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对于国民党二大《妇女运动决议案》中“女子有财产继承权”的规定,民国最高法院采取了折中的立场进行限制性解释。其所面临的两难情形揭示出了法律制度的悖论。为在动荡中达到均衡,于激变中求得稳实之法,法律职能部门应在实践中发挥调整器的作用。  相似文献   
文章介绍利用数控增益放大器LH0086大幅度提高A/D转换器分辨率的方法,可将8位A/D转换器的分辨率提高到接近16位A/D的水平,适用于高速数据系采集系统,给出了相应的硬件原理图和软件框图。  相似文献   
运用图模型理论研究冲突视角下中欧班列运营过程中运输订单商业竞争战略,构建“渝新欧”班列运营商、“苏满欧”班列运营商和昆山IT企业之间的商业竞争冲突模型。利用TOPSIS法评估班列的运输效率,确定决策者偏好,通过计算均衡解获得符合各决策者利益的理性对策。借助灵敏度分析研究决策者偏好改变对模型冲突结果的影响。研究表明:在竞争中,运输效率较低的一方可以通过降低价格弥补自身劣势而获得订单;运输效率较高的一方只有通过降价才能获得订单。该研究为班列运营商提供利益冲突中的商业竞争战略,能为顾客企业选择高效合理的运输线路提供有效的战略决策,同时亦能为宏观调控者规范市场、提高市场运输效率提供有效的政策启示。  相似文献   
美国宪法第四修正案中的"相当理由"在司法实践中经历了从一元向多元的嬗变,与之遥相呼应,美国理论界也一直存在着"相当理由"究竟是固定标准还是滑动标准的论争。我国未来刑事诉讼法的修改,应借鉴美国法上的"相当理由"标准,在遵循比例原则的基础上,规定多元化的刑事强制措施证明标准的同时,建立相关的配套措施,保障刑事强制措施制度的正当化。  相似文献   
Many articles which have estimated models with forward looking expectations have reported that the magnitude of the coefficients of the expectations term is very large when compared with the effects coming from past dynamics. This has sometimes been regarded as implausible and led to the feeling that the expectations coefficient is biased upwards. A relatively general argument that has been advanced is that the bias could be due to structural changes in the means of the variables entering the structural equation. An alternative explanation is that the bias comes from weak instruments. In this article, we investigate the issue of upward bias in the estimated coefficients of the expectations variable based on a model where we can see what causes the breaks and how to control for them. We conclude that weak instruments are the most likely cause of any bias and note that structural change can affect the quality of instruments. We also look at some empirical work in Castle et al. (2014 Castle, J. L., Doornik, J. A., Hendry, D. F., Nymoen, R. (2014). Misspecification testing: non-invariance of expectations models of inflation. Econometric Reviews 33:56, 553574, doi:10.1080/07474938.2013.825137[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) on the new Kaynesian Phillips curve (NYPC) in the Euro Area and U.S. assessing whether the smaller coefficient on expectations that Castle et al. (2014 Castle, J. L., Doornik, J. A., Hendry, D. F., Nymoen, R. (2014). Misspecification testing: non-invariance of expectations models of inflation. Econometric Reviews 33:56, 553574, doi:10.1080/07474938.2013.825137[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) highlight is due to structural change. Our conclusion is that it is not. Instead it comes from their addition of variables to the NKPC. After allowing for the fact that there are weak instruments in the estimated re-specified model, it would seem that the forward coefficient estimate is actually quite high rather than low.  相似文献   
Reducing non-marital childbearing and making nonresidential fathers take greater responsibility for their children were identified as goals of numerous policy changes since the 1980s. Child-support award rates for children born to unmarried parents have been quite low historically, leading lawmakers to focus on increasing both award and payment rates for this group. Nonmarital fathers are also much less likely to have contact with their children. Although evidence suggests that policy efforts increase child support awards and receipt, the link between child support policies, child support outcomes, and father-child contact has received less attention. This paper uses data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation on children born between 1985–1997 to investigate the relationship between child-support award and receipt and the amount of contact that fathers have with their non-residential children. Since it is likely that both of these behaviors are, in part, determined by unobservable characteristics of the father, we estimate an instrumental variables Tobit model. The model is identified by our assumption that child support policy variables can impact child support awards and payments, but father-child contact cannot be directly legislated. Our results suggest that there are unintended, but desirable effects of child support establishment and collection. Policies to collect child support not only increase financial resources to families, but through their impact on payments increase visitation and contact between these children and their fathers. The estimated impact of receiving child support on contact is more than 27 days per year.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, Washington DC, January 2003 and the Annual Meetings of the Association of Public Policy and Management, November 2003. Support from NICHD Grant # HD30944 is gratefully acknowledged. We would like to thank Suzann Eshleman for excellent computer programming and James Scully for providing us with data on genetic testing laws.  相似文献   
Semifoldover designs, obtained by semifolding a regular two-level factorial design, have been discussed recently in the literature. In this article, with the use of indicator functions, we investigate various semifoldover designs that are obtained from a general two-level factorial design. We discuss when a main factor or a two-factor interaction can be de-aliased from their aliased two-factor interactions, and extend some of the existing results from regular designs to non-regular designs. Finally, we present some examples to illustrate the results developed here.  相似文献   
有志者事竟成。立志最重要的是立志把事做好 ,并坚持到底。  相似文献   

In the reliability analysis of mechanical repairable equipment subjected to reliability deterioration with operating time, two forms of the non-homogeneous Poisson processes, namely the Power-Law (PL) and the Log-Linear (LL) model, have found general acceptance in the literature. Inferential procedures, conditioned on the assumption of the PL or LL model, underestimate the overall uncertainty about a quantity of interest because the PL and LL models can provide different estimates of the quantity of interest, even when both of them adequately fit the observed data. In this paper, a composite estimation procedure, which uses the PL and LL models as competing models, is proposed in the framework of Bayesian statistics, thus allowing the uncertainty involved in model selection to be considered. A model-free approach is then proposed for incorporating technical information on the failure mechanism into the inferential procedure. Such an approach, which is based on two model-free quantities defined irrespectively of the functional form of the failure model, prevents that the prior information on the failure mechanism can improperly introduce prior probabilities on the adequacy of each model to fit the observed data. Finally, numerical applications are provided to illustrate the proposed procedures.  相似文献   
In this paper we show that the 3SLS estimator of a system of equations is asymptotically equivalent to an iterative 2SLS estimator applied to each equation, augmented with the residuals from the other equations. This result is a natural extension of Telser (1964).  相似文献   
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