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通过分析《游叙弗伦》篇文本,探析其中蕴含的政治哲学与政治神学的分歧。分析认为,民主制度造成了雅典城邦传统神学基础的崩解,苏格拉底式的政治哲学家追求城邦生活新的秩序的同时,开始面对政治神学与政治哲学之间的冲突;政治神学所主张的“神所指示的生活便是最好的”,与政治哲学对“什么是最好的生活”真理性的追求之间存在着难以消弭的分歧,这种分歧最终造成了苏格拉底式的悲剧。  相似文献   
阴阳五行本是我国古老的自然崇拜观念,在春秋时具有了哲学范畴的含义;在战国末期的政治形势下,阴阳五行由自然哲学转变为政治化的五德终始学说。政治化的阴阳五行学说与流行民间的自然崇拜、数术方技结合起来,它是以夸大、扭曲感性经验为特征的传统巫术思维方式为基础的。神学化的阴阳五行对中国秦汉以后两千年的文化发展产生了深远影响,使中国传统文化深深地侵染上巫术色彩。  相似文献   
本文主要以尼采和海德格尔的形而上学批判为背景,从形而上学的问题提法入手讨论形而上学的双重问题结构,即存在学路向的先验追问与神学路向的超验追问。  相似文献   
洛维特致力消解由黑格尔和马克思发展到极致的历史意识,试图恢复斯多葛的自然理念以克服现代主体主义。审视其以基督教的救赎理论解读历史唯物主义的悖理之处,将为重新理解历史唯物主义的未来观、进步观等基本观念扫清道路。  相似文献   
In a previous article, in this Journal (2011, 21.1) Steve Bruce put forward a practical definition of religion which he held out as offering considerable explanatory scope: religion consists of beliefs, actions and institutions which assume the existence of supernatural entities with powers of action, or impersonal powers or processes possessed of moral purpose. This article proposes that this definition holds dramatic explanatory scope that has yet to be realised by sociology. The element ‘moral purpose’ in that definition represents a not clearly acknowledged, but nevertheless substantial, agreement amongst sociologists that religion is a life-meaning-making enterprise defined by the imposition of moral order on a universe that is incomprehensible and indifferent to human existence. The full implication of that definition is the reversal of the conventional perspective on secularisation. If the placement of life within a meaningful sense of existence is the domain of religion, it follows that today's secular placing is just as much a religious enterprise of world building. The use of supernatural entities is only one method to anchor that placement: they are a dispensable adjunct to religion. The Gods are representatives of the truly sacred fact, which stands independent of them, that human existence has to make meaning for itself. To treat the supernatural entities as essential to the definition of religion is to adopt an ecclesiastical conceit from which a sociological perspective needs to free itself. The way forward for sociology is to deconstruct the present regime of truth through the recovery of the secular religion that comprises today's life-meaning-making enterprise. The article falls into two parts. The first identifies elements of consensus among sociological theorists that religion is defined by life-meaning-making and seeks to reinforce that consensus with a range of working examples that illustrate different ways in which religious life-meaning is constructed. The second part develops theory and a selection of research avenues in the new task to characterise today's secular religion.  相似文献   
托马斯.阿奎那秉承中世纪经院哲学传统,在全面整合亚里士多德哲学和奥古斯丁神学的基础上,建构起了一个系统化的理性神学体系。他认为,哲学和神学具有相当密切的内在关系,人们可以通过自然和理性的方式,对上帝的存在、上帝的本质与属性、上帝与世界万物以及人类的关系等神学问题进行详细的论证和说明。阿奎那对理性神学的内容、特征和方法的全面探究,在基督教神学思想史上产生了非常重要的影响和作用。  相似文献   
罗蒂把维特根斯坦的语言游戏说、逻辑实证主义、蒯因和戴维逊的语言哲学,以及杜威的实用主义融合在一起.试图把英美分析哲学和它的大陆哲学对手结合起来,铸造某种新实用主义和后结构主义的联盟.因此.他批判了分析哲学,解构了作为认识论的西方形而上学的哲学传统.提出了一种后哲学文化以对抗传统哲学的表象主义和基础主义.  相似文献   
牛顿不仅是一个伟大的科学家,也是一个具有卓越见识的神学家。长期以来,牛顿的异端神学信仰是一个被隐埋在其数百万字手稿中不为人所知晓的秘密。本文依据目前国际学术界有关牛顿手稿与生平的研究资料,探讨了牛顿异端神学信仰的形成,阐述了其异端神学与其科学信念之间的复杂关系,澄清了我国学术界有关牛顿科学信念的误区。  相似文献   
In contrast to the current tide of literature which predominantly emphasizes the integrative potential of spirituality in the workplace, this article explores the possibility that spirituality can act as a force of resistance in relation to management through the development of a practice‐based morality. It focuses on two historical cases where a synthesis between Christianity and Marxism provided the basis for challenging organizational practice. The first involves the French worker‐priests (1943–54) and the second concerns the role of industrial mission in the British coal miners’ strike (1984–85). These two cases illustrate the potential for achieving a synthesis between Christianity and Marxism in the form of a practice‐based morality that involves a concern with the exterior, political and social aspects of religion in addition to the preoccupation with the interior search for meaningful existence which tends to dominate managerial approaches.  相似文献   
费尔巴哈是马克思实现哲学革命历程中的重要一环。然而,作为一个不可缺失的环节,一方面,它是在马克思独立达成对黑格尔思辨哲学的怀疑与动摇之后才凸现于马克思的理论视野中;另一方面,这一环节本质上绝非宗教批判,而是哲学批判。正是从费尔巴哈那里以宗教批判形式出现的对黑格尔思辨哲学的批判和以"类本质"、"现实的人",即以"社会的人"为理论基点,对新哲学世界的构想才引起了马克思的思想共鸣,并成为马克思实现哲学革命的出发点和重要的理论平台。  相似文献   
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