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In this article, we consider the change-point hazard rate model which arises quite commonly in mechanical or biological systems, which experience a high hazard rate early in their lifetime due to infant mortality and then a constant or steady hazard rate after the threshold time. We first derive the corresponding mean residual life function (MRLF) and observe that the MRLF is initially increasing and then constant. Here, we derive a test statistic for exponentiality against Increasing Initially then Constant Mean Residual Life (ICMRL). We also derive the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic and compare the power of the test with other existing tests such as likelihood ratio, Weibull, and Log gamma tests considered in the literature. The test performs quite well as compared to other alternatives studied.  相似文献   
In this article, another version of the generalized exponential geometric distribution different to that of Silva et al. (2010 Silva , R. B. , Barreto-Souza , W. , Cordeiro , G. M. ( 2010 ). A new distribution with decreasing, increasing and upside-down bathtub failure rate. Computat. Statist. Data Anal. 54: 935–944 . [Google Scholar]) is proposed. This new three-parameter lifetime distribution with decreasing, increasing, and bathtub failure rate function is created by compounding the generalized exponential distribution of Gupta and Kundu (1999 Gupta , R. D. , Kundu , D. ( 1999 ). Generalized exponential distributions . Austral. NZ J. Statist. 41 ( 2 ): 173188 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) with a geometric distribution. Some basic distributional properties, moment-generating function, rth moment, and Rényi entropy of the new distribution are studied. The model parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method and the asymptotic distribution of estimators is discussed. Finally, an application of the new distribution is illustrated using the two real data sets.  相似文献   
We study locally self-similar processes (LSSPs) in Silverman’s sense. By deriving the minimum mean-square optimal kernel within Cohen’s class counterpart of time–frequency representations, we obtain an optimal estimation for the scale invariant Wigner spectrum (SIWS) of Gaussian LSSPs. The class of estimators is completely characterized in terms of kernels, so the optimal kernel minimizes the mean-square error of the estimation. We obtain the SIWS estimation for two cases: global and local, where in the local case, the kernel is allowed to vary with time and frequency. We also introduce two generalizations of LSSPs: the locally self-similar chirp process and the multicomponent LSSP, and obtain their optimal kernels. Finally, the performance and accuracy of the estimation is studied via simulation.  相似文献   
In this article, we discuss nonparametric estimation of a mean residual life function from length-biased data. Precisely, we prove strong uniform consistency and weak converge of the nonparametric mean residual life estimator in length-biased setting.  相似文献   

Physical measurements like dimensions, including time, and angles in scientific experiments are frequently recorded without their algebraic sign. The directions of those physical quantities measured with respect to a frame of reference in most practical applications are considered to be unimportant and are ignored. As a consequence, the underlying distribution of measurements is replaced by a distribution of absolute measurements. When the underlying distribution is logistic, the resulting distribution is called the “folded logistic distribution”. Here, the properties of the folded logistic distribution will be presented and the techniques for estimating parameters will be given. The advantages of using this folded logistic distribution over the folded normal distribution will be discussed and some examples will be cited.  相似文献   
Recently, the concept of reversed mean residual life order based on the mean of the random variable X t  = (t ? X | X ≤ t), t > 0, called the reversed residual life, defined for the nonnegative random variable X, has been introduced in the literature. In this paper, a stochastic order based on the shifted version of the reversed mean residual life is proposed, based on the reversed mean residual life function for a random variable X with support (l X , ∞), where l X may be negative infinity, and its properties are studied. Closure under the Poisson shock model and properties for spare allocation are also discussed.  相似文献   
This article discusses sampling plans, that is, the allocation of sampling units, for computing tolerance limits in a balanced one--way random-effects model. The expected width of the tolerance interval is derived and used as the basis for comparing different sampling plans. A well-known cost function and examples are used to facilitate the discussion.  相似文献   
The problem of making statistical inference about θ =P(X > Y) has been under great investigation in the literature using simple random sampling (SRS) data. This problem arises naturally in the area of reliability for a system with strength X and stress Y. In this study, we will consider making statistical inference about θ using ranked set sampling (RSS) data. Several estimators are proposed to estimate θ using RSS. The properties of these estimators are investigated and compared with known estimators based on simple random sample (SRS) data. The proposed estimators based on RSS dominate those based on SRS. A motivated example using real data set is given to illustrate the computation of the newly suggested estimators.  相似文献   
In this article, we consider the product-limit quantile estimator of an unknown quantile function under a censored dependent model. This is a parallel problem to the estimation of the unknown distribution function by the product-limit estimator under the same model. Simultaneous strong Gaussian approximations of the product-limit process and product-limit quantile process are constructed with rate O[(log n)] for some λ > 0. The strong Gaussian approximation of the product-limit process is then applied to derive the laws of the iterated logarithm for product-limit process.  相似文献   
In practical situations involving mixtures formed from several ingredients, interest is sometimes centered on the response in an ellipsoidal neighborhood around a standard formulation. We show that standard, orthogonally blocked, response surface designs, defined on a q ? 1 dimensional unit sphere, may be transformed into similarly orthogonally blocked q-ingredient mixture designs defined within an ellipsoid centered at the standard formulation. The method is illustrated using several examples of mixture experiments with three, four, and five ingredients, arranged in two, three, or four orthogonal blocks, obtained by projecting standard central composite designs and Box–Behnken designs into the ellipsoidal mixture region. Rotations of the resulting designs within the ellipsoidal regions are also considered.  相似文献   
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