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语文教学民主化不仅符合中西教育发展的历史潮流,而且能够适应学生的个性心理特征,符合教育心理学的发展规律,同时也是体现语文工具性和人文性的最佳途径,是摆脱语文教学改革困境、实现语文素质教育目标的内在需要。  相似文献   
文章对《石仓契约》中俗字释读疏漏进行了考释与补正。“//”均当为“背”的俗字,而非“堦”或“嘴”字;“”当为“此”的俗字,而非“尖”字;“”当为“短”的俗字,而非“缺”字;“”当为“尖”的俗字,而非“炎”字;“二小二勿”被误释为“二小二不小”,实为“二丝二忽”;“统纳”被误作“统纳”,实为“充纳”,“搭”被误作“榀搭”,实为“品搭”,其中“充”“品”分别受“纳”“搭”类化而作“统”“”。  相似文献   
约翰.菲斯克认为,作为大众文化内部驱动力量的快感可分生产的快感、冒犯式的身体与狂欢的快感,并对应躲避式、生产者式的两种快感运作方式,大众消费者从中进行意义生产、权力抵制。约翰.菲斯克的大众文化快感理论与罗兰.巴特身体美学、米哈伊尔.巴赫金“狂欢化”理论等思想有着丰富的渊源关系。约翰.菲斯克的大众文化快感理论在积极意义、消极影响两方面为大众文化研究提供了重要的参考系。  相似文献   
顾明道是中国近代文学史上一位知名通俗小说作家,其言情小说非独哀情,也是醒世的,蕴含着十分深刻的思想内涵;其武侠小说常借侠客形象以寄寓除暴安良、振兴华夏之理想。他的小说都与"情"密切相关,其小说意境清高、思想高超,既从本民族的文学传统中汲取营养,又受到西方文学和五四新文学的影响,在当时别具特色,广受读者欢迎。  相似文献   
王旭川 《齐鲁学刊》2001,(5):118-122
宋元刊平话中广泛存在着阴文这一特殊现象,而在明代刊印的章回与话本小说中阴文已消失。宋元刊平话中的阴文主要起醒目的提示作用,但是这种提示是针对说话人的,而非如明以后章回小说的回目等是面对读者的,因此可以从阴文在平话中的存在得出宋元刊平话是未经文人整理的说话底本的结论。阴文作为我国长篇小说发展历史中早期的一个现象,可以作为元刊小说的重要鉴定依据。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the music group ‘Blacklist Production’ (also known as Blacklist Studio) that was established in the late 1980s when the Martial Law was lifted in Taiwan, and the group’s original works of music. It investigates the music composition and thinking process of Wang Ming-hui, the founder of Blacklist Production, and analyses two albums produced by the music studio, Songs of Madness (1989) and Lullaby (1996), as a way of reconsidering and reflecting the feeling process and limitations of the nativist ideology from 1989 to 1996 that took shape in Taiwan’s society. In addition, the paper also explores Wang’s musical practices through which he has tried to answer the question of ‘how to express thoughts with music’. Through the historical analysis of musical works and interviews with Wang Ming-hui, the paper suggests that ‘Taiwan’s New Music Production’ brought up and practiced by Wang and Blacklist Production is embedded with the possibility for Taiwan’s culture and imagination of modernity to ‘turn’ the referent point to the Third World/Asia.  相似文献   
中国高等教育发展的形势,总体上是积极的,趋势是进步的,而且发展速度很快。高等教育面临着大众化、现代化、市场化、国际化的发展趋势,这对大学生管理提出了许多新的要求、新的问题,需要解决。面对来自社会、学校体制、大学生管理干部自身和学生的挑战,大学生管理工作必须在理念、工作方式等方面改革创新。  相似文献   
The debate about the rise of civil society in Mexico suggests that the processes of political and economic liberalization are multiple and uneven and, thus, have different and contradictory effects on different social groups. This study takes such arguments into account and examines the nature of collective identities and social networks that are more likely to be mobilized in the rising civil society. Who, with what types of social networks and identities, are the active actors in this rising civil society in Mexico? This study also attempts to identify the central actors who take an active part in multi-sector coalitions. As such a broad coalition often leaves profound effects on politics and society, it is vital to ask which actors are likely to take an important step toward multi-sector coalition making. Using a catalog of 1797 protest campaigns collected from three Mexican newspapers between 1964 and 2000, event frequency analysis is employed to find active actors and social network analysis – blockmodel method and degree centrality measure – is applied to uncover central actors. The analyses reveal that while workers, peasants, or students continue to be very active, the centrality of these actors in contentious networks and coalitions has not increased. New central actors in the rising civil society turn out to be civic associations and NGOs formed around single issues, such as environment, retirement, and human rights. When a multi-sector coalition occurs in contemporary Mexico, NGOs and civic associations are likely to play a crucial role in it.  相似文献   
WTO《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》(Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosani-tary Measures,简称SPS协定)第六条"适应地区条件"将地区划分为"疫病非疫区"和"低度流行区",由于该条在解释上留有一定的弹性并且国际社会缺乏统一的规范文件,致使适用时出现了许多问题。该条规定的价值取向是既要保护本国或地区内的人员或动植物免受其他地区病虫害之威胁,又要促进成员方国际贸易的发展。要同时实现这两种目标,建立病虫害非疫区并赋予成员方根据其适当保护水平之需要确定合适的贸易地区之权利不失为一种可行的办法。我国应以SPS委员会的各项相关制度为根据,加强与相关国际组织的联系,积极研究我国主要农产品进出口成员之卫生和植物卫生状况和适当保护水平,在此基础上完善对病虫害非疫区或低度流行区承认的法律制度,促进我国对外贸易的发展。  相似文献   
李明军 《齐鲁学刊》2012,(2):141-145
20世纪90年代以来,中国社会进入全面转型期。在精神领域,大众文艺的发展不断地消解社会的精英文化情结,这导致了知识分子话语的失落和知识分子角色的边缘化,甚至使知识精英成为市场经济时代的"多余人"。1990年代以来大众文艺中的知识分子形象大都以世俗化、平民化的面目出现,其生活方式、行为方式、情感趣味、思想趣味日趋向大众看齐,曾经以"化大众"为己任的知识分子精英成为生活中的孤独者或沉沦者。世纪转型期大众文艺中的知识分子形象已处于深刻的危机之中,他们精神上营养不良,人格萎缩困顿,趣味世俗粗劣,已然丧失了对个人、人类和世界的存在意义的把握,知识精英群体集体陷入沉默状态。这在一定程度上折射出当下现实境遇中知识分子角色的尴尬处境。这种状况值得我们深入关注。  相似文献   
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