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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between attitudes towards gambling, triggers for gambling, and the severity of the gambling problem of convicted offenders before their incarceration. Participants were recruited through transitional managers of prisons. There were 96 referrals, of which 66 participants completed the study. Results showed that there was a significant correlation between the Gambling Attitudes and Beliefs Survey (GABS) and the Inventory of Gambling Situations (IGS) and a significant correlation between the IGS and the EIGHT Gambling Screen. However, no significant correlation was found between the EIGHT Gambling Screen and the GABS. The results indicated that attitudes towards and beliefs about gambling did not directly influence the severity of the participants’ gambling problem. Attitudes and beliefs were more closely linked to their triggers for gambling, and these triggers carried more weight in the severity of their gambling problem. These results suggest that problem gamblers need assistance in dealing with their trigger situations for gambling as well as receiving a therapeutic programme to change their attitudes towards and beliefs about gambling.  相似文献   
The experiences of African American fathers with reentry, recidivism, and reunification after a period of incarceration and after participation in a re-entry program. Results of the thematic analysis yielded the following major themes: unaddressed childhood trauma, self-identification, reentry; self-esteem and self-worth; reentry; family reunification after incarceration; and recidivism. Unaddressed childhood trauma and post-release stress emerged as the major barriers to successful transition from incarceration. Implications for social work policy, research, practice, and education are provided.  相似文献   
养老保险金是绝大部分人在晚年时期的基本生活保障,而对处于社会中弱势地位的犯过罪的人尤其如此.犯过罪的人包括以监禁方式执行的服刑人员、以非监禁方式执行的服刑人员和服刑完毕的刑释人员,他们的养老金被全部或部分地予以剥夺,也即在养老保险制度中他们遭到了社会排斥.这种社会排斥合法不合理地客观存在着,不利于罪犯的教育改造、社会的秩序稳定、人权的社会保障以及法治的建设发展.我国养老保险制度中对犯过罪的人的这种社会排斥,对犯过罪的人是一种非刑罚惩罚,并且是一种过量的惩罚,从而导致与现代刑法中"罪刑相适应"原则的理念的背离.  相似文献   
英国当代著名女作家多丽丝·莱辛在作品里从不同的视角切入,对当代西方女性的独立自由问题进行了深入的探讨,对女性自由的现状、实质等问题表达了自己辩证而多维的观点.女性的自由离不开男女两性的和谐相依,也无法脱离大社会而存在,女性的自由在某种程度上永远都是有限的.女性在囚禁和自由两者之间仍然难以抉择,自由甚至是一种悖论.自由不一定意味着幸福,"囚禁"却往往是最终的选择.  相似文献   
董桂武 《东方论坛》2014,(3):115-121
刑法第390条第2款规定的行贿罪特别自首制度的设立目的主要在于通过对行贿人行贿行为的轻打击以换取行贿人揭发受贿人的受贿行为。我国司法实践存在轻打击行贿罪重打击受贿罪的现象,同时存在着不合法的对行贿罪潜规则不起诉。囚徒困境原理揭示在行贿罪被免予起诉的情况下,行贿人较优的选择是揭发受贿行为。行贿罪与受贿罪互动规制中,应引入辩诉交易,且行贿罪特别自首制度应改为行贿罪特别自首、坦白制度。  相似文献   
Research has shown that information technology, such as reentry mapping, community information systems (CINS) and other geographic information system (GIS)–related applications have improved criminal justice and social welfare outcomes. These Web-based applications are essential in that they serve as portals for extensive data allocation, collection, storage, and information sharing. One such Web-based application, reentryBase, is a planned CINS, designed to respond to the growing need for improved delivery of social and supportive services to those returning from prison and jail. Its specific aim is to build capacity for both outreach to ex-offenders and networking among and between reentry stakeholders.  相似文献   
The number of older adults in US prisons continues to rise. In 2002, adults ages 50 and older made up 8% of the US prison population, up from 4% a decade prior. Many older offenders are released to communities that are poorly equipped to meet their special needs. and largely unprepared for the social and fiscal costs of their reentry. The focus of gerontological social work education on the returning older adult offender has been limited. This article examines social work roles in the community reentry/reintegration of older adult offenders. Best practices from the gerontological social work literature are presented and implications for social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   
作为知识社会新的管理方式,知识管理有助于提高我国高校的综合竞争力。文章运用博弈论的方法,分析了高校知识管理中的隐性知识共享问题,指出教师间的长期合作和相互信任是合作的重要基础,并提出了相应的改善隐性知识共享的策略。  相似文献   
威廉·福克纳的短篇小说<献给爱米丽的玫瑰>中女主人公爱米丽是一位与世隔绝、不顾现实变迁而一味坚持自己独有生活方式的人.她倨傲高贵,又充满了对负心爱人的无情报复.结合美国内战之后美国南方重建的历史事实,爱米丽是那个特殊时代的牺牲品,是一个已经异化的边缘人形象,而且她还是一个生活在过去的囚徒.  相似文献   
位于沈阳市的“二战沈阳盟军战俘营”,是1942日本建立的关押美英等国盟军战俘的集中营。它是纪录日本军国主义曾是堪称世界最残暴的老牌恐怖主义,用冻饿、殴打、奴役和细菌试验,用最惨无人道灭绝人性的手段,违反国际法残害战俘的罪证。同时也是中国人民和美、英等国人民“共同经历,共同战斗,共同利益的见证。”开发研究二战沈阳盟军战俘营的历史文化资源,对于揭露日本军国主义并遏制其复活,以及沟通中西方人民的交流理解,具有重大的现实意义。由于种种原因,这段历史被尘封数十年成为空白。“拂去尘埃始见金”,经过中美(盟国)人民和专家学者的几十年的努力,终于使这段鲜为人知的史实从尘封中浮出,成为见证历史的重要文物。  相似文献   
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