures the reflections of these students after four months in practice. Feelings of unpreparedness, unorganised, or even ‘chaotic’ perceptions of the workplace and uncertainty about the future were emergent themes, particularly among new practitioners employed in social services. The findings illustrate the vulnerability of these new practitioners and the importance of workplace induction and the provision of adequate support in their new professional roles.  相似文献   
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