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In the 1880s and 1890s several laws were issued in the Tsarist empire further restricting the rights of Jews in the Cossack regions. Consequently, the Don, Kuban and Terek regions were “closed” to permanent Jewish residence. In the early twentieth century, a similar trend occurred in relation to Ural Cossacks. On the one hand, the actions coincided chronologically with the tightening of government policy in relation to the Jewish population and, on the other, each of these areas had internal problems resulting from their specific conditions. This study attempts to find out whether this process was a simple consequence of the general restrictive policies in relation to Jews, or whether it was informed by local conditions.  相似文献   
唐宋两朝总共出现十位太上皇,频率之高,实为中国古代政治史上少见。大多数唐宋太上皇迫于重大的政治军事危机,被迫退位,其晚景比较凄凉。究其缘由,大凡唐宋两朝崛起的两股强大政治和军事势力,以及中国官僚制度的主仆性的不确定性使然。由于太上皇现象在本质上同中国皇帝制度和传统孝道社会隐性作用相矛盾,使得唐宋太上皇没有形成一种制度,而是昙花一现。  相似文献   
主要介绍自20世纪80年代起在公共管理领域中兴起的"新公共管理"主义理论,或者称为"新公共管理"范式.重点阐述了"新公共管理"理论的主要内容、基本特征、理论基础、实践应用,及其未来的发展趋势,并对该理论做出了批判性的思考.  相似文献   
Social insurance officers, through their work with rehabilitation, have become an important part of the welfare state. The aim of this study was to explore the nature of the dilemmas they experience in their daily work using the critical incident technique. Dilemmas reported concerned 1) cooperation with other agents in the rehabilitation process, 2) internal social insurance routines and 3) direct client management. Consequences of dilemmas were delayed handling, extra work, emotional strain and ethical conflicts. The dilemmas were handled through continued rehabilitation, coordination measures and decision-making. The findings showed the division of medical investigation and benefit decision in two authorities, the lack of education in behavioral sciences among the officers and divergent goals in different authorities. Further studies are needed on the rehabilitation process as well as the daily practice of social insurance officers.  相似文献   
This article presents a decision-making model that gives a structure to institutionalized strategies used by rehabilitation workers in the face-to-face encounters with clients at a social insurance office. The model is developed from my 24 observations of encounters between rehabilitation workers and long-term sick people, and my conversations with the rehabilitation workers about their impressions of these very encounters. The strategies are tightly connected to the rehabilitation workers' efforts to convey the working-track principle. Two different main strategies have been identified. The reinforcement strategy is used when a client seems to consent to the working-track principle, and the motivating strategy is used when a client does not seem to consent. When the motivating strategy is used some dilemmas of the role of the rehabilitation workers are actualized. The dilemmas concern a tension between, on the one hand, what the rehabilitation workers are supposed to be doing (care-advocate or administer) and, on the other hand, how they are doing it (flexibly or strictly). Acting within the discrepancy of the role, the rehabilitation workers try to solve the dilemmas. Four different ideal-typical strategies have been identified: the caring professional strategy, the caring amateur strategy, the bureaucratic administrator strategy and the coordinator strategy. All of these acting strategies are represented in the observed encounters. Further studies are needed in order to make statements on the representativeness of each strategy.  相似文献   
“街头官僚”同时承担政策执行者和信息传递者的“双重角色”,但在“管理官僚”和“相对人”的“双重压力”影响下,其政策执行者的角色难以有效执行,从而出现政策执行中的扭曲。但在法制社会背景下,“街头官僚”扭曲执行政策有被问责的风险,出于理性人的避责考虑,“街头官僚”通过其在“管理官僚-街头官僚-相对人”信息传递结构中的信息传递者身份,通过“搭便车”的方式将该网络中心结构为其提供的信息资源优势变成“信息权力”,进而通过对信息资源再整理的方式制造出信息不对称的结果,以此具有了影响他人的能力,并让“信息权力”能够越过制度而生存。在实践中,“信息权力”虽有一定的积极作用,但因为“信息权力”处于国家和社会的监督之外,存在滥用、影响国家法制建设和现代化治理等风险,因此需通过源头控制和过程控制的方式进行管控。  相似文献   
This literature review analyses the adoption and development of a street‐level perspective in public management, social policy and social work. The last years have seen a prominent revival of a perspective based on Michael Lipsky's street‐level bureaucracy approach in the debates conducted within all three disciplinary fields. Based on 71 key publications in public management, social policy and social work, the review analyses the adoption of the street‐level bureaucracy approach during the period 2005–2015, pointing out the main themes of the debate within, as well as overlaps and differences between, the three disciplines. The findings show the potential of better integrating the different perspectives and taking stock of the articulated debate. Lastly, the review discerns a common viewpoint for further street‐level research, emphasising its importance for the critical analysis and understanding of street‐level work as a vital dimension of responsive and accountable institutions and as a decisive moment to shape positive policy outcomes on the ground. Key Practitioner Message: ? The use of discretion by frontline practitioners and their role as policy actors on the ground has become an important focus of research; ? This literature review shows that the debate has gone far beyond discussing discretion as an all‐or‐nothing issue, pointing out both positive and negative aspects of discretion and developing comprehensive frameworks to explain the use of discretion at the street‐level; ? However, street‐level research has traditionally rather neglected the notion of professionalism. The social work literature brings in the perspective of professionalism; more research efforts are needed to better explore and explain how professionalism matters in relation to challenges and dilemmas of different policy and practice fields.  相似文献   
光绪末年,为应对内外交困的政治局面,清廷先后宣布实施新政和预备立宪,两项改革均以官制改革作为重要内容,相应地带来了官制立法的较大变革.历经七年,传统官制的形武特征逐步淡化,机构设置和职官选任均有较大突破,但是,受自身既得利益的羁绊,清廷的官制立法改革多流于形式,官吏选任当中的等级特权、中央集权以及民族歧见仍然未得改变,...  相似文献   
朱希峰 《社会》2009,29(3):189-196
"5.12汶川大地震"后,国家迅速启动了各种应急机制进行抗震救灾,解放军、武警、公安、消防、医护人员、卫生防疫人员、食品安检人员等各类专业人员纷纷加入到救灾行列中,用实际行动支援四川灾后重建工作.社会工作者也通过各种渠道深入灾区,服务于灾区群众.  相似文献   
"政治家"构想是韦伯应对现代性危机的一项尝试.理性化的官僚制对政治的遮蔽是这场危机的重要表征,必须引入政治家这一非理性要素来加以克服.实践上看,政治家是发挥领导作用、抵御行政吸纳政治的关键;思想上看,政治家是重建公共领域的枢纽,同时负有保留理性化成果的任务."政治家"以目的论式的二元论为关系模式基础.由于其知识前提在现代语境下无法维系,"政治家"构想不能成立.  相似文献   
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