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Abstract.  In this paper, we propose a random varying-coefficient model for longitudinal data. This model is different from the standard varying-coefficient model in the sense that the time-varying coefficients are assumed to be subject-specific, and can be considered as realizations of stochastic processes. This modelling strategy allows us to employ powerful mixed-effects modelling techniques to efficiently incorporate the within-subject and between-subject variations in the estimators of time-varying coefficients. Thus, the subject-specific feature of longitudinal data is effectively considered in the proposed model. A backfitting algorithm is proposed to estimate the coefficient functions. Simulation studies show that the proposed estimation methods are more efficient in finite-sample performance compared with the standard local least squares method. An application to an AIDS clinical study is presented to illustrate the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   
In the development of many diseases there are often associated random variables which continuously reflect the progress of a subject towards the final expression of the disease (failure). At any given time these processes, which we call stochastic covariates, may provide information about the current hazard and the remaining time to failure. Likewise, in situations when the specific times of key prior events are not known, such as the time of onset of an occult tumour or the time of infection with HIV-1, it may be possible to identify a stochastic covariate which reveals, indirectly, when the event of interest occurred. The analysis of carcinogenicity trials which involve occult tumours is usually based on the time of death or sacrifice and an indicator of tumour presence for each animal in the experiment. However, the size of an occult tumour observed at the endpoint represents data concerning tumour development which may convey additional information concerning both the tumour incidence rate and the rate of death to which tumour-bearing animals are subject. We develop a stochastic model for tumour growth and suggest different ways in which the effect of this growth on the hazard of failure might be modelled. Using a combined model for tumour growth and additive competing risks of death, we show that if this tumour size information is used, assumptions concerning tumour lethality, the context of observation or multiple sacrifice times are no longer necessary in order to estimate the tumour incidence rate. Parametric estimation based on the method of maximum likelihood is outlined and is applied to simulated data from the combined model. The results of this limited study confirm that use of the stochastic covariate tumour size results in more precise estimation of the incidence rate for occult tumours.  相似文献   
柳键 《管理工程学报》2006,20(4):146-148,114
在时变需求环境下,基于模型推导得到供需双方基本库存水平局部优化与整体优化决策方程,并基于算例对基本库存水平整体优化的成本绩效以及需求时变性的影响进行数据分析,得到如下重要结论:基本库存水平整体优化明显降低供应链库存成本.  相似文献   
金融危机近些年爆发频繁,传统市场理论如有效市场假说和行为金融面对复杂的现实金融世界未能给出合理解释.Lo提出的适应性市场假说则弥合了这两个学派的分歧,逐渐引起了学术界的重视.本文尝试从动态市场效率、时变贝塔和技术交易策略演变这三个角度对适应性市场假说能否解释我国资本市场进行实证研究.研究发现:我国股票市场效率在动态变化,无效的时段与金融危机或政策巨变等重大事件联系密切;股市风格指数贝塔随市场环境变化而改变;技术交易策略绩效随投资者适应环境变化而演变.研究结果表明,适应性市场假说相比有效市场假说和经典资本资产定价模型,能够更好地解释我国资本市场上述现象.最后对投资者如何根据市场环境变化制定适应性投资策略给出几点建议.  相似文献   
Vickrey提出的基于出行的瓶颈模型以出行作为分析单位,没有考虑出行与活动之间的相互关联.本文对Vickrey的瓶颈模型进行了拓展,提出了基于活动的瓶颈模型来研究通勤者早晨上班出发时间决策问题,模型考虑了通勤者对出行负效用与活动效用之间的权衡.在基于活动的瓶颈模型的基础上,分别研究了常数和线性边际活动效用下瓶颈动态拥挤收费和阶梯收费问题,并与传统的瓶颈模型的解进行比较.结果表明,当活动的边际效用为线性函数时,瓶颈处最优动态收费曲线不再呈分段线性关系,而是分段二次曲线;与基于活动的瓶颈模型相比,传统的基于出行的瓶颈模型将高估瓶颈处的排队延误、阶梯收费水平,以及早高峰的开始和结束时间;基于出行的瓶颈模型和常数边际活动效用下的瓶颈模型导致的最优阶梯收费是最优动态收费最大值的一半,并且刚好消除瓶颈处排队延误的一半;与线性边际活动效用下的瓶颈模型相比较,两者低估了阶梯收费能消除的瓶颈排队,从而低估了阶梯收费的效率.  相似文献   
金融危机传染分析是国际金融领域中的重要课题,本文对Copula变点检测方法进行推广,采用时变非参数阿基米德Copula模型检验金融危机传染的存在性及其变化趋势,以时变尾部相依系数的大小来度量危机传染程度,并结合系数的变化趋势和时间段对金融危机传染效应进行分析.最后选择全球六个主要股票市场指数和S&P500指数进行危机传染实证研究,得出次贷危机对不同国家或地区的传染效应有所差别.  相似文献   
The recursive least squares technique is often extended with exponential forgetting as a tool for parameter estimation in time-varying systems. The distribution of the resulting parameter estimates is, however, unknown when the forgetting factor is less than one. In this paper an approximative expression for bias of the recursively obtained parameter estimates in a time-invariant AR( na ) process with arbitrary noise is given, showing that the bias is non-zero and giving bounds on the approximation errors. Simulations confirm the approximation expressions.  相似文献   
采用基于时变参数Copula的ΔCoVaR度量方法,以动态参数Copula模型描述金融变量间的相依结构、以GARCH类模型描述各金融变量的边际分布,通过构建的联合分布计算ΔCoVaR。利用此方法度量中国大陆与美国、香港的股票市场间的极端风险溢出。实证结果表明:通过此方法计算的ΔCoVaR能同时反映时变波动性与时变相依性,可更灵敏准确地度量危机时的极端风险溢出。  相似文献   

In continuous-time capture-recapture experiments, individual heterogeneity has a large effect on the capture probability. To account for the heterogeneity, we consider an individual covariate, which is categorical and subject to missing. In this article, we develop a general model to summarize three kinds of missing mechanisms, and propose a maximum likelihood estimator of the abundance. A likelihood ratio confidence interval of the abundance is also proposed. We illustrate the proposed methods by simulation studies and a real data example of a bird species prinia subflava in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
In survival analysis, we sometimes encounter data with multiple censored outcomes. Under certain scenarios, partial or even all covariates have ‘similar’ relative risks on the multiple outcomes in the Cox regression analysis. The similarity in covariate effects can be quantified using the proportionality of regression coefficients. Identifying the proportionality structure, or equivalently whether covariates have individual or collective effects, may have important scientific implications. In addition, it can lead to a smaller set of unknown parameters, which in turn results in more accurate estimation. In this article, we develop a novel approach for identifying the proportionality structure. Simulation shows the satisfactory performance of the proposed approach and its advantage over estimation under no assumed structure. We analyse three datasets to demonstrate the practical application of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
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