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"女伤眷"与"士悲秋"是历来为中国诗歌传统所钟爱的主题,在中国诗歌史上,伤春情结似总与女子的命运联系在一起,"士悲秋"则主要凝淀为男性生命意识和政治意识的抒发.然而在易安词中,女性生命悲剧意识的触角越过了这一性别畛域,易安词的特点就在于她将伤春与悲秋情绪几乎都完全浓缩成了女性情怀中情爱的悲凉,将所有的生命意识、社会意识都浓缩成女性情怀中最为柔弱、最为凄美的情爱意识.  相似文献   
作为“倚声填词之祖”的《花间集》 ,无疑对后世词创作与词学造成了深远的影响 ,它奠定了词“以艳丽为本色”的性质 ,以佳人美貌及男女艳情为主要叙写对象 ,以是否能合乐 (尤其是女乐 )而歌判断词体性之正变 ,甚至《花间集》中美女与艳情的描叙也开启了后世词学为尊词体而勉力攀附香草美人之《风》、《骚》之旨。换言之 ,《花间集》奠定了宋词的女性化特质 ,使得以后近千载的词创作几乎没有完全脱离过言“闺情”的“本色”以及建立在此基础上的女性意识的刻画和反映  相似文献   
论《花间集》对宋词女性意识的奠定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为“倚声填词之祖”的《花间集》,无疑对后世词创作与词学造成了深远的影响,它奠定了词“以艳丽为本色”的性质,以佳人美貌及男女艳情为主要叙写对象,以是否能合乐(尤其是女乐)而歌判断词体性之正变,甚至《花间集》中美女与艳情的描叙也开启了后世词学为尊词体而勉力攀附香草美人之《风》、《骚》之旨。换言之,《花间集》奠定了宋词的女性化特质,使得以后近千载的词创作几乎没有完全脱离过言“闺情”的“本色”以及建立在此基础上的女性意识的刻画和反映。  相似文献   
我国企业核心竞争力现状及对策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业核心竞争力是企业取得持续竞争优势之根源.长期以来,企业核心竞争力在我国并未受到应有的重视,在对我国企业核心竞争力的现状分析的基础上,借鉴发达国家知名企业的先进经验,从现代企业制度的建立、企业文化的构建、核心技术的培植和企业管理水平的提高等四个方面对我国企业核心竞争力培育作了详细论述.  相似文献   
夏洛蒂·勃朗特的小说《简·爱》以其崭新的爱情价值理念、异乎寻常的爱情经历和强烈的女性意识,打动了不同国度、不同时代读者的心,因而产生了跨世纪的效应。  相似文献   
五四以来女作家走进了历史女性叙事的行列,打破了男性独霸历史叙事的局面,女性对自身历史的叙述,不仅使女性群体获得了表达自己的机会和权力,而且也构成了对男权话语的挑战、修正、颠覆、补充。在这百年中,女作家对历史女性的叙述与阐释也受社会风潮、时代话语的规约,但是,对女性命运的关切和自我主体的探索始终是女作家历史叙事的中心。  相似文献   
在审美活动中人的视觉和听觉具有不同的作用和功能,了解和掌握审美感官特点,就可以在美的形象诉诸感官时获得充分的美感享受,可以更、有成效地在美的世界里邀游。  相似文献   

This article examines the cultural and philosophical intersection between visual and tactile knowledge and the emergent aesthetics of modernism. In the September 1913 edition of The Museums Journal, J. A. Charlton Deas published a paper entitled “The Showing of Museums and Art Galleries to the Blind.” The text, exceptional in its historical context, complicated prevailing assumptions about acts of “visual” art and blindness. Deas details a series of experiments undertaken at Sunderland Museum and Art Gallery from 1906 to 1913 that consisted of making accessible exhibits, specimens and paintings for blind children to touch. Unprecedented at the time, these experiments recast the persistent Western belief that the eye has privileged access to knowledge, instead asserting that knowledge is embedded within material corporeality. The physical, creative and intellectual inclusion of blind people into the formerly inaccessible space of the museum was unique in its reach and offers a refreshing new perspective of what those (authoritatively visual) spaces could be. Sunderland, a region which tends to be discursively separated from the ambitions and experiments of modernism, was at the center of modernist discussions about knowledge, sight and touch; and, disrupts modernism’s silence with respect to acknowledging unprecedented regional developments such as those detailed in “Showing.”  相似文献   

Since the 1990s historians, in general, have increasingly engaged in critical analyses of the emergence and development of what has come to be known as ‘the HIV/AIDS pandemic’. Historians of education have also become interested in the role-played by education in the history of HIV/AIDS. Although the existing educational histories have successfully examined the multiple and far-reaching power structures that helped shape the educational responses to the disease, I will argue that their focus on ideological and geopolitical power structures runs the risk of losing sight of the crucial and often sensorial responses of individuals who have played a part in the educational history of HIV/AIDS. One such individual is the Flemish philosopher Pascal de Duve, who was diagnosed with HIV in 1989. De Duve’s particular approach to the disease clearly illustrate the importance of the senses in how people attributed particular meanings to HIV/AIDS. Knowing that this approach would prove surprising to both his readership and to his wider television audience, de Duve employed sensory experiences and modes of communication (for instance, gesture) to educative ends. I conclude that an intersensorial approach to the past will render historians of education more sensitive to unexpected personal responses towards HIV/AIDS to unexpected personal responses towards HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   
仿译词可以按照汉语新词的透明度、英语原词语素间的语法结构、英语原词在构词法中的不同性质、汉语仿译词的音节数进行多角度的分类。仿译词对现代汉语词汇系统的影响有增加新词新义;英文单词一词多义。在仿译过程中用汉语对应词的中心义项翻译英语对应词的边缘义项,造成汉语对应词词义增加;英文单词增加新义,造成汉语对应词增加新义;受仿译影响汉语产生新义语素,有的已经发展为类词缀。仿译词的大量出现体现了语言的经济、新颖、透明和共性原则。  相似文献   
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