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领主属宾句的轻动词集合并探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
吴丽英 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》2011,24(5):56-59
生成语法对领主属宾句的研究由来已久,以管约论为支撑的轻动词说虽然具有一定的解释力,但已远远落后于生成语法理论的快速发展。在当前的最简方案框架中,探针触发内部合并,选择器则可以看做是外部合并的触发机制。轻动词在运算中以抽象的语义类型特征和语义指向特征为选择器,不仅可以解释v-V集合并的触发,也可以解释领主属宾句的生成原因。 相似文献
以人称指示语的语用投射为研究对象,用Leech的礼貌原则对语用投射进行分析。分析表明:语用投射对礼貌原则的遵守会拉近交际双方的心理距离,产生亲切感;对礼貌原则的违反是由于交际双方的地位和场合不同而引起的,有时还会产生幽默的效果。 相似文献
This paper presents a Bayesian analysis of the projected normal distribution, which is a flexible and useful distribution for the analysis of directional data. We obtain samples from the posterior distribution using the Gibbs sampler after the introduction of suitably chosen latent variables. The procedure is illustrated using simulated data as well as a real data set previously analysed in the literature. 相似文献
与其它发展地区类似 ,二战以后香港人口死亡率已经经历了显著的下降 ,达到了一个非常低的水平。在这种极低水平的现状下 ,香港人口死亡率进一步下降的空间还有多大呢 ?本文基于香港人口死亡率历史数据 ,探讨了其演变趋势 ,同时利用Lee -Carter模型对香港未来 5 0年分性别的人口死亡率进行了预测。如果我们将预测结果与最近的官方预测数据进行比较 ,可以发现 ,本文Lee -Carter模型预测的未来香港人口死亡率下降趋势比官方预测结果要乐观 相似文献
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal 《Revue canadienne de statistique》2011,39(4):721-733
Canada's $41{\rm st}$ national general election saw the Conservative Party increase its seat count from 143 to 166, thus giving it a majority of the national parliament's 308 seats. By contrast, nearly all of the pre‐election seat count forecasts predicted a Conservative minority only. We examine the extent to which simple statistical models could or could not have predicted the Conservative majority prior to the election. We conclude that, by using data from the previous (2008) election appropriately, the Conservative majority should have been anticipated as the most likely outcome. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 721–733; 2011. © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
Guy P. Nason 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology》2001,63(3):551-567
Loosely speaking a robust projection index is one that prefers projections involving true clusters over projections consisting of a cluster and an outlier. We introduce a mathematical definition of one-dimensional index robustness and describe a numerical experiment to measure it. We design five new indices based on measuring divergence from Student's t -distribution which are intended to be especially robust: the experiment shows that they are more robust than several established indices. The experiment also reveals more generally that the robustness of moment indices depends on the number of approximation terms, providing additional practical guidance for existing projection pursuit implementations. We investigate the theoretical properties of one new Student t -index and Hall's index and show that the new index automatically adapts its robustness to the degree of outlier contamination. We conclude by outlining the possibilities for extending our experiments to both higher dimensions and other new indices. 相似文献
张保振 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》2003,43(5):39-42
三在空间维度、时间维度、实践维度上的思维表现都是十分活跃的.究其原因,是三这个词所特有的含义的反映,是思维内在逻辑的外在显现. 相似文献
介绍了一种HDTV显示用的7.6cmYAG(钇铝石榴石)投影阴极射线管(CRT),采用离心沉屏法将荧光粉沉积在YAG面板上制作高密度荧光屏,该荧光屏上制作有多层干涉过滤膜。管壳采用能与YAG进行匹配封接的玻璃材料。经过优化设计的预聚焦透镜和主聚焦透镜满足显示HDTV图像的要求。测试结果表明,在阴极电流为1.0mA和阳极电压为29kV条件下,红、绿、蓝管的亮度分别可达1.4×105cd/m2、6.2×104cd/m2和8×103cd/m2,绿色管子50%图像线宽为85μm。采用该管的122cm背投和183cm前投电视机的水平分辨率为1000电视线,平均白场亮度分别为624cd/m2和890cd/m2. 相似文献
陈华富 《电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2000,(6)
对一类带等式、不等式约束的极大极小值问题进行了研究,将其转化为带等式、不等式约束的非线性规划问题,并利用梯度投影算法进行求解。该算法在有限步达到最优点或产生一系列点,且其极限点是最优点。该算法减少了计算量,克服了数值实现上的困难,证明了算法的收敛性。 相似文献