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This paper argues that Fisher's paradox can be explained away in terms of estimator choice. We analyse by means of Monte Carlo experiments the small sample properties of a large set of estimators (including virtually all available single-equation estimators), and compute the critical values based on the empirical distributions of the t-statistics, for a variety of Data Generation Processes (DGPs), allowing for structural breaks, ARCH effects etc. We show that precisely the estimators most commonly used in the literature, namely OLS, Dynamic OLS (DOLS) and non-prewhitened FMLS, have the worst performance in small samples, and produce rejections of the Fisher hypothesis. If one employs the estimators with the most desirable properties (i.e., the smallest downward bias and the minimum shift in the distribution of the associated t-statistics), or if one uses the empirical critical values, the evidence based on US data is strongly supportive of the Fisher relation, consistently with many theoretical models.  相似文献   
Numerous papers have considered the problem of comparing univariate measures of dispersion corresponding to two independent groups. This paper considers a multivariate generalization of this problem where the goal is to compare robust generalized variances. For reasons given in the paper, attention is focused on a particular W-estimator where multivariate outliers are downweighted via a projection-type outlier detection method. Included are results on the small-sample efficiency of several estimators plus comments on using the usual generalized variance.  相似文献   
We formulate Bayesian approaches to the problems of determining the required sample size for Bayesian interval estimators of a predetermined length for a single Poisson rate, for the difference between two Poisson rates, and for the ratio of two Poisson rates. We demonstrate the efficacy of our Bayesian-based sample-size determination method with two real-data quality-control examples and compare the results to frequentist sample-size determination methods.  相似文献   
Partial least squares regression (PLS) is one method to estimate parameters in a linear model when predictor variables are nearly collinear. One way to characterize PLS is in terms of the scaling (shrinkage or expansion) along each eigenvector of the predictor correlation matrix. This characterization is useful in providing a link between PLS and other shrinkage estimators, such as principal components regression (PCR) and ridge regression (RR), thus facilitating a direct comparison of PLS with these methods. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the shrinkage structure of PLS, and several new results are presented regarding the nature and extent of shrinkage.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The asymptotic behaviour of several goodness-of-fit statistics for copula families is obtained under contiguous alternatives. Many comparisons between a Cramér–von Mises functional of the empirical copula process and new moment-based goodness-of-fit statistics are made by considering their associated asymptotic local power curves. It is shown that the choice of the estimator for the unknown parameter can have a significant influence on the power of the Cramér–von Mises test and that some of the moment-based statistics can provide simple and efficient goodness-of-fit methods.  相似文献   
Randomized response techniques are widely employed in surveys dealing with sensitive questions to ensure interviewee anonymity and reduce nonrespondents rates and biased responses. Since Warner’s (J Am Stat Assoc 60:63–69, 1965) pioneering work, many ingenious devices have been suggested to increase respondent’s privacy protection and to better estimate the proportion of people, π A , bearing a sensitive attribute. In spite of the massive use of auxiliary information in the estimation of non-sensitive parameters, very few attempts have been made to improve randomization strategy performance when auxiliary variables are available. Moving from Zaizai’s (Model Assist Stat Appl 1:125–130, 2006) recent work, in this paper we provide a class of estimators for π A , for a generic randomization scheme, when the mean of a supplementary non-sensitive variable is known. The minimum attainable variance bound of the class is obtained and the best estimator is also identified. We prove that the best estimator acts as a regression-type estimator which is at least as efficient as the corresponding estimator evaluated without allowing for the auxiliary variable. The general results are then applied to Warner and Simmons’ model.  相似文献   
Under appropriate long range dependence conditions, the point process of exceedances of a stationary sequence weakly converges to a homogeneous compound Poisson point process. This limiting point process can be characterized by the extremal index and the cluster-size probabilities. In this paper we address the problem of estimating these quantities and we consider the intervals estimators introduced in Ferro and Segers [2003. Inference for clusters of extreme values. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 545–556] and in Ferro [2004. Statistical methods for clusters of extreme values. Ph.D. Thesis, Lancaster University]. We establish asymptotic weak convergence to Gaussian random variables and we give their asymptotic variance.  相似文献   
指数族分布是一类应用广泛的分布类,包括了泊松分布、Gamma分布、Beta分布、二项分布等常见分布.在非寿险中,索赔额或索赔次数过程常常被假定服从指数族分布,由于风险的非齐次性,指数族分布中的参数θ也为随机变量,假定服从指数族共轭先验分布.此时风险参数的估计落入了Bayes框架,风险参数θ的Bayes估计被表达“信度”形式.然而,在实际运用中,由于先验分布与样本分布中仍然含有结构参数,根据样本的边际分布的似然函数估计结构参数,从而获得风险参数的经验Bayes估计,最后证明了该经验Bayes估计是渐近最优的.  相似文献   
According to Pitman's Measure of Closeness, if T1and T2are two estimators of a real parameter $[d], then T1is better than T2if Po[d]{T1-o[d] < T2-0[d]} > 1/2 for all 0[d]. It may however happen that while T1is better than T2and T2is better than T3, T3is better than T1. Given q ? (0,1) and a sample X1, X2, ..., Xnfrom an unknown F ? F, an estimator T* = T*(X1,X2...Xn)of the q-th quantile of the distribution F is constructed such that PF{F(T*)-q <[d] F(T)-q} >[d] 1/2 for all F?F and for all T€T, where F is a nonparametric family of distributions and T is a class of estimators. It is shown that T* =Xj:n'for a suitably chosen jth order statistic.  相似文献   
Suppose that data {(x l,i,n , y l,i,n ): l?=?1, …, k; i?=?1, …, n} are observed from the regression models: Y l,i,n ?=?m l (x l,i,n )?+?? l,i,n , l?=?1, …, k, where the regression functions {m l } l=1 k are unknown and the random errors {? l,i,n } are dependent, following an MA(∞) structure. A new test is proposed for testing the hypothesis H 0: m 1?=?·?·?·?=?m k , without assuming that {m l } l=1 k are in a parametric family. The criterion of the test derives from a Crámer-von-Mises-type functional based on different distances between {[mcirc]} l and {[mcirc]} s , l?≠?s, l, s?=?1, …, k, where {[mcirc] l } l=1 k are nonparametric Gasser–Müller estimators of {m l } l=1 k . A generalization of the test to the case of unequal design points, with different sample sizes {n l } l=1 k and different design densities {f l } l=1 k , is also considered. The asymptotic normality of the test statistic is obtained under general conditions. Finally, a simulation study and an analysis with real data show a good behavior of the proposed test.  相似文献   
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