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公共行政承担着行使公共权力、促进社会正义的职责,因此必须对公共行政行为进行规范。实践证明借助于法律单向控制的传统手段已不能满足民众对于责任政府的要求,因而必须通过公共行政的道德化来实现公共行政的良好运行。文章提出从社会环境、公共行政组织及行政人员三个层面来促进服务行政模式的转变,为实现公共行政道德化提供制度保障。  相似文献   
Introduction: In 2005, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) proposed that all submitted trials in all 11 member journals must be prospectively registered in order to be considered for publication. Registering drug trials was meant to reduce the likelihood of selective reporting. The aim was to determine the proportion of antipsychotic and antidepressant trials that were registered.

Methods: We searched in Pubmed for all randomized controlled trials of any antidepressant or antipsychotic published between July and December 2014. The primary objective was to determine the proportion of trials that were registered. Secondary objectives included comparing the reporting of methodological details and positive study findings between registered and unregistered trials.

Results: Of the 67 studies identified, 58% were registered. 75% of the antipsychotic trials and 51% of the antidepressant trials were registered, respectively. Registered trials were more likely to report important methodological details associated with risk of bias in RCTs. There was no significant difference in trials reporting positive outcomes for the study intervention between registered and unregistered trials.

Conclusion: Approximately 60% of published antidepressant and antipsychotic drug trials during July to December 2014 were registered. Unregistered trials were less likely to report important methodological details.  相似文献   

婴幼儿时期作为个体发育的特殊阶段,有着不同于儿童及成年人的生理特性,对化学污染物的毒性作用特别敏感,易发生严重的发育障碍。水中化学污染物对健康的影响,有些是单器官的、局部的,有些是全身性、多系统的,有的存在剂量效应关系、蓄积效应等作用。本文就婴幼儿对饮用水中多种化学污染物的易感性以及相关标准限值以及去除方法进行讨论,为婴幼儿健康成长提供理论依据。  相似文献   
殷墟是武丁时代的国都,曾经是亚洲青藏高原以东的政治中心,在其繁荣和强盛的背后显现出殷商的几个特点:嗜好迁都,嗜好占卜,嗜好饮酒,嗜好虐杀。所以,武丁建都安阳后,殷商之统治者依然按照上述惯性发展,最终导致纣王朝以酗酒和暴虐而灭亡。文章从地理、历史、文化和哲学的角度分析了殷墟及其出土文物,针对卜述结论进行了考证。  相似文献   

Adapting to a ‘green’ agenda requires active engagement of all relevant stakeholders such as societies, national, international and multinational corporations. Within organizations, leaders need to create a conducive organizational culture and identity to inculcate prosocial behaviours for becoming environmentally sensitive and responsible among employees through environmental citizenship. It can be argued that environmental citizenship among employees can enhance an organization’s environmental performance and impacts. Linking the notions and theories of social identity and environmental citizenship, this exploratory study examines the perceptions, attitudes and values of managers on engaging employees in green involvement. We also explore the organizational factors that were implemented across the workplace and its underpinning sustainable strategies for green engagement with an overarching research question: How can organizations promote green behaviour and identity among employees and engage them in meeting green targets for organizations? We employed a qualitative method by designing a focus group study. Our findings help us explore factors for promoting a social identity and environmental citizenship in business organizations and to understand speci?c methods that motivate green behaviours among employees, so that a culture and identity of being green becomes prominent and extends to the homes and wider society of employees.  相似文献   
日本右翼势力认为,在第二次世界大战战争责任问题上"英美与日本同罪".其实质是割断历史、混淆界限,为日本的战争罪责开脱.英美在历史上有罪,但与日本不同罪,日本发动侵华战争和太平洋战争的责任已成为历史的铁案.先有"重庆大轰炸"后有"东京大轰炸".原子弹空袭"被害史观"的实质是抹杀日本的"加害"责任.对中国而言,日本与英美--法西斯国家与民主国家、战时中国的敌与友岂能相提并论.  相似文献   
通过对广西首例旅客索赔案件的分析认为,该案做出错误判决的原因有二一是在概念上混淆了旅客意外伤害责任保险和旅客意外伤害强制保险这两种性质截然不同的保险;二是适用法律的错误,把一个与该案无任何关系的关于运输企业成本核算有关规定方面的文件作为判决依据.该案给我们的启示是没有全民保险知识素养的提高和保险意识的增强,就不可能有强健的中国民族保险业.面对加入WTO的挑战,中国保险业目前最需要的是扎扎实实地开展一场全社会范围内的保险学启蒙教育运动.  相似文献   
两宋饮茶风俗与茶词   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
饮茶风俗始于唐而盛于宋。宋代饮茶作为一种“客礼”仪制,渗透到了社会各阶层。围绕该“客礼”,引发出多种风俗行为,词人创作茶词,歌妓歌以侑茶,便是一个突出的表现。茶词与其他众多的酒词、应歌词、节序词和寿词一样,具有社交、娱乐和抒情三种功能。茶词的创作是一种词学现象,同时也成了宋代多姿多态的茶礼茶俗的有机组成部分,丰富了“茶文化”的表现形态与内涵。  相似文献   
构建责任政府是现代民主政治发展的必然趋势.责任政府是政府权力与责任对等的制度安排.政府责任的实现,既是指积极意义的责任履行,也是指消极意义的责任承担.政府责任的实现需要两个基本条件:一是制度制约,这是一种外在约束,是政府责任实现的根本条件;二是责任伦理,这是一种内在约束,是政府责任实现的必要条件.政府的责任伦理既强调对...  相似文献   
我国政府为了适应现代市场经济发展的需求,从改革开放以后便提出积极构建“责任政府”之目标,建立责任政府也是我国人民对于政府职能转变的渴望和要求。经过数十年的责任政府建构,取得了一系列瞩目的成就,但也面临着诸如政府职能尚未完全厘清、行政权责关系不一致、法律控制机制尚不到位等一系列困难和挑战。为了应对这些问题,必须采用现代化的思维方式,即大胆进行行政理念创新、行政制度创新、行政立法创新,以形成建构中国社会主义特色责任政府的有效路径。  相似文献   
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