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刘太祥 《南都学坛》2003,23(4):17-23
唐代建立了实现决策科学化和民主化的决策机制。一是决策监督机制:唐代中央决策系统中书省、门下省、尚书省在决策过程中互相制衡;在中书、门下决策中枢设置一大批谏官,对决策进行审议;决策执行机关尚书省对中书、门下的决策进行认真审查,若决策有失误,可以封还诏书,拒绝执行;监察机关御史台也可拒绝执行皇帝不合法的决策。二是决策集议制度:唐代中央对军国大事进行决策时,总要召集有关官吏进行讨论,主要采取朝议(又名廷议)、仗下后议、延英会议、百官集仪、政事堂会议等决策形式,集思广益,反复论证。三是决策咨询制度:唐代皇帝在自己的周围设置了弘文馆、集贤院学士和翰林学士等一大批德才之士作为谋僚,皇帝每遇军国大事决策总要征求他们的意见,咨询决策的方案。四是信息传递制度:唐代中央决策信息依法按程序上报,真实可靠,处理及时,违者依法制裁。唐代中央行政决策机制具有两个显著的特点:一是有一定的法律制度作保障,表现在建立了比较严格的决策责任制,互相制衡,决策过程按一定的法律程序运行;二是实行决策论证制,集体讨论,广泛咨询,具有一定的民主性和合理性。在一定程度上保证了唐代中央决策的质量和速度,使决策活动正常有序地进行,减少了决策的失误,促进了“贞观之治”、“开元之治”等所谓盛世的  相似文献   
本文以中央财政通过大气污染防治专项资金支持北京及周边地区治理雾霾事件为切入点,在肯定中央财政资助积极意义的同时剖析了我国现行财政预算决策的若干弊端:决策体制中财政部门一家独大、决策程序缺乏民主化的机制、决策内容有违效益和公平的法律原则、决策依据缺乏科学性、决策方式不当;进而提出了保证决策正当的若干体制机制改革创新的主张:财政预算体制由行政主导转向人大"实位"、确立"参与式"预算的民主化机制、实行公开透明的"阳光"预算机制、实现"可问责"的预算责任机制、建立科学化的决策体制和程序机制以及绩效预算管理方式、以"法治化"保障财政预算体制改革与机制创新。  相似文献   
在公共政策制定过程中会涉及多个行动者,采用行动者中心的制度主义框架来分析我国台湾地区《性别工作平等法》的制定过程,可以认为行动者是在一定的制度环境下采取行动,不同行动者在互动过程中会建构出新的制度环境。本研究将与此法案有关的行动者分解为妇女组织、政府立法部门以及企业团体,呈现了各方行动者的博弈过程,并指出政策本身对权力与资源的分配程度有可能是影响政策是否通过的重要因素。  相似文献   
It has frequently been observed that irregular migration is a common object of symbolic policy-making: the use of cosmetic adjustments to signal action, rather than substantive measures that achieve stated goals. Yet there is little research analysing the considerations driving policy actors to adopt such approaches. Drawing on existing literature, we distinguish three theoretical accounts of symbolic policy-making: manipulation, compensation, and adaptation. We explore these accounts through examining the emergence of symbolic policies in UK immigration control in the 1960s. Through detailed archival research, we reconstruct the deliberations leading to a series of Home Office decisions to crack down on irregular entry – decisions which officials felt were not operationally sensible, but which were based on popular political narratives of the problem. We conclude that the UK’s adoption of symbolic policy was a clear case of adaptation: a series of concessions to simplistic notions of control that did not chime with official views of what would work, and which were reluctantly embraced for reasons of political expediency. In conclusion, we suggest the need for more fine-grained analysis of the deliberations underpinning decision-making in bureaucracies, in order to produce more nuanced accounts of political rationalities in the area of immigration policy.  相似文献   
中国农村社会保障制度缺位的政治学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立中国农村社会保障制度的经济条件、人口条件客观存在,农村社会保障制度缺位的根源是政治原因,是由于农民利益表达权的缺乏、农村居民组织的弱化、政策决策程序缺乏公正性以及政府机构扩张等造成的。  相似文献   
论高校档案信息资源的管理决策价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从分析档案信息资源所具有的价值特点入手 ,通过对高校管理决策的目标、基本特性和高校管理决策对信息资源的依赖等多角度的剖析 ,论述了高校档案信息资源的管理决策价值 ;并结合高校工作的实际 ,提出了高校档案信息资源是管理决策中重要的战略资源的观点。同时阐述了高校管理决策对档案信息需求的四个原则 ,即求实存真原则、适用可行原则、最小努力原则、需求多样化原则。  相似文献   
影响三线建设决策相关因素的历史透析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三线建设是新中国历史上第一次大规模的集中的西部开发.三线建设战略决策的形成是各种因素综合作用的结果.本文从国家安全、工业布局、反修防修以及中国现代化的发展战略、指导思想和运行规律等几个方面对影响三线建设决策的相关因素进行了初步分析.  相似文献   
教授委员会是教授群体参与高等学校决策的制度性组织,是一个依托基层学术组织的决策机构和为学校发展建设出谋划策的咨询机构,其决策的对象是与学术发展直接相关的事务。我国高校实行教授委员会制度是一项重要创新,它是深化高等学校体制改革,建立现代大学制度的客观需要,也是坚持以人为本,促进大学学术发展的客观要求。树立先进的大学理念、明确教授委员会的功能定位和运作规则,以及充分考虑该制度创新的成本是教授委员会制度存在并发挥作用的思想基础。  相似文献   
目标公司反收购决策权归属问题的法律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于公司兼并收购问题,我国已有立法的明文规定,但对于反收购问题,公司是否有权做出反收购决定、公司的何种机构有权做出反收购决定,我国的相关法律、法规均未做出明文规定,即反收购决策权归属问题我国的立法一直有意无意地回避了。而国外的立法对此有何规定,公司法较为完善的英国和美国等国对该问题做出了截然不同的规定,这些规定,对我们有一定的借鉴意义,我国应该允许反收购,收购权归属应由股东会控制,而董事会应有所作为。  相似文献   
Monitoring and reporting on the well-being of children has a central role to play in the development of policies to improve children's lives. This paper uses two reports on child well-being – the State of London's Children Reports – as exemplars to show how regular reporting on children can be linked to planning and policy-making in an urban environment. The paper describes how the some of the themes and key findings from the State of London's Children Reports are being taken forward through policies to improve the lives of London children. The paper also draws on the process of researching and writing the reports in a discussion of some broader issues relating to child well-being measurement, focusing particularly on the integration of children's own conceptions of their well-being within the processes of indicator development and reporting. The author proposes that children's perspectives on what constitutes their well-being should be integrated alongside and together with more adult-oriented measures; and that work to involve children in child well-being development should make a clear contribution to policies which are aimed at improving the lives of children.  相似文献   
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