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从1931年九.一八事变到1937年北平沦陷,这一时期的抗日救亡运动中北平女界相当活跃,女性报刊纷呈于世,既有应运而生的各妇女抗日组织的会刊,也有知识女性自发创办的刊物。其数量之多,据统计是北京(平)妇女报刊有史以来最为集中的时期。救亡宣传构成这一时期女性报刊的鲜明基调;与之相应的是有关妇女解放问题,诸如对"妇女回家"论所展开的大辩论;但不可讳言,即便是创刊于救亡高潮时期的一些刊物也持有不涉时局的态度,与时代大潮脱节。在国统区北平,中共地下党所领导的妇女抗日组织的会刊和地下党员担任主编的报刊在众多的女性报刊群中起着领军的作用。  相似文献   
The violent attacks on African immigrants and refugees in marginal settlements surrounding South Africa's largest cities in May 2008 occasioned a rush of mostly well-intentioned attempts by journalists, public intellectuals, and government officials to discover the causes and find the cures for the outbreak. This article interrogates the glosses of “xenophobia” and “social deprivation” that were all too quickly applied to explain the attacks in public representations of this sorry episode in South Africa's post-apartheid history. The account of the focal events is based on a thorough sifting of press reports; victims', perpetrators', and police testimonies; government and civil society spokespersons' interventions; and field research. Rather than providing a monovocal, hierarchical argument for one or another analysis emerging from the reportage, this article juxtaposes complex and conflicting local accounts, justifications, forces, and circumstances to provide an intriguing if ultimately at this early stage irresolvable image of these tragic events. The implications for South African social identities, institutions, and democratic order, however, are at the end all too clearly illuminated.  相似文献   
历来研究者认为,熊大木以小说编创者兼书坊主的特殊身份对明代小说发展进程产生了重要影响。陈旭东先生《熊大木身份新考》一文,认为“熊大木作为书坊主的说法是不成立的”。遗憾的是,陈文立论并没有以过去的研究成果为基础,观点虽有新意,但无更有说服力的文献材料可以举证,熊大木书坊主的身份尚难动摇。  相似文献   
西方新修辞学将自身定位于理解和改善人际关系的工具,为新闻发言人话语建构提供了新的理论视角.新修辞学指导下的发言人话语能够立足于新闻发布会的修辞情境,利用同一修辞和论辩模式,并结合传统的修辞诉诸,达成发言人和受众的广泛认同,从而推动双方的修辞互动过程,促成事态的良性发展.  相似文献   
The appointment of the first majority female government in Spain generated a significant amount of coverage in newspapers across Europe, synthesising the multi-faceted debate about the relationship between gender and political leadership. Through the combination of qualitative thematic and quantitative content analysis, this article examines the construction of women politicians across different European nations. By analysing the coverage of the issue in the main newspapers of four European countries (France, Italy, Spain and the UK) in the two weeks after the new Spanish cabinet was appointed, this article explores the values and ideal roles the media assign to female politicians. The article is based on the premise that mediated representations of female politicians can tell us important things about the relations between gender, power and politics. Such representations embody a set of assumptions about how successful women should look, behave and speak, and thus implicitly express judgments on models of femininity. Ultimately, such representations construct heroines and villains that inform our conceptions of women's political participation, thereby encouraging some forms of gendered political discourse and discouraging others. Our research found that while certain discourses celebrate women ministers for their (symbolic) emancipatory value, others judge them by their physical appearance or their performance as wives, mothers, and mothers-to-be.  相似文献   
新闻媒体监督司法审判是公民和媒体新闻自由的直接要求 ,是人民主权、权利制约权力原则的本质体现 ,是实现审判公开的重要手段 ,有利于司法公正的实现和司法权威的树立。必须充分肯定新闻媒体对司法审判活动的有效监督  相似文献   
矿棉板已成为公共建筑吊顶材料的首选,但其关键设备成型机还主要依靠进口。自主开发的3600/40矿棉板成 型机,采取湿法长网抄取成型,多点伺服电气控制,配有高浓网前箱、针形辊、上真空辊、蒸气喷洒、印花辊等先进装置,料 板厚度自动可调,具有产量大,易操作,适应低容重和高矿棉两种配方工艺,具有能耗低、质量稳定、节水等优点,可完全 替代进口。  相似文献   
政务微博、草根微博与传统媒体新闻传播的互动融合,为新媒体背景下社会管理和新闻传播创新提供新的模式。研究立足宁波的实践与探索,在分析其现状、问题的基础上,指出推进三大微博主体融合的路径为:地方政府应有经营政务微博的理念及制度保障、政务微博要善于利用微博设置议题、传统媒体的融合报道要积极探索新的传播方式、微博信用制度建设等。  相似文献   
20世纪初的报章新小说具有突破中国古典小说的新姿态:从文学总体结构的边缘移位至中心,倡导语体革新,主张俗语白话为文,由无关宏旨的审美消闲转向追求启蒙救亡的宏大叙事,呈现出探寻存在、自我超越和筹划未来的现代性精神。但在倾斜向政治的文学场中,小说存在生命意识被群体想像遮蔽、叙述者主观态度过度张扬和审美现代性被剥离等局限,使之在小说革新的实验场中驻足,未能抵达现代小说的行列。  相似文献   
内部新闻自由是伴随着现代媒介的企业化发展而出现的问题.虽然这一问题早在上个世纪初就已经引起了人们的关注,但是有关内部新闻自由的立法研究和法律实施却明显滞后.在媒介组织日益垄断和集中的今天,如果不能从法律上真正解决内部新闻自由问题,那么各个文明国家宪法所保障的公民言论自由权利将受到极大的削弱和伤害.  相似文献   
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