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现象学的自明性不是对象自身的自在显明,而是相对于一个主体的直接被给与。自明显现的直观对象不仅有纯粹的经验材料,还内在的包含了主体的先验认知形式,因而胡塞尔的自明性主要是逻辑的和谓述的自明性。作为知识的绝对起点和终极标准的自明性是一种先验的自明性,而一旦这种静态自明性被引入时间和辩证法,就会被转变为解释学的文化生成意义上的相对自明性,作为哲学起点和终点的绝对自明性也就消失了。  相似文献   
This is an exploratory study that uses a critical feminist approach to examine how parents perceive and respond to gendered bullying with children. Past research conceptualizes bullying from a feminist perspective and previous studies examine how parents perceive bullying. This study moves beyond earlier investigations by integrating these sites of inquiry. The author engages five fathers and eight mothers to participate in this study (n = 13). Data collection includes semi-structured individual interviews and the data analysis is based on a critical feminist approach to phenomenological inquiry. The data analysis shows how the majority of parents, in this study, do perceive and address bullying from a critical feminist perspective, in particular, according to three categories: (a) challenging binary thinking b) understanding identities/positionalities and c) perceiving/addressing gendered power relations. The results lay the foundation for practice and policy implications aimed at bullying prevention and future research to further examine social phenomenon related to gendered bullying.  相似文献   
知觉认知的确定性是认知者关于外部世界的知识有效性的一个基础。怀疑论从每一个知觉都可能是错的出发,对知觉认知的确定性发起了挑战。关于知觉的现象学研究表明,知觉经验在原则上是开放的,即具体的知觉认知是可错的和可修正的,所以不具有最终的确定性。然而,现象学关于知觉的先验论证表明,我们的知觉仍然是朝世界开放的,是关于外部世界的认知。无论对于理解知觉认知的本质,还是对于回应极端的怀疑论,胡塞尔的知觉现象学仍然具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   
Recent developments in the psychological and social sciences have seen a surge of attention to concepts of embodiment. The burgeoning field of embodied cognition, as well as the long‐standing tradition of phenomenological philosophy, offer valuable insights for theorising how people come to understand the world around them. However, the implications of human embodiment have been largely neglected by one of the key frameworks for conceptualising the development of social knowledge: Social Representations Theory. This article seeks to spark a dialogue between Social Representations Theory and embodiment research. It outlines the position the body occupies in the existing theoretical and empirical social representations literature, and argues that incorporating concepts gleaned from embodiment research may facilitate a more comprehensive account of the aetiology of social representations. The value of analytic attention to embodiment is illustrated with reference to a recent study of social representations of neuroscience, which suggested that embodied experience can shape the extent to which people engage with certain topics, the conditions under which they do so, and the conceptual and affective content of the ensuing representations. The article argues that expanding Social Representations Theory's methodological and conceptual toolkit, in order to illuminate the interplay between embodied experience and social communication in the development of common‐sense knowledge, promises productive directions for empirical and theoretical advancement.  相似文献   
教育哲学在现象学哲学的观照下,衍生出了现象学教育哲学。现象学教育哲学在教育、教育学、教育哲学层面对传统发起问难。现象学教育哲学给教育带来了新气象,同时也需要不断克服发展困境,真正引领教育走向生活世界。  相似文献   
胡塞尔对科学与理性问题进行了深入的哲学反思,他把理性危机和哲学危机视为近代欧洲科学危机的根源。胡塞尔不仅阐明了科学的本质、科学与理性的关系等科学哲学问题,而且还提出了让科学回归生活世界的构想。胡塞尔对科学与理性的认识和理解为我们今天更好地认识和完善科学具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   
本文分三个部分:第一部分主要概述法国现象学运动及其发展和特点。第二部分通过对米谢尔·亨利的生命现象学的评述探讨亨利在法国现象学运动中的地位和作用。第三部分总结归纳对法国现象学运动的一些看法。  相似文献   
人学是马克思思想的重要组成部分。马克思正是在批判地吸取了黑格尔精神现象学方法的基础上,才实现了哲学的革命变革,从而建构起人学现象学理论。马克思人学现象学方法是对"面向事情本身"现象学方法的继承和超越。马克思人学现象学方法的当代意蕴在科学原则上体现为按照事物的本来面目及其产生情况来理解事物,在价值原则上体现为追求每个人自由全面发展与社会发展的和谐一致。  相似文献   
形而上学的超越就是关于存在者的本质之维和实存之维的追问;现象学以“回到事情本身”的姿态为自身开辟道路。现象学视域中的“超越”有这些取向:只有进行着的体验和其所构成者才能被视为真实的东西,由此可以回溯到原初的奠基者;“人”基于本己的有限性和可能性而作出本真的决断;就趋向于神圣物的人而言,他是超越自身和所有其他生物的存在者;其超越意味着对最高价值的仰承;人是那进行着超越活动的未知数。  相似文献   
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