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2006年北京地区大学应届毕业生职业价值观调查研究 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
本研究旨在考察当代大学毕业生的择业意向与职业价值观。本研究以2006年北京地区大学应届毕业生为研究对象,使用自编的问卷调查了北京25所大学的425名应届毕业生。调查结果揭示,当代大学生看重的职业价值观呈现8因子的结构模型,同时本文探讨了影响大学生择业的因素,并以此为基础考察我国青年学生择业标准的变迁及其原因。最后,根据调查结果对学校、政府和企业提出了建议。 相似文献
一个拥有诗歌生命的诗人或诗歌作品,必为世代传诵。杨闻韶的诗歌创作和短暂一生构筑出他奇异的诗歌生命。杨闻韶诗歌生命是通过他诗歌中环环相设的隐喻系统不断涌现出来的。略低于体温的语感、渴求信靠的叛逆的心灵、以对死亡的思考为基点和以均衡性损坏和节奏的改变为特征的即时性吟唱的诗歌模式,构成杨闻韶诗歌生命的主要内容。 相似文献
完善道德人格是大学教育的重要功能。道德人格塑造重要性表现在道德人格塑造的作用上,大学生道德人格塑造可以促进和谐社会的建构,推动市场经济的发展,提高民族道德素质,赢得的人生成功。 相似文献
试论生态美学中的生态中心主义原则 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
生态美学在美学的发展过程中最重要的突破就在于从“人类中心主义”过渡到“生态中心主义”。学术界对于这种“生态中心主义”的看法分歧甚大,有人批判其为“反人类”。这其实是一种误解,因为“生态中心主义”中的“生态平等”是人与万物在“生命环链”之中的相对平等,而不是绝对平等。因此,它实质上是对于人的生存权利的充分尊重与保护,是一种更具普适性的人道主义,所以,它不是“反人类”的。生态中心主义原则对于以海德格尔为代表的当代存在论美学突破“人类中心主义”走向“生态中心主义”起了决定性的作用。这就是海德格尔的“天地神人四方游戏说”美学观的提出。 相似文献
论新时期思想政治工作的创新 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
思想政治工作是我党的优良传统和政治优势,是一切工作取得胜利的可靠保证。面对新世纪、新形势,创新是思想政治工作的时代要求。新时期要真正使思想政治工作的创新积极、主动、稳妥、有效地取得实质性进展,应重点抓好三个方面的创新:观念上的创新、内容上的创新与充实、方法上的创新。 相似文献
文爽 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》2014,(4):49-54
杨慎在哲学上主张“合性情”,反对将“性”“情”割裂来谈,同时又强调“以性统情”,使情欲在性的指引下得到合理发展与满足。杨慎“约情合性”“缘情绮靡”“含蓄蕴藉”的诗学主张便是这种“性情”观的体现。他还以自己的创作部分地实践了这种诗学观念,从而形成一种“穰丽婉至”的诗风。 相似文献
刘伟侠 《浙江树人大学学报》2013,(3)
方东美立足于20世纪中国的苦难现状,有感于民族文化生命的花果凋零,自觉深入到本民族文化的清新源头,揽取《易经》积健为雄的入世精神和道家诗意飘渺的超逸情怀,同时又广泛地吸收了现代西方生命哲学美学如尼采的超人意志和柏格森的生命冲动等理论资源,形成了兼具古典幽怀和现代豪气的独具特色的生命哲学美学形态。在现代的文化图景中,这一美学形态也有明显的局限。 相似文献
《Journal of social work in end-of-life & palliative care》2013,9(2):11-26
Abstract Social work education in both BSW and MSW level courses is missing vital content about end-of-life care, palliative care, and bereavement. End-of-life care training opportunities through continuing education programs have also been limited. This deficit is significant because a vast number of social workers are already confronted with end-of-life issues on a daily basis in a variety of practice settings. Through the Project on Death in America, Social Work Leadership Development Awards initiative, many programs and models for professional social work education and training in end-of-life care have been developed and are presented in this article. These include: end-of-life care courses, symposia, training manuals, certificate programs and fellowships. Although the curricula continue to be refined, many of these programs are available to practitioners to advance their knowledge and skills and their curricular models are available to social work educators for possible replication. 相似文献
Malcolm Hill Jennifer Dillane† Jon Bannister‡ Suzie Scott§ 《Child & Family Social Work》2002,7(2):79-89
This paper presents details of a largely qualitative evaluation of an intensive multi‐method Project, with a residential component, which aims to help families facing eviction to overcome their housing‐related difficulties. The families served by the Project had a host of other problems related to parenting, with child care and protection issues, addictions and mental health difficulties figuring prominently. Just over half the referrals came from the local authority housing services, with nearly all the remainder coming from the social work department. The majority of families made good progress, but in some cases it proved harder to have an impact on parenting than on tenancy‐related matters. Nevertheless, the Project was deemed to have helped some families stay together or be reunited, resulting in substantial financial savings for social work services. Crucial ingredients were good management, stable staff, shared ‘ownership’ by other agencies, a repertoire of challenging methods, and a holistic approach. 相似文献
This article explores the challenges of social workers' involvement in recovery work of the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake (12 May 2008). Six social workers working in three social work stations in Sichuan, China, were asked to report the challenges they faced in working with disaster survivors. Findings reveal that the social workers faced many challenges. These include lack of government support, low professional status of social work, rapid changes in the social environment in disaster‐affected areas, lack of supervision, lack of cooperation and coordination among social service agencies, and lack of experience and knowledge in working with disaster survivors. The practical, educational and policy implications of the findings are addressed. 相似文献