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Although men comprise the largest portion of the prison population in the United States, the number of women in prison has increased more than 800% during the past three decades. More than 60% of these women are mothers of children under 18 years of age. There continues to be a gap in our knowledge base regarding mothers who are incarcerated. In this study, unresolved issues of trauma and attachment are explored for 28 incarcerated mothers involved with the child welfare system. Data were collected using the Trauma Attachment and Belief Scale (TABS) and the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Findings from the TABS revealed scores of average and high average in beliefs related to five need areas that are sensitive to the effects of traumatic experiences, namely self-safety, self-trust, self-esteem, self-intimacy, and self-control. Most participants were classified as disorganized/disoriented based on their narrative responses to questions from the AAI protocol. Implications for the results are discussed.  相似文献   
目的:研究特质自尊与焦虑的关系。方法:被试为317名大学生,研究工具为特质自尊量表(SLCS)、特质焦虑问卷、Zung焦虑自评量表,统计方法为积差相关、回归分析。结果:特质自尊及自我喜爱、自我能力分维度与特质、ZUNG氏焦虑总分及各分维度得分均呈显著负相关。特质自尊与特质、ZUNG焦虑分别可以解释对方28.0%、32.1%的变异量;自我喜爱与特质、ZUNG焦虑分别可以解释对方27.5、31.1%的变异量;自我能力与特质、ZUNG焦虑分别可以解释对方21.3%、24.8%的变异量。结论:与自我能力相比,自我喜爱可以更好地预测焦虑的发生。自我能力与特质焦虑存在的相关比它与特质焦虑缺失的相关高。  相似文献   

The motivation for voluntary social service has been identified as altruism. This study aimed to establish the relationship between altruism and well-being in Chinese college students at the undergraduate level. To better understand altruism, two groups were selected, one that used self-reporting and another related to the perception of peers. Self-reported altruism and self-reported decisions to help in real-life situations were measured in the first sample (N1 = 525); peer-rated altruism was measured in the second sample (N2 = 189). The results showed (when socially desirable responding was controlled) (1) self-reported altruism and self-reported decisions to help exerted significant direct effects on well-being, while peer-rated altruism did not; (2) self-esteem mediated the effects of self-reported altruism, self-reported decisions to help, and peer-rated altruism on well-being; (3) family socioeconomic status moderated the effects of self-reported altruism on well-being via self-esteem; college students with low family socioeconomic status were more likely to reap benefits from altruism. These findings confirm the emotion-elevating effects of altruism in collectivistic societies like China, which may encourage more people to engage in voluntary social service. Future research should adopt longitudinal or experimental designs with a more nationally representative sample to better confirm these findings.  相似文献   
Positive You is an inclusive arts project supporting learning disabled people to explore self-esteem through art-making. The project was developed by self-advocate Leah Jones who observed a gap in service provision after struggling with her own confidence and self-esteem for many years. This article has been co-written by Leah and her support Jade French using a life-story approach. Leah hopes that by sharing her story, this article will not only demonstrate the value of art-making in developing self-esteem, but also that learning disabled people can develop their own employment opportunities with the right support.  相似文献   
本课题采用总体幸福感量表(GWB)、自尊量表(SES)和人际关系量表对成都域内12所大学的979名在校大学生进行调查,运用t检验、单因素方差分析、pearson相关分析以及回归分析等方法对数据进行分析。结果显示:(1)成都地区大学生的主观幸福感处于一个较高的水平;(2)自尊与主观幸福感呈显著的正相关,人际关系困扰与主观幸福感呈显著的负相关;(3)自尊和人际关系困扰对主观幸福感具有预测作用。  相似文献   
自我人际价值感是自我价值感的特殊成分,是指在人际交往过程中,在同伴中的威信,有影响力方面的评价和感受,它能够从侧面反映个体在社会交往中受他人重视的程度.自我人际价值感是一个多层次多维度的人格概念,其发展受到主体和客体两方面的多种因素影响.它通过认知、情绪和行为三种成分的联合作用来影响人际关系.  相似文献   
何良俊最为后人津津乐道的恐怕要数其隆庆年间的“妓鞋行酒”事件了。今天看来,“妓鞋行酒”本身并无夸耀之处,然任何行为方式往往是人深层心灵的外化表达或异化显现。何良俊妓鞋行酒的背后恰是其一生自炫、自卑、自信等矛盾心理在晚年的一次集中显现。  相似文献   
自尊既具有个体性也具有群体性,不稳定自尊中的高自尊向低自尊的转化会导致个体严重的挫折感,可能会引发强社会攻击行为,如果这种挫折感集中于凝聚力较强的特定群体,就可能严重威胁到社会稳定。造成社会整体自尊感降低的主要因素有价值观的过度一元化和物质化,文化的过度世俗化,以及社会贫富差距过大、机会严重不均等造成的挫折感与相对剥夺感的增强。当前中国片面的现代化导致国民的整体挫折感不断增强,特别是中产阶级与大学生群体的挫折感尤为强烈,严重影响到社会稳定。只有牢固树立以人为本的全面发展观,把公民幸福感的提高放在第一位,兼顾人与自然,人与社会的和谐发展,不断减轻人的异化,壮大中产阶级,我们才能提高国民总体自尊感,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   
有选择性地勾勒了中西思想史上若干典型的荣辱观,并对其社会历史意义加以评析。认为中国古代思想家重视荣辱文化的探讨,西方哲人则长于荣辱的科学和哲学分析。从中国思想史看,礼乐文化心理结构蕴藏着知耻的文化种子;《管子》开创了政治文明层次的荣辱机制思考;孔子发掘和复兴了耻辱感的文化建构方向;孟子通过道德心理学思考,完善了孔子荣辱观的内在化环节;苟子对中国知耻的社会心理和伦理文化作出了理性论证。西方对荣辱本质的认识经历了许多环节:亚里士多德讨论了有德行的人和正义的制度对于荣辱的关系;康德从哲学的高度论证了自我和尊严的价值,完善了荣辱本质认识的基本环节;包尔生界定了客观荣誉,分析了荣辱的道德意义;詹姆斯对自我的结构进行了分析,并从社会自我概念上明确了荣辱依托的核心是社会自我;罗尔斯继承康德的精神,又克服了康德的形式主义和功利主义的局限性,将有关荣辱的道德心理学、伦理学和公平正义的制度原理统一起来。比较而言,中国长于利用荣辱机制治理社会,西方透过荣辱看清了荣辱的本质在于自我尊严,推动了近代社会的转型和文明进步。站在历史的高度,占有中西荣辱问题研究的成果,通过比较思考,建构自我尊严和荣辱文化统一互补的理论甚为必要。  相似文献   
The present study compared the behavioral correlates of sociometric popularity status and consensual popularity status among a large group of children (N = 778) in their first year of secondary school. By means of self‐report and classmates’ nomination procedures, the relative contribution of the two types of popularity to peer role strain and self‐esteem were investigated. Results indicated large differences in the behavioral correlates of both types of popularity: Sociometric popularity is largely related to cooperative behavior and being perceived as popular. Consensual popularity is highly related to fashion style and being perceived as not boring. The two types of popu‐larity were uniquely related to self‐esteem levels. Consensual popularity was directly linked to social self‐esteem; sociometric popularity appeared to be linked to self‐esteem through the reduction of peer role strain levels. The results are discussed in the light of social psychological theories of dominance and prestige among children.  相似文献   
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