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Contemporary global issues can be examined through the lens of modern photographic art. In an effort to prepare global-ready graduates, this article explores the pressing problems of environmental degradation, urbanization, and homelessness through the work of three contemporary artists. Illustrative works, suggested approaches, and curriculum resources are provided.  相似文献   
In this exploratory study, we examine whether organizational mission statement attributes make a difference to the performance of nonprofit performing arts organizations. We use text analysis to measure two semantic attributes—activity and commonality—of mission statements. We examine whether these attributes are associated with improved performance for the instrumental and expressive functions of nonprofit performing arts organizations. Our findings indicate that the mission statement attribute activity is associated with improved performance for both instrumental and expressive functions. Our analysis of nonfindings for the mission statement attribute commonality suggests that there is a need to develop and use content analysis tools tailored to nonprofit contexts.  相似文献   

This article argues that the conventional conceptualization in political science of politics is problematic, that it is overly narrow and constrained. This is because it excludes a range of actions like satire and humour which have come to play an increasing role in inspiring and provoking powerful political emotions and in informing the political agenda. Drawing on the work of critical scholars, it is argued that emotion, ethics and art can be deeply political. Moreover, new forms of media have encouraged new–old forms of political action often at the hands of young people who hitherto have been marginalized from the public sphere. Digital technology enables the production of user-generated content, opening new spaces for information, the exchange of ideas and mobilization. This article highlights the work of the young German satirist Jan Böhmermann to demonstrate how expressive art is playing a major role in shaping public opinion, in contesting power elites and informing political debate. In short, I use Böhmermann’s 2015 satire depicting Greco-German relations in the midst of a financial crisis and fears of loan defaults to argue for a broader understanding of politics that is inclusive of activities conventionally deemed non-rational.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the music group ‘Blacklist Production’ (also known as Blacklist Studio) that was established in the late 1980s when the Martial Law was lifted in Taiwan, and the group’s original works of music. It investigates the music composition and thinking process of Wang Ming-hui, the founder of Blacklist Production, and analyses two albums produced by the music studio, Songs of Madness (1989) and Lullaby (1996), as a way of reconsidering and reflecting the feeling process and limitations of the nativist ideology from 1989 to 1996 that took shape in Taiwan’s society. In addition, the paper also explores Wang’s musical practices through which he has tried to answer the question of ‘how to express thoughts with music’. Through the historical analysis of musical works and interviews with Wang Ming-hui, the paper suggests that ‘Taiwan’s New Music Production’ brought up and practiced by Wang and Blacklist Production is embedded with the possibility for Taiwan’s culture and imagination of modernity to ‘turn’ the referent point to the Third World/Asia.  相似文献   
WTO《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》(Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosani-tary Measures,简称SPS协定)第六条"适应地区条件"将地区划分为"疫病非疫区"和"低度流行区",由于该条在解释上留有一定的弹性并且国际社会缺乏统一的规范文件,致使适用时出现了许多问题。该条规定的价值取向是既要保护本国或地区内的人员或动植物免受其他地区病虫害之威胁,又要促进成员方国际贸易的发展。要同时实现这两种目标,建立病虫害非疫区并赋予成员方根据其适当保护水平之需要确定合适的贸易地区之权利不失为一种可行的办法。我国应以SPS委员会的各项相关制度为根据,加强与相关国际组织的联系,积极研究我国主要农产品进出口成员之卫生和植物卫生状况和适当保护水平,在此基础上完善对病虫害非疫区或低度流行区承认的法律制度,促进我国对外贸易的发展。  相似文献   
李明军 《齐鲁学刊》2012,(2):141-145
20世纪90年代以来,中国社会进入全面转型期。在精神领域,大众文艺的发展不断地消解社会的精英文化情结,这导致了知识分子话语的失落和知识分子角色的边缘化,甚至使知识精英成为市场经济时代的"多余人"。1990年代以来大众文艺中的知识分子形象大都以世俗化、平民化的面目出现,其生活方式、行为方式、情感趣味、思想趣味日趋向大众看齐,曾经以"化大众"为己任的知识分子精英成为生活中的孤独者或沉沦者。世纪转型期大众文艺中的知识分子形象已处于深刻的危机之中,他们精神上营养不良,人格萎缩困顿,趣味世俗粗劣,已然丧失了对个人、人类和世界的存在意义的把握,知识精英群体集体陷入沉默状态。这在一定程度上折射出当下现实境遇中知识分子角色的尴尬处境。这种状况值得我们深入关注。  相似文献   
素质教育是强调以人为本的个性化全面教育,是科学教育和人文教育的融合,而作为实现科学教育和人文教育融合的桥梁与纽带的艺术教育更是一种最自然,最合乎人性的教育。艺术教育应该承载起一种崇高的文化使命,应当是统摄人才人生之意义、道德之完善、生存之价值、心灵之归宿的精神文本,应该是实施素质教育的精神载体。  相似文献   
李巧兰  杨洲 《河北学刊》2012,32(1):237-239
当今世界经济与科技迅猛发展,传统的中文人才培养模式已经不能满足社会需求,只有在中文人才培养中树立"大文科"意识,才能打破学科壁垒,建立务实的中文人才培养体系,同时也有助于构建独具特色的中文人才培养模式,实现中文人才多向性发展,拓宽学生就业渠道,增强中文人才服务社会的能力。  相似文献   
随着后现代文艺思潮的盛行,严肃小说和通俗小说界限的消失,对麦尔维尔的研究也不再囿于传统的束缚.从麦尔维尔作品中采用的通俗小说手法入手,尤其是对其在具体作品中采用的讽刺冒险、哥特、城市暴露和言情等通俗小说模式逐一论述.麦尔维尔在创作中吸纳诸多的通俗手法,不只是为了取悦读者,更多的是为了实现自己的创作理念、形成自己独特的创作风格,从而在更深、更高的层次上实现与读者的心灵沟通.  相似文献   
非"明代前期通俗小说创作空白论"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“明代前期通俗小说创作空白论” ,是建立在通俗小说都得到妥善保存的“假设”之上的 ,它完全没有考虑通俗小说大量湮没的事实 ,因而是完全不合事理的。如若没有郑振铎、马隅卿、傅惜华、孙楷第等老一辈学者的抢救“引进” ,可能今天面对的“空白”就会是整个明代。从遗存文献史料的字里行间 ,仍透露出明代前期小说的种种信息 ,不仅能够证明稗官小说的大量存在 ,有些作品的内容亦可窥知一二。而现存多数的历史小说 ,都有它更早的“原本”。“明代前期空白论”是不能成立的  相似文献   
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