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已有人的组织承诺和敬业度量表为基础,通过对涉农企业员工的深度访谈,设计涉农企业员工组织承诺和敬业度的调查问卷。运用多元统计技术,通过因子分析得出涉农企业员工组织承诺包含理想承诺、继续承诺、情感承诺和机会承诺4个构面,敬业度包括组织认同、责任心、活力、工作努力、任务聚焦、专注、价值内化等7个构面。就涉农企业员工组织承诺对敬业度的影响作了回归分析,发现理想承诺、情感承诺、继续承诺3个因子对敬业度的7个维度有不同程度的显著影响。  相似文献   
母爱的缺失和找寻循环贯穿于杜拉斯的一生,由此形成的“母性情结”反映在写作中,使得其文本中的母亲形象表现出偏执、扭曲、神圣、慈善等多面性的母性特征。杜拉斯的母性情结及其文本中的母性书写体现了作家对父权文化的矛盾态度。  相似文献   
基于积极导向,考察个体抗逆力对员工工作投入和工作幸福感的影响及其内在的作用机制。在两个时间点收集变量数据,对382份有效数据进行层级回归分析发现:个体抗逆力对员工工作投入和工作幸福感均有显著的正向影响;而且心理脱离在抗逆力与工作投入、抗逆力与工作幸福感之间均起部分中介作用。最后针对研究结论提出了相应的管理建议。  相似文献   
The Nuestro Futuro Saludable partnership designed a critical service-learning intervention focused on health equity and action. The 10-week afterschool intervention was implemented in a Boston middle school. Youths who took part in the intervention were knowledgeable about the social determinants of health in their communities, as well as to the barriers to health. Our findings indicate that engaging young people in a meaningful way will be critical if health improvement efforts are to be realized. We found that a critical service-learning framework that incorporates elements of applied inquiry and critical pedagogy was effective as a health intervention and provided opportunities for action.  相似文献   
幼儿在活动中的参与和投入状态反映了幼儿是否深度和有效学习,是幼儿园保教质量评估的重要组成部分,也是幼儿未来学业成就的重要预测因素。然而,幼儿参与(children engagement)这一变量目前在国内的研究甚少,这可能源于测量工具的不成熟。国外幼儿参与研究已有一定实证基础,且在政策层面得到西方国家政府的重视。本研究对国际上幼儿参与的主要测量工具进行系统梳理和介绍,概述它们的主要内容、使用方法、测量范畴和优缺点。在此基础上,提出对我国幼儿参与研究的几点启示:首先,选择测量工具前须明确幼儿参与的定义;其次,为能全面评估幼儿参与,同时使用观察和量表两种方式,开发幼儿自我评估的工具,使测量能覆盖幼儿教育全部活动情境等措施是有益的尝试。  相似文献   
基于外语学习动机的国际姿态理论,探究我国大学生国际姿态对英语课堂学习投入的影响机制,建构国际姿态与课堂学习投入间的路径关系。结果表明:1)整体而言,国际姿态四因子结构信度和效度较好,被调查对象国际姿态特征处于中等偏高水平;2)英语课堂学习投入是一个由行为投入、认知投入和情感投入构成的二阶因子,其测量模型信度、效度较高,被试英语课堂学习投入总体水平较强;3)“与世界交流的意愿和想法”和“对国际新闻的兴趣”对英语课堂学习投入产生显著性正向影响,“对国际职业或活动的兴趣”和“群际趋避倾向”对英语课堂学习投入影响不显著。研究结果为探求英语课堂学习投入影响因素、开发提升策略提供了启示。  相似文献   
Scholars writing about community in recent years have been more likely to lament its passing than celebrate its exemplars. What's missing in this recent revival of interest in community is a systematic link with work–family issues and, in particular, an explicit recognition that women's and men's work–family lives have changed dramatically in the post-World War II era. We investigate the consequences of structural shifts in our family and work lives for a sample of elite, managerial women in dual-earner marriages, a population for whom work and family concerns are both immediate and salient. Understanding changing definitions of, and trends in, family and work can provide a useful lens through which we can profitably address recent debates about the decline or resurgence of community and civic society. Our findings suggest that, although conceived differently than in previous decades, family remains central to our respondents’ sense of community and structures their civic engagement. In contrast with previous generations of women, however, work is also important, for defining women's sense of self and community and for offering an alternative venue for community service.  相似文献   
运用J.R.Martin的评价系统理论对课文“A Good Heart to Lean On”的叙事手段进行分析。将整篇课文置于评价系统中,从态度、介入和级差三方面具体地分析作者对父亲的情感变迁在词汇方面的体现,帮助学生更好地理解叙事作者是如何表达思想的,以此提高学生对语言的感悟力。  相似文献   
以评价理论为框架,以英语学习者口头叙事为语料,从主体间立场的角度对英语学习者口头叙事作评价分析。分析结果显示,评价人物的口头叙事中英语学习者使用最多的评价资源是态度,其他依次是介入和级差。在此基础上,指出评价资源的选择与阐释带有历史与文化的价值取向,不同性别的英语学习者在选择评价资源的种类时存在差异。进而提出,虽然学习者在口头叙事中有意或无意地使用了部分评价资源,总体看来使用情况并不完全令人满意。  相似文献   
Extensive research has shown individual religiosity to have an impact upon U.S. protest participation. But very little work has examined the role of religious density in a community on the likelihood of protest mobilization. Our research links the religious density across 62 counties in New York State to various protest mobilization issues during the period of 1960–1995. In this research, we develop a theory of socially organized sentiments to examine religious influences on overall protest event mobilizations in local communities, a specific example of a more general theory that can link community structure to multiple forms of civic engagement. The impact of various religious traditions is assessed by using measures for the density of religious population per congregation of three religious traditions—Mainline Protestantism, Evangelical Protestantism and Catholicism. The analysis also assesses the likelihood of mobilization concerning four specific issues—African-American civil rights, gender, anti-nuclear/peace, and anti-poverty movements.  相似文献   
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