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贾俊侠 《唐都学刊》2001,17(4):60-63
《秦誓》选自《尚书·周书》,是春秋时期秦穆公“殽之战”失败后因自悔所作誓言的最早记录。但是,由于《尚书》真伪的问题,历代对其价值无有定论。通过大量文献比较,结合当时背景和历代学者的研究成果,可以确定《秦誓》史料可信性,它在订正《史记·秦本纪》之误、补充《左传》不足及穆公研究方面自有它的价值。  相似文献   
孟子的仁有广义、狭义之分,狭义的仁是"恻隐之心,仁也",广义的则是"仁,人心也",包括仁义礼智全部.孟子通过"仁义内在"说总结了子思的"仁内义外"说,确立了道德自律的思想,进一步发展了孔门的仁学.  相似文献   
诚信是儒家伦理思想体系中的一个重要范畴,也是中国传统道德的一项基本规范。在以往的社会生活中,儒家的诚信思想对于中华民族诚信不欺、讲求信用的文化传统的形成,对于理想人格的培养,都产生了极为重要的影响,并在社会生活的诸多领域发挥着重要作用。在建设和发展社会主义市场经济的过程中,应不断扬弃儒家诚信思想,完成传统向现代的转型,使传统儒家诚信重新焕发出新的生机,并为现代诚信思想的确立做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   
在孔子构建的以"仁"为核心的道德规范体系中,"信"是重要的伦理范畴之一,《论语》之"信"在封建社会中对促进政治、经济、人际关系的良好发展具有不可或缺的作用。认真解读和探究其涵义及特点,批判地继承和汲取"信"德的核心精神,对新时期我国社会主义政权的巩固和发展、社会主义市场经济体制的健康有序运行以及社会稳定、人与人之间的和谐相处等方面,有着重要的理论意义与实践意义。  相似文献   
加强个人所得税征管的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济转型和人民收入水平的逐步提高 ,个人所得税即将成为我国最有发展前途的税种。尽管实际纳税额逐年大幅增加 ,但是个人所得税的偷漏现象仍比较严重 ,而且高收入阶层缴纳的税款占实际纳税额的比例低、工薪阶层成为个人所得税的主要纳税人 ,这已是不争的事实  相似文献   
人际关系的和谐与否对一个人的人生、事业的发展都具有重要的意义。不良的人际关系不仅影响大学生在校期间的学习、生活及其身心的发展,而且对大学生步入社会、适应社会具有深远的影响。建立良好的人际关系不能脱离现实社会的基本原则和要求,与此同时,大学生在人际交往中还必须遵循一些基本原则,才能使交往得以维持与继续。大学生的交往应该遵循诚实信用、公正平等、宽容谦让、互助互利的原则。  相似文献   
阐述了培养青年学生责任感的重要意义,即责任感是人才的必备素质,是健康人格的重要因素,是国民素质的一个重要方面,是建立诚信社会的道德基础。提出了培养青年学生责任感的途径和方法:(1)重视自我责任心培养的基础作用;(2)建立责任意识培养的目标体系;(3)充分发掘社会和学校责任感培养的教育资源。  相似文献   
大学生法律意识的培养是高校思想政治工作的重要内容。本文分析了新的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》在内容和结构方面的重大变化,指出认真贯彻落实新《规定》对于培养大学生的权利与义务现念、诚信观念、程序意识等必将起到重大作用.  相似文献   
This paper compares the use of confidence intervals (CIs) and a sensitivity analysis called the number needed to disturb (NNTD), in the analysis of research findings expressed as ‘effect’ sizes. Using 1,000 simulations of randomised trials with up to 1,000 cases in each, the paper shows that both approaches are very similar in outcomes, and each one is highly predictable from the other. CIs are supposed to be a measure of likelihood or uncertainty in the results, showing a range of possible effect sizes that could have been produced by random sampling variation alone. NNTD is supposed to be a measure of the robustness of the effect size to any variation, including that produced by missing data. Given that they are largely equivalent and interchangeable under the conditions tested here, the paper suggests that both are really measures of robustness. It concludes that NNTD is to be preferred because it requires many fewer assumptions, is more tolerant of missing data, is easier to explain, and directly addresses the key question of whether the underlying effect size is zero or not.  相似文献   

Drawing upon research with therapeutic bodywork practitioners in which the researcher's naked or semi-clad body was deployed as a 'touch tool' in order to access the field and generate grounded theory, this paper explores the various meanings that inhere in producing embodied research. Through unpicking a number of problems and paradoxes, a plethora of (dis)embodied bodies/selves are identified. This allows for a more nuanced exploration of the researching body since although the body is very present and visible in therapeutic body/fieldwork, it is simultaneously constituted as ephemeral, permeable and unstable; in effect, the ultimate 'disappearing act'. It is also argued that such erasure of the researching body creates tensions in terms of securing and maintaining an analytical, cerebral and sceptical researcher-self. The paper explores these problems and paradoxes in terms of seeking to achieve detachment without dissolution, and further contextualizes the discussion by drawing upon holistic, feminist and postmodern approaches to the body. Finally, the paper concludes that therapeutic bodywork gives rise to productive possibilities for embodied research endeavours and highlights the epistemological and methodological protocols that might be employed in attempting to 'bring the body back in'.  相似文献   
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