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《Long Range Planning》2022,55(1):102069
Based on a longitudinal case study of China's high-speed rail embedded in the emerging economy context, we focus on what role the government plays and how that matters to open innovation (OI) for competitive advantage. By linking the OI literature with the national political institutions literature to motivate our research question, we propose a statist-based OI view to differentiate diverse government roles, investigating how government adopts roles in a combined way to push OI in stages. Our findings suggest that government is an important strategic decision-maker for OI. Specifically, the government plays various roles as commander, protector, cultivator, and intermediator, reflecting state activism derived from national political institutions, to construct institutional-level OI for domestic OI activities, and inbound and outbound OI across national borders. We find government can deliberately and strategically use its diverse roles in a combined way to push OI for competitive advantage through the industrial evolutionary process over time. Our study contributes to the OI literature and integrates the strategic management literature with the study of OI to provide new insights to explain the origins of competitive advantage from the state perspective.  相似文献   
史称“新感觉派”后起之秀的黑婴是唯一一位跻身于1930年代中国主流文坛的南洋华侨作家。这位生于荷印棉兰,长于广东梅县,深造于“魔都”上海的新一代南洋华侨,在“民国时态”浓郁的南洋氛围中登陆沪上文坛。在此跨文化的激烈碰撞与深度融合中,黑婴经由“乡愁”的激发与引领,讲述了新一代南洋华侨青年的苦难、迷惘以及艰难的蜕变。今天看来,这种包含着独特生命体验和丰富历史痛感的文化乡愁,正是南侨作家黑婴在“华文文学”和“海派文学”的脉络之外,贡献给中国现代文学真正而独特的“新感觉”。  相似文献   
英国自都铎王朝后期至斯图亚特早期,立宪君主论或混合君主论者抵制君权神授论,坚持家庭是一个自治的、涉及臣民私人权益的小政府,受到自然法、古代宪法或神圣法的保护。《复仇者悲剧》中公爵王室言行映射詹姆士一世在《皇家礼物》中所宣扬的君权神授论,温迪斯兄弟俩及追随者的复仇隐含当时的政治抵制学说,公爵王室与温迪斯兄弟俩的对立象征君权神授论与普通法理论的对峙。温迪斯兄弟俩却以威胁新君为由被处死,司法斗争简约为复仇冲动,维权英雄陡变为暴徒,暴君化身为明君,这暴露出君权神授论的悖论性和剧作家含混的复仇伦理。  相似文献   
The socio-economic literature has focused much on how overall inequality in income distribution (frequently measured by the Gini coefficient) undermines the “trickle down” effect. In other words, the higher the inequality in the income distribution, the lower is the growth elasticity of poverty. However, with the publication of Piketty’s magnum opus (2014), and a subsequent study by Chancel and Piketty (2017) of evolution of income inequality in India since 1922, the focus has shifted to the income disparity between the richest 1% (or 0.01%) and the bottom 50%. Their central argument is that the rapid growth of income at the top end of millionaires and billionaires is a by-product of growth. The present study extends this argument by linking it to poverty indices in India. Based on the India Human Development Survey 2005–12 – a nationwide panel survey-we examine the links between poverty and income inequality, especially in the upper tail relative to the bottom 50%, state affluence (measured in per capita income) and their interaction or their joint effect. Another feature of our research is that we analyse their effects on the FGT class of poverty indices. The results are similar in as much as direction of association is concerned but the elasticities vary with the poverty index. The growth elasticities are negative and significant for all poverty indices. In all three cases, the disparity between the income share of the top 1% and share of the bottom 50% is associated with greater poverty. These elasticities are much higher than the (absolute) income elasticities except in the case of the poverty gap. The largest increase occurs in the poverty gap squared – a 1% greater income disparity is associated with a 1.24% higher value of this index. Thus the consequences of even a small increase in the income disparity are alarming for the poorest.  相似文献   
剑溪堂刻本《书经》为近年在徽州地区发现的一种《尚书》新版本。根据其书口、版式、字体、用纸、内封面以及避讳等情况综合判断,该书刊行于明神宗万历年间,与北图藏元明间宗文书堂刻本《书集传音释六卷》同出一个版本系统。它的出现对于认识《书经》乃至整个《尚书》的流变史有其重要意义。在蔡沈集传《书经》普遍流行六册、七册线装本的情况下,三册毛装本无疑还具有较强的版本认识价值。  相似文献   
《辛丑条约》签订后,清政府开始在政治上进行变革,推行“新政”和预备立宪。在此过程中,自晚清以降出现的中央和地方的矛盾以及固有的满汉矛盾不断加剧甚至激化,在辛亥革命前夕严重动摇了清王朝的统治。  相似文献   
高校辅导员职业的专业划分问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校辅导员是否是一种职业,该不该划分专业,划分专业的标准是什么,具体由哪些专业构成,这些问题是高校辅导员专业化问题讨论中必须回答的问题。这些问题,有的理论界已有所探讨,但存在较大分歧,有的还未引起足够的重视。本文就此谈谈我们初浅的认识。  相似文献   
Against a background of mass unemployment and the increasing precariousness of employment, the current changes in the labour market demand that we examine the previously central role of paid employment in social integration. If the individual now deprived of employment or having a temporary contract is by dint of this fact less included in society or is less secure by not having a permanent salary, is it to say that he embodies the face of the de-affiliated, of those who miss out on social benefits? Taking the example of the Reunion Island which has the highest level of unemployment and population covered by the minimum income (RMI: Revenu Minimum d'Insertion) in the country, this article endeavours to explain and understand how, in the context of a protective society and increasingly flexible employment market, new methods of social integration without and resulting from paid employment are being formed.  相似文献   
“九·一八”事变后,东北军民组成抗日义勇军与日军进行了殊死搏斗,最后被迫退出东北,取道苏联,来到新疆。他们为稳定新疆政局、新疆军事的近代化、新疆经济文化的发展等作出了贡献,对新疆社会产生广泛影响。  相似文献   
女性文学在当代中国的发展历程由80年代的强调女性自立、男女平等等造成了新的性别困惑和压迫,到90年代的张扬性别意识、身体写作导致女性的物化,再到90年代末盛行的“小女人散文”的巧用自身优势去赢得社会认同。拟从这些具有典型意义的文本中透视女性的生存,从而给现实生活中的女性一些启示——积极利用自身优势去获得发展的机会。  相似文献   
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