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L-R-S-W--大学英语阅读教学新径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
听、读、说、写全面发展是大学英语教学的总体目标,四项基本技能密切相关。在四项技能全面发展的前提下,如何进行阅读教学,,如何配合阅读教学加强听、学、写的能力培养。本文主要探讨一种以阅读为主兼顾听、说、写技能训练的大学英语阅读教学模式。  相似文献   
历代都有人谈关于打字的问题。明末清初黄生认为,打由提(dǐ)字音转而来;清初李因笃认为,挞字变声调减笔画就成了打;王力先生认为,打读丁雅切与方言无关,把打的音变列入"偶然性"一类。其实,打字汉代就有,是朾的俗字。打字本音德冷切或都挺切,读如丁雅切是唐五代西北的方音现象,敦煌文献和现代西北方音均可为证。打的丁雅切后来上升为通语,南宋以后进入韵书,而德冷切或都挺切的读音则保留在吴语等方言中。  相似文献   
本文简要地介绍和评述了彭加勒的科学美学观,旨在发掘和光扬他的这一宝贵的科学美学遗产。  相似文献   
若斯坎·德·普雷作为文艺复兴时期最重要的作曲家之一,其在作品中将音乐绘词法这一作曲方式进一步发展,对后人的音乐,乃至巴洛克时代的音乐产生了重要的影响。试从多角度考察音乐绘词法,并对文艺复兴中期颇具影响力的法国作曲家若斯坎·德·普雷的声乐作品进行探究,从音乐中描绘性的旋律特点来看其词曲关系的融合,突出其比同时代作曲家所展现出的对于歌词情感内涵创作的特点与贡献。  相似文献   
1972年是中美缓和与越战和谈的关键一年,二者同时进行并相互影响。越南问题最终和平解决在很大程度上是由于中美缓和后客观上给越南带来的孤立感和压力,而非通常所认为的是中国为了与美国缓和向越方施压的结果。  相似文献   
论释意理论视角下的同传口译得失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会,经济飞速发展,全球交流与日俱增,口译日益重要。但在现实中,尤其是现场口译,译员会碰到平常演练中不会碰到的各种实际问题,会犯许多错误。本文运用法国释意学派翻译理论来发掘这一问题,以前外交部长答中外记者问的现场口译材料为研究对象,从认知的角度发现错误,分析错误产生的原因,并提出解决问题的办法。  相似文献   

The adoption of control charts can be traced to the classic text by Shewhart (1931 Shewhart, W. A. 1931. Economic control of quality of manufactured product. London: Macmillan. ISBN: 1614278115. [Google Scholar]) and championed by many writers since then, including Deming (1982 Deming, W. E. 1982. Out of the crisis: Quality, productivity and competitive position. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521305535. [Google Scholar]). Numerous other texts and publications stress the continuing importance of this area. While tables of key Shewhart control chart parameters are extremely useful they are easily lost or mislaid and can sometimes be difficult to interpret. To address this issue spreadsheet code is implemented to produce all the key control chart factors.  相似文献   
法国女性主义批评提出了女性写作、女人腔、符号学等理论,强调语言与女性身体、本能、非理性之间的联系,突出语言在性别主体建构中的重要作用,意图通过身体写作的革命性语言实践,颠覆父权制历史文化传统,赋予女性身体以性别政治的功能,对语言的认识开始由工具论逐渐转向本体论,完成了女性主义批评的语言学转向,在语言理论的深化及批评的学理性方面取得了巨大的成绩。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought several challenges to the way organizations were functioning globally. Considering the case of India, this is a time of complete work transformation for the entire workforce across all sectors of work. As the work from home scenario has never been a part of the functioning of Indian organizations, whether public or private, there are serious concerns of managing the same particularly in time of this crisis. Thus, the present article provides an insight into the response of Indian organizations in combating the repercussions that the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn with it as well as the challenges being faced. In line with the same, we propose the adoption of a 4-R Crisis-Normalcy Model of HRD that can be used by the HRD professionals to redefine, relook, redesign, and reincorporate the HRD interventions in the COVID-19 context. This model not only provides the basis for managing the COVID-19 pandemic aligned to organizational functioning but is a way forward to dealing with any type of crisis situation that may affect an organization.  相似文献   
德国作家格拉斯强调自己既是作家也是公民,他把参与和批判视为自己的社会使命。在他看来,作家作为"同时代人",应当抵抗占主导地位的"时代精神";这基于他对荒诞现实的认识。他不断努力拓宽的现实主义概念,试图把下意识、想象、梦幻、虚构这些常被看做空幻的东西引入认识视野。他认为神话和童话具有某种领悟真实的创造性维度,能在碎片中亦即被打碎的真实中重建过去、现在和未来之间的关联。  相似文献   
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