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针对派生表不需要创建持久性视图但无法只在查询中定义派生表一次然后多次使用的问题,根据CTE一次定义就可以多次使用的特点,在同一WITH子句中定义多个CTE,每一个都引用先前定义的CT执行非递归查询。CTE根据一个非递归查询作为锚定成员和一个递归查询作为递归成员执行递归查询。应用表明,能取得良好的效果。  相似文献   
This essay identifies ten significant methodological challenges for understanding aggression and gender. In light of the recent explosion of research on indirect/relational/social aggression, it seems important to clarify gaps in our current understanding and to identify promising methods by which better answers might be found. The discussion begins with basic issues of definitions, contexts and subtypes, moves on to points concerning sampling and measures, and addresses whether current evidence warrants deciding that girls are as aggressive as boys. We conclude that although research has shown that the majority of girls' aggression takes indirect/relational/social forms, it is premature to conclude that boys do not also engage in these behaviors. We caution against assuming that physical and indirect/relational/social aggression are comparable in their developmental origins and consequences, and urge researchers to consider that fully understanding indirect/relational/social aggression might require different conceptual frameworks and research methods.  相似文献   
当社会逐渐发展到以农耕为主的时候,人们的思想和精力更多地放在对自己耕种的谷物的需求上。祈求谷物丰产、生活幸福成了人们的向往,人们按照自己的想象创造了谷精、谷神的形象,并以不同形式对其进行装饰打扮,使其丰富多彩,各具特色,并形成了特定的服饰装扮、祭祀方式和文化现象。从世界各地民间不同的祭谷习俗中可看出他们不同的习俗和服饰文化现象。  相似文献   
我国古代曾以盛发高髻为美,因而在祭祀中戴假发是对参祭妇女的仪表要求之一。根据《周礼》及相关记载,《君子偕老》中出现的"副""象衣""翟""展"是王后在祭祀中专用的假发和服装。从祭祀的角度理解《君子偕老》,可以对诗歌有更深地认识。  相似文献   
在商代和西周,祭祀一直处于政治的中心.到了春秋时期,祭祀依然在政治传播中扮演着非常重要的角色,依然为政治家们所重视.但是长期以来,祭祀权与王权合一的局面被打破,祭祀权作为权力的象征正面临着名不副实的危机.与商代、西周相比,祭祀已丧失了昔日的尊严和威仪,无可奈何地走向了没落.西周以来为严格等级宗法制度而设的祭礼,在春秋时期处处显得不合时宜.祭祀一方面为政治所需要,另一方面又与政治相矛盾.由此,祭祀在春秋时期出现了比较混乱的局面:有时传达政治的意义,有时传达个人的意志,有时甚至徒具形式,没有多少实际意义.祭祀的政治传播功能在逐渐地丧失,并由政治的中心走向政治的边缘.  相似文献   
儿童的攻击性是儿童社会性发展中一项非常重要的内容。20世纪以来,攻击的发展与控制问题一直是发展心理学最重要的研究领域之一。文章从儿童攻击行为的定义着手,对攻击行为的分类、攻击行为的理论以及新近研究成果做了梳理,试图使读者对攻击行为有一个全面系统的了解。  相似文献   
现存的江西傩神与祭祀形态蕴藏着原始农耕文化的遗存信息,其在祈求村族平安与风调雨顺的基调中,表现出浓厚的神农崇拜、祖先崇拜与生殖崇拜等三大主题意义倾向,是现存中华傩文化遗存在江南的典型形态。江西傩神崇拜与祭祀仪态现状折射出原始生民“人头祭”图腾痕迹。  相似文献   
《简.爱》不仅仅是女主人公简的浪漫史,更是她作为维多利亚时代的女性的艰难的成长史。全篇首尾呼应连贯一致的主线是女性作为父权社会的他者的混合身份自我认同的过程。通过这种认同,夏洛蒂为她的女主人公找到了既符合维多利亚道德规范又能保留女性相对独立的自我的实现灵与肉的协调的路,虽然这条道路在今天看来仍然具有某种乌托邦的成分。  相似文献   
基于灰色关联分析的注塑成型工艺参数优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本工作研究了灰色关联分析法在注塑成型工艺参数优化中的应用,通过专家评估和实践经验确立工艺参数评价指标的理论期望值,采用正交法设计试验方案,基于灰色关联分析计算其关联度.以寻求最接近理论期望值的注塑工艺方案,为实现注塑工艺参数的优化提供了一种有效的手段。  相似文献   
Emerging infectious diseases are characterized by complex interactions among disease agents, vectors, wildlife, humans, and the environment. Since the appearance of West Nile virus (WNV) in New York City in 1999, it has infected over 8,000 people in the United States, resulting in several hundred deaths in 46 contiguous states. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and maintained in various bird reservoir hosts. Its unexpected introduction, high morbidity, and rapid spread have left public health agencies facing severe time constraints in a theory-poor environment, dependent largely on observational data collected by independent survey efforts and much uncertainty. Current knowledge may be expressed as a priori constraints on models learned from data. Accordingly, we applied a Bayesian probabilistic relational approach to generate spatially and temporally linked models from heterogeneous data sources. Using data collected from multiple independent sources in Maryland, we discovered the integrated context in which infected birds are plausible indicators for positive mosquito pools and human cases for 2001 and 2002.  相似文献   
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